Especially in this pandemic situation ICT Integration plays an important role. As in the course only they explaining many ICT tools which may help in Teaching-learning process. in evaluation also we can use many resources.
ICT integration creates interest, involvement and joyful learning. As all we know that our children are digital natives and they spend most of the time infront of electronic gadgets if we make use of the same to facilitate learning environment it creats interest in them. The course talks about simple and vivid educational apps which makes our teaching-learning process easy, interesting and simple. As a mathematics teacher i am great fan f Geogebra which helps me in teaching so many abstract ideas. And assesment tools like google forms, survey heart, quizzes.........helps a lot for quick evaluation.
Of Course ICT provided me an opportunity to access a wide range of new pedagogy .These Technologies are used to enable teacher's to do task more efficiently. Teacher's can use ICT tools to construct the lessons in an effective manner. Which enhances the learning of the students as well as teacher's. Technology help teacher's assess their students learning as well as their performance in classroom.
The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.
ICT in last 2 years has upgrade the quality of education system at a next level before pandemic also it was in use but partially. in teaching-learning its helping alot as it's completely digital and few required information like when ,where,and the last date it automatically restored ,keeps the ASSESSMENT RECORD accurate and it has very less chances of mistakes and keeps the record for longer time. from studying to evaluate and assessing it's all ICT makes great effort in teaching -learning.
Technology can help teachers assess their students' learning as well as their performance in the classroom. Use of ICT in assessment involves the use of digital devices to assist in the construction, delivery, storage or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback
Assessment involves test taking or critical analysis by student on the particular content that has been already taught. ICT enables us, as teachers, to ease the process of assessment by creating flexible and easily accessible digital tests and include varied types of questions in terms of evaluation.
now a days technology plays a vital role in the system of education . So many teachers uses their technological skills in the class room teaching . teachers use interactive methods of teaching in ICT . uses mobile apps and also different youtube channels.
ICT can help the teachers to assess students learning as well as the students performance in the classroom it also involves critical analysis by students on a particular content. ICT can also help in storing the content and sometimes we can manipulate if it is required.
आईसीटी सपोर्ट स्टूडेंट एंड टीचर विथ इंट्रोडक्शन ऑफ टीचिंग लर्निंग मेथड टीचिंग ऐड्स इन ऑनलाइन डिजिटल सिस्टम स्टूडेंट अवेयर अबाउट दिस एंड क्रिएट टू स्टडी द मैटेरियल
सबसे बढ़िया बेनिफिट यह हुआ कि विद्यार्थी डिजिटल टेक्नोलॉजी से शिक्षण के समय में पूर्णता दत्त दत्त चित्त होकर के वीडियोस को देख कर के अपनी प्रतिक्रिया और अधिगम सामग्री का होमवर्क कंप्लीट करता है
ICT helps teachers to interact with students. It helps them in preparation their teaching, provide feedback. It also helps in effective use of ICT software and hardware for teaching – learning process. It helps in enhancing Teaching skills, helps in innovative Teaching. Without ICT we can not conduct online classes. It is playing a very important role in this pandemic.
With the help of ICT a teacher can enhance the teaching and learning process in wider and deeper way. Meanwhile it also gives us an idea to explain any particular subject in very much clean and effective way which may result the better understanding of concept of student in the particular subjects.
It helps teacher to interact with the incorporates electronic technologies techniques used to manage information and knowledge retention, including information handling tools used to produce, store, process, distribute and exchange information.
It helps teaching and learning more interactive, interesting and fruitful for both the Teachers' as well as students as the study materials are easily available and can give many options to explain any particular topic and make the students understand the concept better and at the same time it gives the feedback instantly. And one of the best part of this ict is that we can collect, store, manipulate,send and receive any kind of information for our future reference.
ICT plays a vital role in teaching- learning process at secondary level of education. It enhances learners progress through collaboration with teachers . In this pandemic situation, it would have been impossible to continue teaching- learning process without ICT.
ICT has made connection with the student so much easier the use of ICT in my teaching has helped me a lot in making student understand the lesson through showing videos ppt and so many the use of ICT in present pendemic situation has been like and icing on the cake for a teachers
ICT ensures a new innovative education system away from the traditional classroom environment which is essential to keep up with the changing times and also make the society more technologically aware.
ICT stretched the teachers and students closer amidst the pandemic by using different mode like Social media outlets, electronic mails etc by sending videos, images, and different file format related to the subjects. We can also easily evaluate or assesst through online using google form and so on.
It is an additional tool in our teaching learning process.Where an additional avenue for teaching has opened.The teacher has additional inputs like pictures, videos, animations etc to make the class more interesting. The kids on their part have more to look on examples for the lesson taught.
ICT empowers teachers to use digital resources for effective teaching and learning process not only within the confines of the classroom but also beyond it, crossing geographical barriers and reaching out to learners. The innumerable resources created could be stored and retrieved as and when it is necessary.
ICT has helped students to understand the lesson better with the help of videos etc. It help us as well as students to learn about various applications .
As we are in digital world, nothing can be done without it now adays. As the pandemic arises this digital gadgets become more and more useful. We have to organised online class and record a lecture video, without ICT we cannot handle all these things. Classes have been taken through online and with the advancement of ICT students and teachers are being able to have an interaction through this. Much more has to come yet. Thank you
ICT resources are interesting and the learning through this platform is preffered these days. The use of ICT is the need of the hour. ICT helps in teaching learning assessment and evaluation.
During this pandemic,ICT plays an important role as there are many online resources available at our hand. It allows new ways of learning for students and teachers. It enhance the modes of communication. It motivates and encourage the students to learn and the students become more engaged by using new technology. It promotes the digital culture in our school. We,teachers need to update ourselves in these technologies to suit the need of the hour
ICT helps students in many ways specially in this pandemic where classes are done through online using different apps... and also to us where we can explain our students through audio n video... helps both parties sending and receiving.....
ICT helping a lot in online teaching-learning & assessment during this covid19 pandemic when schools are closed. Whatsapp, Google meet, Google forms etc are being extensively used.
ICT'S helps us a lot to make the teaching learning process much more enjoyable and effective, if we find any difficulty in transacting the knowledge we can download videos and pictures online can with its help it will make our effort fruitful and easy.
ICT first of all gives clarity on what exactly a creative and productive teacher has been doing so long and gives confidents and an appropriate understanding to work better with good refrence in hand.
It helps in assessing their grades, it also help the teachers focus on supportive learning by providing feedback to students. And also to acquire new ideas...
ICT provides platform to be active .it gives access to holistic learning to teachers as well as students. Making teaching and learning very easy and interesting.
The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material, and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.
During these pandemic days...I use WhatsApp to be in touch with my students. Weekly we do have lessons through zoom meet and conduct test through Google form. For assignments and assessments I also use homework app after every lessons.
कोविड महामारी के दौरान आईसीटी ही एक ऐसा माध्यम रहा जिसके द्वारा शिक्षण कार्य संभव हो सका। व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप के माध्यम से बच्चों से कुछ हद तक संपर्क किया जा सका। आईसीटी के माध्यम से ही उच्चाधिकारियों व अपने अधीनस्थ शिक्षकों से संपर्क में रह सके।
The teachers share test papers or evaluation sheets through whatsapp and teachers send feedback to the students through whatsapp. It was the only medium in covid pandemic. ICT is very helpful in teaching.
In the present time it is difficult to move forward without technical assistance, modern technologies have given a new dimension to teaching, with the help of new technologies, the access to the child and the teaching process has become very interesting and informative. will play a role
I use ICT in teaching to make my teaching easy and interesting, but during COVID Pandemic where classes are conducted through online mode only ICT is vital to the teaching and learning. ICT not only helps in teaching through online mode. conduct of online tests and assessment, recording of the classes, management of the student data and school records can only be possible with ICT and digital literacy.
ICT and be used in Teaching Learning Assessment especially during lockdown when we are doing classes online. We conduct tests online with the help of ICT tools like Zoom Meeting Whasapp.
During pendamic situation we are conducting our classes virtually through different online resources. ICT helping us to conduct tests/ assessment frequently at a time and post their performance in same manner.
I create learning materials for the students,give them assignments through digital apps,which the students replied and sent back through the same apps and I assess their understanding based on their performance.
ICT helps in transfering the data easily in digital format and also helps in motivating the learner and it helped a lot during this pandemic situation.
ICT has helped me cater holistic education to children during these pandemic.children are developing multisensory approach towards teaching learning process.
कोरोना का हाल में आईसीडी से ही शिक्षण कार्य संभव हुआ जो भी कंटेन हमें इस्माइल 3 के अंतर्गत प्राप्त होते हैं हम उन्हें विद्यार्थियों के साथ साझा कर अधिगम करवाया गया।
It helps us to teach the childrens with latest informations, makes us aware of the latest information about the subject and to teach the students more conveniently
ICT Supports out teaching in various way. Like in my subject chemistry I can use YouTube videos to show cathode ray tube and it’s experiment which is not possible in our ordinary school lab.
The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning. ICT can be used in testing to administer tests, to score the tests, to analyse the result and to facilitate teachers in assessing learning outcomes. ... ICT provides opportunities for students to create electronic versions of their portfolio. ICT can also support students to complete their project
ICT has been a great help in teaching learning process it has helped in easy access to related content which are not available in classrooms in present situation it has helped us in storing data of student exchanging information and easy communication
it was very new for us but ICT help us and our students in teaching learning process। It is new pedagogy for us but we enjoy it. It is impossible to manage school administrative work without ICT.
ICT has helped a lot in teaching learning process by sharing the information and as well as storing the data about the students about how much they have understood the topic in more convenient way and avoiding the rote method.
ICT helps us to make lesson plan in more effective manner. It helps us to store information and data of our students. It saves our time. And it helps in teaching learning process more easy and effective for both teacher and the student. It also help students to understand their subjects through more than one means whichever they may be comfortable with.
Children at secondary level tend to have more distractions. ICT certainly help both teachers and children equally. Children get the concepts through one or more senses...
ICT is a powerful tool that cannot be untouched in today's world. I incorporate ICT in teaching, evaluation and feedback. Online quizzes, coding and interactive contents make the lesson more effective.
Very challenging for the students and teacher as well. It draws the attention of the student rather than reading text book. But due to lack of facility, it is less helpful.
ICT is very useful in teaching learning process as it enables the potentialities of both teachers and learners.The best thing about it is we can collect,store,manipulate,send and receive information as well as get feedback.
ICT helps us alot in our teaching learning assessment. It makes it easier for us to record the students progress and take immediate actions thereafter. It draws the attention of the students and make learning fun for them.
ICT has helped my teaching immensely...use of projector aided with internet has enabled the class to be highly interactive as it really makes interesting for students due to availability of diverse sources of resources for various topics the same time the audio visual effect also made them aware of technology was really a great plus point in overall learning
During this pandemic each and every method of modern technology was used and still the process of teaching learning is going on. It has given both an opportunity to teach and learn and made both more aware.
ICT help the students to capture concepts better as it keeps their mind active and alert. I can teach the students in more interesting ways. It helps me to monitor and assess the students better. It also allows the students to monitor and manage their own learning. It provides a platform for students to help one another
With the help of ICT teachers are able to keep records of their students they are even able to monitor the performance of the students in classroom. IT even helps teachers to conduct task, assessment or quizzes.... especially during this pandemic ICT has helped us a lot to be still connected with our students.
Ict helps to make teaching process smoothly and help to boost interest in learners as well as create interest in teachers to teach. Ict also helps to make teaching process easier as it includes, visual, auditory,listening, analysing, manipulating, etc. So teaching with ict is the best
ICT provide a wide range of technologies for teaching. Which helped me to teach students properly. Either it is contacting them virtually or giving them assignments in form of questionnaires or objectives.
ICT help me during this pandemic period for transacting my teaching learning process without making any physical appearance with my students. ICT provide a new platform to everyone to go smoothly in learning process , to conduct classes to share ppt, to provide assinment...
Now a days children have become tech savvy.So ICT has become a medium which encourages and motivates them to learn better in classroom. ICT provides different opportunities to make teaching process more fun and enjoyable thereby promoting more participation of students in the learning process resulting to which they will be able to gain and retain knowledge more effectively and efficiently.
ICT is playing an awesome role in students understanding and development,specially right now,in pandemic situation.It has introduced not only students but every individual to a whole new world
ICT has become very effective tool during this Pandemic lockdown period to take classes for all the teachers. In our state the teachers are using WhatsApp and EDUTECH for teaching learning process and it is quite effective.
The common use of ICT for teaching includes preparation for notes, teaching learning resources and examinations. ICT is also used for publication purposes, which is mainly to disseminate information or ideas and share them with the school community, public, governement organisations within the country or abroad. Publication like newsletter, brochure or a website. ICT can also be used in evaluation.In formative evaluation like portfolio, reports, essays, journals, case studies and scenerio.In summatuve evaluation like grading and making a judgement about the participants achievement in a course.
ICT Technology is used to enable teacher's to do task more efficiently. It help teacher's assess their students learning as well as their performance in classroom.
The use of ICT has enabled both the teachers and students to play proactive role in teaching and learning process. This Pandemic has given us an opportunity to enhance the same. ICT allows me to use the time diligently and efficiently. ICT should help students to be more creative and prompt. It also encouraged students to use electronic devices for learning purpose, other than entertainment.
it makes teaching and learning process more easy and interesting. Multimedia with a blend of technology will create wonders in classroom as well as in online teachings.
Using of ICT now a days is most essential and for effective teaching learning process. As told that it is not only preparing, storing and presentation of slides in the classroom for active interaction, but also should send and receive the information. In the pandemic situations, it is very useful for communication of the same. In remote villages without communication system, it is mere difficult for communication. It is very useful in all fields like publications, journals and education if it is available to the needs of the children.
ICT is very useful and interesting but it can't be used at each and every part of our country for the time being now. The government must have real spot verification before installing of ICT tools. Now we are taking online classes using WhatsApp.
ICT is very helpful and an effecive tool that can be used for the teaching learning process. Sharing of videos and pictures using varios online platform and taking the feedback makes the learning process enjoyable.
ICT is an effective tool for teaching and learning process, it makes learning more enjoyable and it helps in making the content clear and easy to understand.
Since ICT adopts multisensory learning technique i.e visual, auditory, Kinesthetic, tactile stimulus providing variety of learning experience to the children which promotes their concept formation and holistic development. ICT helps facilitate the transaction between students keeping them updated and teachers enhancing their capacity and ability fostering effective teaching-learning process through email, e learning, web based learning.
ICT has played an important role during this pandemic by easily accessing persons using online platforms to connect with each other and even in education providing learning platforms in a more visualized way and making classes more interactive and fun. Therefore, ICT is very important in today's era.
ICT helps teachers in both pre-service and in-Service teachers training. ICT helps teachers to interact with students. It helps them in preparation their teaching, provide feedback. It helps in improve Teaching skill, helps in innovative Teaching. It helps in effectiveness of classroom.
ICTs can increase the learner motivation and engagement, by facilitating the acquisition of basic skills, and by enhancing teacher training. ICTs are also transformational tools which, when used appropriately, can promote the shift to a learner-centered environment.
ICT helps to store and analyze the student information and assessment and as a teacher we can give immediate feedback about that.
ICT plays a vital role in assessing students as it helps the teacher to collect more of information and develop more on understanding of new materials for the students and also accessing and providing feedback to students so that the teachers can focus on learning. It also helps the teachers to monitor and access the students with the various ways like by sharing videos, audios, written words, presentations through the means of social media.
Technology can completely revolutionized the education system in the present pandemic situation. It helps teachers assess their students' learning outcomes as well as their performance in the classroom. Use of ICT in Assessment consists the use of digital devices to assist in the construction, delivery, storage or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback as and when required. Teachers are upgrading themselves to improve teaching-learning process.
ICT help me in storing information about the students and it also recorded information. It also helps us to share videos,summary of the topics,audio to the students.we also can know how students are developing and understanding the new things.
Information and communication technology plays important role in teaching learning process.It help me to create,store,retrieve,manipulate and send information to learners which they receive and help them to send their feedback.
ICT plays a pivotal rule in teaching learning process. It takes learning beyond textbooks. It wouldn't have been possible to remain in contact with our students if ICT is not there during this pandemic. Thanks to the one who created it 🙏
ICT as a powerful medium has proved to be very useful in teaching work as well as it is working in making the learning process interesting, through ICT the learning ability of the student can be increased.
ICT helps in holistic development of a child as it creates interest in the child to learn easily and happily. Especially during this pandemic situation it plays an important role in teaching learning process
ICT has proved to be the biggest support in teaching learning assessments at secondary level. With the help of ICT only we are in constant touch with our students.especially during covid-19 situation. Both the students and teachers can go beyond boring textbooks and can explore the world of knowledge with the help of ICT. Now teachers can keep data of all the assessments for future use also. Thank you the God of Technology 👍
ICT कोरोना काल में एक वरदान बना हुआ है।बच्चों के साथ अभिभावकों को भी ICT के महत्व को समझा है।ICT का स्कूली शिक्षा में उपयोग एक क्रांतिकारी पहल है बशर्ते इसका उपयोग सीमित दायरे में किया जाए।
ICT help Store and create teaching learning material according to the needs of the students. It really help the students to learn more effectively. Students get immediate feedback of their learning outcomes. We can get data from various sources and alter it according to the needs of the children. In this pandemic situation it really plays a crucial role to immerse the students in learning process.
Especially in this Covid pandemic ICT plays a vital role in our teaching-learning process as face to face teaching process cannot be done.. various digital tools like watsapp,youtube,google meet and so on has been really helpful these days.With the help of ICT we are able to record and provide feedback to our students.
ICT are currently being used in education to assist students to learn more effectively by providing teachers with access to a wide range of new pedagogy. It enables teachers to do traching and administrative tasks more efficiently.
ICT is a very essential tool in our present day teaching scenario as maximum learning takes place through its use. We create information, store the information, make suitable changes as per our needs , deliver the information and recieve feedbacks. Teaching through ICT is an interactive process and through it assessment of the student's learning level can be monitored. At the Secondary Level most of our students have access to smart phones and other gadgets for online classes. Effective use of ICT by the teacher will certainly benefit the students and achieve the learning outcomes.
Think of the word HAPPY. Share what comes to your mind immediately. How will you feel if someone shares something about being HAPPY, which is very different from what you shared? What could be the reasons for this difference? Share your reflections.
Integration of ICT in teaching learning process
ReplyDeleteIt helps in holistic development of child as it raise interest of students in teaching learning process.
DeleteEspecially in this pandemic situation ICT Integration plays an important role. As in the course only they explaining many ICT tools which may help in Teaching-learning process. in evaluation also we can use many resources.
DeleteICT integration creates interest, involvement and joyful learning. As all we know that our children are digital natives and they spend most of the time infront of electronic gadgets if we make use of the same to facilitate learning environment it creats interest in them. The course talks about simple and vivid educational apps which makes our teaching-learning process easy, interesting and simple. As a mathematics teacher i am great fan f Geogebra which helps me in teaching so many abstract ideas. And assesment tools like google forms, survey heart, quizzes.........helps a lot for quick evaluation.
DeleteInteration of ICT in Teaching
ReplyDeleteICT helps in conducting assessment for students and enable teachers to analyse their students in a real time manner
ReplyDeleteICT helps to store and analyse the student information and assessment and as a teacher we can give immediate feedback about that.
ReplyDeleteICT helps in transferring information in digital format which is easily accessible.
ReplyDeleteOf Course ICT provided me an opportunity to access a wide range of new pedagogy .These Technologies are used to enable teacher's to do task more efficiently. Teacher's can use ICT tools to construct the lessons in an effective manner. Which enhances the learning of the students as well as teacher's. Technology help teacher's assess their students learning as well as their performance in classroom.
ReplyDeleteIt was very new for us but ICT help us and ourstudents in teaching learning process।
ReplyDeleteIt is new padagogy for us but we injoy it
ICT help us so much in teaching on line to our students
ReplyDeleteIt help us in teaching learning process
ReplyDeleteWithout ITC We would not be able to teaching
ReplyDeleteIt help us for teaching learning process
ReplyDeleteICT supported us so much.wihout it we could do nothing
ReplyDeleteit will help in assessing their grades, it will help the teachers focus on supportive learning by providing feedback to students.
ReplyDeleteWithout ICT We couldn't do anything during pandemic
ReplyDeleteDuring covid only ICT was tool by which we conducted online classes
ReplyDeleteIT help us to store and analysis the feedback and solutions immediately
ReplyDeleteICT is a very helpful tool that caters the need of present era. It should be spreaded through entire Nation to enhance our Educational standards.
ReplyDeleteThe use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.
ReplyDeleteICT in last 2 years has upgrade the quality of education system at a next level before pandemic also it was in use but partially. in teaching-learning its helping alot as it's completely digital and few required information like when ,where,and the last date it automatically restored ,keeps the ASSESSMENT RECORD accurate and it has very less chances of mistakes and keeps the record for longer time. from studying to evaluate and assessing it's all ICT makes great effort in teaching -learning.
ReplyDeleteTechnology can help teachers assess their students' learning as well as their performance in the classroom. Use of ICT in assessment involves the use of digital devices to assist in the construction, delivery, storage or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback
ReplyDeleteAssessment involves test taking or critical analysis by student on the particular content that has been already taught. ICT enables us, as teachers, to ease the process of assessment by creating flexible and easily accessible digital tests and include varied types of questions in terms of evaluation.
ReplyDeletenow a days technology plays a vital role in the system of education . So many teachers uses their technological skills in the class room teaching . teachers use interactive methods of teaching in ICT . uses mobile apps and also different youtube channels.
ReplyDeleteWe cannot conduct class without ICT during covid 19
ReplyDeleteWithout ICT we cannot teach the lessons to the students.
ReplyDeleteICT can help the teachers to assess students learning as well as the students performance in the classroom it also involves critical analysis by students on a particular content. ICT can also help in storing the content and sometimes we can manipulate if it is required.
ReplyDeleteIt is very helpful in the teaching learning method..makes the class more interesting n inclusive
ReplyDeleteICT enables the teachers to assess the progress and achievements of teachers and students in a critical and more meaningful way.
ReplyDeleteHelps to making teaching and learning go along with the present generation likings
ReplyDeleteआईसीटी सपोर्ट स्टूडेंट एंड टीचर विथ इंट्रोडक्शन ऑफ टीचिंग लर्निंग मेथड टीचिंग ऐड्स इन ऑनलाइन डिजिटल सिस्टम स्टूडेंट अवेयर अबाउट दिस एंड क्रिएट टू स्टडी द मैटेरियल
ReplyDeleteसबसे बढ़िया बेनिफिट यह हुआ कि विद्यार्थी डिजिटल टेक्नोलॉजी से शिक्षण के समय में पूर्णता दत्त दत्त चित्त होकर के वीडियोस को देख कर के अपनी प्रतिक्रिया और अधिगम सामग्री का होमवर्क कंप्लीट करता है
ICT help me to access and learn wide ranges of quality of materials that upgrade my knowledge and skills.
ReplyDeleteICT helps teachers to interact with students. It helps them in preparation their teaching, provide feedback. It also helps in effective use of ICT software and hardware for teaching – learning process. It helps in enhancing Teaching skills, helps in innovative Teaching. Without ICT we can not conduct online classes. It is playing a very important role in this pandemic.
ReplyDeleteIt helps in holistic development of child as it raise interest of students in teaching learning process
ReplyDeleteWith the help of ICT a teacher can enhance the teaching and learning process in wider and deeper way. Meanwhile it also gives us an idea to explain any particular subject in very much clean and effective way which may result the better understanding of concept of student in the particular subjects.
ReplyDeleteIt helps teacher to interact with the incorporates electronic technologies techniques used to manage information and knowledge retention, including information handling tools used to produce, store, process, distribute and exchange information.
ReplyDeleteGood learning and interaction. Easily accessible knowledge
ReplyDeleteICT helps in transforming informations and getting feedback from the receipant ends which we can carry even in online mode.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt helps teaching and learning more interactive, interesting and fruitful for both the Teachers' as well as students as the study materials are easily available and can give many options to explain any particular topic and make the students understand the concept better and at the same time it gives the feedback instantly. And one of the best part of this ict is that we can collect, store, manipulate,send and receive any kind of information for our future reference.
ReplyDeleteICT plays a vital role in teaching- learning process at secondary level of education. It enhances learners progress through collaboration with teachers . In this pandemic situation, it would have been impossible to continue teaching- learning process without ICT.
ReplyDeleteICT helps to keep record and provide feedback to the students. It also helps to assist students to learn more effectively.
ReplyDeleteIt will provide platform for teachers and students to learn and teach at this hour of pandemic
ReplyDeleteICT made teaching learning process easier in this pandemic hour.
ReplyDeleteICT has made connection with the student so much easier the use of ICT in my teaching has helped me a lot in making student understand the lesson through showing videos ppt and so many the use of ICT in present pendemic situation has been like and icing on the cake for a teachers
ReplyDeleteआईसीटी के माध्यम से दृष्य एवं श्रव्य साधनों के प्रयोग से शिक्षार्थी कन्टेन्ट को अच्छी तरह अधिगम करने में सक्षम होगा ।
ReplyDeleteICT ensures a new innovative education system away from the traditional classroom environment which is essential to keep up with the changing times and also make the society more technologically aware.
ReplyDeleteICT stretched the teachers and students closer amidst the pandemic by using different mode like Social media outlets, electronic mails etc by sending videos, images, and different file format related to the subjects. We can also easily evaluate or assesst through online using google form and so on.
ReplyDeleteICT helps in better teaching and learning. It helps in giving immediate feedback
ReplyDeleteIt is an additional tool in our teaching learning process.Where an additional avenue for teaching has opened.The teacher has additional inputs like pictures, videos, animations etc to make the class more interesting. The kids on their part have more to look on examples for the lesson taught.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteICT is a new innovative technology which helps teachers & students to learn new and knowledgeable thinvy
ReplyDeleteICT help both teacher and the student in teaching learning process in online mode.
DeleteHolistic learning
ReplyDeleteICT empowers teachers to use digital resources for effective teaching and learning process not only within the confines of the classroom but also beyond it, crossing geographical barriers and reaching out to learners. The innumerable resources created could be stored and retrieved as and when it is necessary.
ReplyDeleteICT has help a lot to the children as they also understood the chapters more clearly through videos and pictures
ReplyDeleteICT has helped students to understand the lesson better with the help of videos etc. It help us as well as students to learn about various applications .
ReplyDeleteAs we are in digital world, nothing can be done without it now adays. As the pandemic arises this digital gadgets become more and more useful. We have to organised online class and record a lecture video, without ICT we cannot handle all these things.
ReplyDeleteClasses have been taken through online and with the advancement of ICT students and teachers are being able to have an interaction through this. Much more has to come yet. Thank you
ICT resources are interesting and the learning through this platform is preffered these days. The use of ICT is the need of the hour. ICT helps in teaching learning assessment and evaluation.
ReplyDeleteDuring this pandemic,ICT plays an important role as there are many online resources available at our hand. It allows new ways of learning for students and teachers. It enhance the modes of communication. It motivates and encourage the students to learn and the students become more engaged by using new technology. It promotes the digital culture in our school. We,teachers need to update ourselves in these technologies to suit the need of the hour
ReplyDeleteICT helps students in many ways specially in this pandemic where classes are done through online using different apps... and also to us where we can explain our students through audio n video... helps both parties sending and receiving.....
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ReplyDeleteICT is helpful to the children as they also understood the chapters more clearly through videos,
ReplyDeleteICT helping a lot in online teaching-learning & assessment during this covid19 pandemic when schools are closed.
ReplyDeleteWhatsapp, Google meet, Google forms etc are being extensively used.
ICT'S helps us a lot to make the teaching learning process much more enjoyable and effective, if we find any difficulty in transacting the knowledge we can download videos and pictures online can with its help it will make our effort fruitful and easy.
ReplyDeleteICT help very much in teaching for students & teachers both.
ReplyDeleteICT first of all gives clarity on what exactly a creative and productive teacher has been doing so long and gives confidents and an appropriate understanding to work better with good refrence in hand.
ReplyDeleteIt is more helpful both students and teacher
ReplyDeleteIt helps to acquire new ideas.
ReplyDeleteVery helpful for both teacher and Student.
ReplyDeleteIt helps in assessing their grades, it also help the teachers focus on supportive learning by providing feedback to students. And also to acquire new ideas...
ReplyDeleteICT provides platform to be active .it gives access to holistic learning to teachers as well as students. Making teaching and learning very easy and interesting.
ReplyDeleteIt is an effective tool for appropriate teaching learning, it leads to better understanding of the concept hence constructive
ReplyDeleteThe use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material, and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.
ReplyDeleteDuring these pandemic days...I use WhatsApp to be in touch with my students. Weekly we do have lessons through zoom meet and conduct test through Google form. For assignments and assessments I also use homework app after every lessons.
ReplyDeleteICT helps motivating the learner and increase their understanding level
ReplyDeleteICT enhance teaching learning.
ReplyDeleteICT is helping us in teaching learning as well as in assessing the children's progress.
ReplyDeleteICT enables both teachers and students to uncover the 21st century skill i.e. Digital Literacy
ReplyDeleteकोविड महामारी के दौरान आईसीटी ही एक ऐसा माध्यम रहा जिसके द्वारा शिक्षण कार्य संभव हो सका। व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप के माध्यम से बच्चों से कुछ हद तक संपर्क किया जा सका। आईसीटी के माध्यम से ही उच्चाधिकारियों व अपने अधीनस्थ शिक्षकों से संपर्क में रह सके।
ReplyDeleteThe teachers share test papers or evaluation sheets through whatsapp and teachers send feedback to the students through whatsapp. It was the only medium in covid pandemic.
ReplyDeleteICT is very helpful in teaching.
In the present time it is difficult to move forward without technical assistance, modern technologies have given a new dimension to teaching, with the help of new technologies, the access to the child and the teaching process has become very interesting and informative. will play a role
ReplyDeletecan not manage school activities without ICT
ReplyDeleteI use ICT in teaching to make my teaching easy and interesting, but during COVID Pandemic where classes are conducted through online mode only ICT is vital to the teaching and learning. ICT not only helps in teaching through online mode. conduct of online tests and assessment, recording of the classes, management of the student data and school records can only be possible with ICT and digital literacy.
ReplyDeleteIct is helpful for children to get in touch with studies but it is not as effective as regular classes.
ReplyDeleteICT and be used in Teaching Learning Assessment especially during lockdown when we are doing classes online. We conduct tests online with the help of ICT tools like Zoom Meeting Whasapp.
ReplyDeleteIt create interest of learning among the students and also helpful for teachers to assess their students
ReplyDeleteDuring pendamic situation we are conducting our classes virtually through different online resources. ICT helping us to conduct tests/ assessment frequently at a time and post their performance in same manner.
ReplyDeleteICT has helped to sustain the teaching learning process during this pandemic and paving a new way of attaining knowledge
ReplyDeleteICT helps in delivering content of teaching and learning in better and simple way.
ReplyDeleteI create learning materials for the students,give them assignments through digital apps,which the students replied and sent back through the same apps and I assess their understanding based on their performance.
ReplyDeleteIt helps the teachers to analyse the feedback of the online teaching process.
ReplyDeleteICT helps in transfering the data easily in digital format and also helps in motivating the learner and it helped a lot during this pandemic situation.
ReplyDeleteइस टाइम सिर्फ ict का ही सहारा था बच्चों और हमे भी नया सीखने को मिला
ReplyDeleteICT helps us to creat a virtual classroom irrespective of location and provides a platform of new pedagogy to teaching and learning
ReplyDeleteICT helps teacher to explore multiple teaching techniques where students finds it easy to understand and also interesting.
ReplyDeleteICT has helped me cater holistic education to children during these pandemic.children are developing multisensory approach towards teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteकोरोना का हाल में आईसीडी से ही शिक्षण कार्य संभव हुआ जो भी कंटेन हमें इस्माइल 3 के अंतर्गत प्राप्त होते हैं हम उन्हें विद्यार्थियों के साथ साझा कर अधिगम करवाया गया।
ReplyDeleteIt helps us to teach the childrens with latest informations, makes us aware of the latest information about the subject and to teach the students more conveniently
ReplyDeleteICT Supports out teaching in various way. Like in my subject chemistry I can use YouTube videos to show cathode ray tube and it’s experiment which is not possible in our ordinary school lab.
ReplyDeleteIn corona pandemic I was connected with students with ICT. I used teaching aap to intract with students.
ReplyDeleteThe use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.
ReplyDeleteICT can be used in testing to administer tests, to score the tests, to analyse the result and to facilitate teachers in assessing learning outcomes. ... ICT provides opportunities for students to create electronic versions of their portfolio. ICT can also support students to complete their project
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ReplyDeleteThrough ICT we can analyse students progress
ReplyDeleteDue to pandemic ICT became the main source of teaching and learning.
ReplyDeleteआई सी टी बच्चों को पाठ समझने में ज्यादा मदद करता है जब बच्चे वीडियो आदि देखता है तो ज्यादा रुचि देता है
ReplyDeleteICT has help both teacher and student to learn about their respective subjects areas in more effective, creative and interesting manner.
ReplyDeleteहा, ict से अध्ययन व अध्यापन में बहुत अच्छी तरह से मदद मिलती है
ReplyDeleteICT has been a great help in teaching learning process it has helped in easy access to related content which are not available in classrooms in present situation it has helped us in storing data of student exchanging information and easy communication
ReplyDeleteit was very new for us but ICT help us and our students in teaching learning process।
ReplyDeleteIt is new pedagogy for us but we enjoy it. It is impossible to manage school administrative work without ICT.
ICT has helped a lot in teaching learning process by sharing the information and as well as storing the data about the students about how much they have understood the topic in more convenient way and avoiding the rote method.
ReplyDeleteICT help to make more intresting teaching learning process both students and teachers and its outcome is more creative and effective.
ReplyDeleteICT enhance teaching learning, it can reach anywhere at any time
ReplyDeleteTeacher's can use ICT tools to construct the lessons in an effective manner. Which enhances the learning of the students as well as teacher's.
ReplyDeleteICT help us to create new way of teaching learning process and class room more interesting and knowledgebal .
ReplyDeleteICT helps us to make lesson plan in more effective manner. It helps us to store information and data of our students. It saves our time. And it helps in teaching learning process more easy and effective for both teacher and the student.
ReplyDeleteIt also help students to understand their subjects through more than one means whichever they may be comfortable with.
Children at secondary level tend to have more distractions. ICT certainly help both teachers and children equally. Children get the concepts through one or more senses...
ReplyDeleteICT is a powerful tool that cannot be untouched in today's world. I incorporate ICT in teaching, evaluation and feedback. Online quizzes, coding and interactive contents make the lesson more effective.
ReplyDeleteVery challenging for the students and teacher as well. It draws the attention of the student rather than reading text book. But due to lack of facility, it is less helpful.
ReplyDeleteशिक्षा की गुणवत्ता बढाने के लिए यह एक प्रभावशाली साधन है और छात्रो की जानकारी बढाने के लिए और उनके मूल्यांकन और विश्लेषण का महत्वपूर्ण साधन है
ReplyDeleteICT अध्ययन अध्यापन में बहुत सहायक
ReplyDeleteICT is very useful in teaching learning process as it enables the potentialities of both teachers and learners.The best thing about it is we can collect,store,manipulate,send and receive information as well as get feedback.
ReplyDeleteICT helps us alot in our teaching learning assessment. It makes it easier for us to record the students progress and take immediate actions thereafter. It draws the attention of the students and make learning fun for them.
ReplyDeleteICT has helped my teaching immensely...use of projector aided with internet has enabled the class to be highly interactive as it really makes interesting for students due to availability of diverse sources of resources for various topics the same time the audio visual effect also made them aware of technology was really a great plus point in overall learning
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ReplyDeleteICT will make the teaching as well as learning more interesting. It will help the learners to understand the concepts more easily.
ReplyDeleteIt was used to clear the concept of subject and it helps us to maximise our teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteDuring this pandemic each and every method of modern technology was used and still the process of teaching learning is going on. It has given both an opportunity to teach and learn and made both more aware.
ReplyDeleteThe use of ICT help teachers to store, record information and asses students learning.
ReplyDeleteICT help the students to capture concepts better as it keeps their mind active and alert. I can teach the students in more interesting ways. It helps me to monitor and assess the students better. It also allows the students to monitor and manage their own learning. It provides a platform for students to help one another
ReplyDeleteWith the help of ICT teachers are able to keep records of their students they are even able to monitor the performance of the students in classroom. IT even helps teachers to conduct task, assessment or quizzes.... especially during this pandemic ICT has helped us a lot to be still connected with our students.
ReplyDeleteICT helps the teachers to explain the concept in a more efficient way. It enables the teaching learning process more efficient and joyful.
ReplyDeleteICT assist teaching online through digital media
ReplyDeleteICT helps me immensely in teaching, it improve my teaching skill & enhance innovative teaching and create effective classroom.
ReplyDeleteIct helps to make teaching process smoothly and help to boost interest in learners as well as create interest in teachers to teach.
ReplyDeleteIct also helps to make teaching process easier as it includes, visual, auditory,listening, analysing, manipulating, etc. So teaching with ict is the best
ICT makes teaching easier. Lessons can be seen and hear which help to attract more students.
ReplyDeleteICT helps us to explore wide range of innovative ideas to put it in practice in real classrooms.It enables teachers to teach more efficiently.
ReplyDeleteICT brought e- revolution in teaching learning process. Now teachers and the students can go beyond the text book to learn.
ReplyDeleteOf course ICT has been the most efficient but not effective means in T/L process during this situation
ReplyDeleteICT helps easily understand the tough concepts in teaching
ReplyDeleteIt helps joyful learning by the students
It helps in regular assessment of students
ICT helps teaching-learning- assessment much more simple for both the teachers and students as well
ReplyDeleteICT makes the teaching-learning process interesting. It will help the audio and visual learner in better way.
ReplyDeleteICT make teaching learning process easier and simple...
ReplyDeleteICT provide a wide range of technologies for teaching. Which helped me to teach students properly. Either it is contacting them virtually or giving them assignments in form of questionnaires or objectives.
ReplyDeleteICT help me during this pandemic period for transacting my teaching learning process without making any physical appearance with my students. ICT provide a new platform to everyone to go smoothly in learning process , to conduct classes to share ppt, to provide assinment...
ReplyDeleteNow a days children have become tech savvy.So ICT has become a medium which encourages and motivates them to learn better in classroom. ICT provides different opportunities to make teaching process more fun and enjoyable thereby promoting more participation of students in the learning process resulting to which they will be able to gain and retain knowledge more effectively and efficiently.
ReplyDeleteICT help us in each and every field
ReplyDeleteIn school its very important to teach students effectively
ICT is playing an awesome role in students understanding and development,specially right now,in pandemic situation.It has introduced not only students but every individual to a whole new world
ReplyDeleteICT has become very effective tool during this Pandemic lockdown period to take classes for all the teachers. In our state the teachers are using WhatsApp and EDUTECH for teaching learning process and it is quite effective.
ReplyDeleteThe common use of ICT for teaching includes preparation for notes, teaching learning resources and examinations. ICT is also used for publication purposes, which is mainly to disseminate information or ideas and share them with the school community, public, governement organisations within the country or abroad. Publication like newsletter, brochure or a website. ICT can also be used in evaluation.In formative evaluation like portfolio, reports, essays, journals, case studies and scenerio.In summatuve evaluation like grading and making a judgement about the participants achievement in a course.
ReplyDeleteIt's helps in holistic development of the student.
ReplyDeleteIt helps to transfer the content
ReplyDeleteICT Technology is used to enable teacher's to do task more efficiently. It help teacher's assess their students learning as well as their performance in classroom.
ReplyDeleteThe use of ICT has enabled both the teachers and students to play proactive role in teaching and learning process. This Pandemic has given us an opportunity to enhance the same. ICT allows me to use the time diligently and efficiently. ICT should help students to be more creative and prompt. It also encouraged students to use electronic devices for learning purpose, other than entertainment.
ReplyDeleteIt immensely helps us to transact our teaching learning assignment very easily and comfortably to the learners .
ReplyDeleteit makes teaching and learning process more easy and interesting. Multimedia with a blend of technology will create wonders in classroom as well as in online teachings.
ReplyDeleteUsing of ICT now a days is most essential and for effective teaching learning process. As told that it is not only preparing, storing and presentation of slides in the classroom for active interaction, but also should send and receive the information. In the pandemic situations, it is very useful for communication of the same. In remote villages without communication system, it is mere difficult for communication. It is very useful in all fields like publications, journals and education if it is available to the needs of the children.
ReplyDeleteIct help us so much in teaching online to the student
ReplyDeleteIt makes both teaching and learning more interactive and fun.
ReplyDeleteIt helps in overall development of child as it creates interest of students in teaching learning process.
ReplyDeleteबच्चों का व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप बनाकर उनको पढ़ाया गया किया गया और समय-समय पर उनका मूल्यांकन भी किया गया।
ReplyDeleteIt makes teaching and learning more interactive
ReplyDeleteICT is very useful and interesting but it can't be used at each and every part of our country for the time being now. The government must have real spot verification before installing of ICT tools.
ReplyDeleteNow we are taking online classes using WhatsApp.
ICT is very helpful and an effecive tool that can be used for the teaching learning process. Sharing of videos and pictures using varios online platform and taking the feedback makes the learning process enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteThis is our first time and it helps us for teaching learning process
ReplyDeleteICT helps in developing the child intrest in learning.
ReplyDeleteICT is an effective tool in creating interest in learning process , evaluation.
ReplyDeleteICT is an effective tool for teaching and learning process, it makes learning more enjoyable and it helps in making the content clear and easy to understand.
ReplyDeleteSince ICT adopts multisensory learning technique i.e visual, auditory, Kinesthetic, tactile stimulus providing variety of learning experience to the children which promotes their concept formation and holistic development.
ReplyDeleteICT helps facilitate the transaction between students keeping them updated and teachers enhancing their capacity and ability fostering effective teaching-learning process through email, e learning, web based learning.
It helps us in teaching learning assessment.It makes us easier to record the students progress and we can collect,store,send and receive information.
ReplyDeleteICT has played an important role during this pandemic by easily accessing persons using online platforms to connect with each other and even in education providing learning platforms in a more visualized way and making classes more interactive and fun. Therefore, ICT is very important in today's era.
ReplyDeleteICT helps teachers in both pre-service and in-Service teachers training.
ReplyDeleteICT helps teachers to interact with students.
It helps them in preparation their teaching, provide feedback.
It helps in improve Teaching skill, helps in innovative Teaching.
It helps in effectiveness of classroom.
ICTs can increase the learner motivation and engagement, by facilitating the acquisition of basic skills, and by enhancing teacher training. ICTs are also transformational tools which, when used appropriately, can promote the shift to a learner-centered environment.
ICT helps to store and analyze the student information and assessment and as a teacher we can give immediate feedback about that.
ICT plays a vital role in assessing students as it helps the teacher to collect more of information and develop more on understanding of new materials for the students and also accessing and providing feedback to students so that the teachers can focus on learning. It also helps the teachers to monitor and access the students with the various ways like by sharing videos, audios, written words, presentations through the means of social media.
ReplyDeleteICT is a powerful tool to keep everyone updated and in fact it has become means of living during this major human crisis.
ReplyDeleteTechnology can completely revolutionized the education system in the present pandemic situation. It helps teachers assess their students' learning outcomes as well as their performance in the classroom. Use of ICT in Assessment consists the use of digital devices to assist in the construction, delivery, storage or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback as and when required. Teachers are upgrading themselves to improve teaching-learning process.
ReplyDeleteICT help me in storing information about the students and it also recorded information. It also helps us to share videos,summary of the topics,audio to the students.we also can know how students are developing and understanding the new things.
ReplyDeleteIt enables us to plan effectively and assess the performance of the learners better. It will also help us to improve our method of teaching.
ReplyDeleteInformation and communication technology plays important role in teaching learning process.It help me to create,store,retrieve,manipulate and send information to learners which they receive and help them to send their feedback.
ReplyDeleteआईसीटी का प्रयोग किया गया
ReplyDeleteICT plays a pivotal rule in teaching learning process. It takes learning beyond textbooks. It wouldn't have been possible to remain in contact with our students if ICT is not there during this pandemic. Thanks to the one who created it 🙏
ReplyDeleteICT as a powerful medium has proved to be very useful in teaching work as well as it is working in making the learning process interesting, through ICT the learning ability of the student can be increased.
ReplyDeleteICT helps in holistic development of a child as it creates interest in the child to learn easily and happily. Especially during this pandemic situation it plays an important role in teaching learning process
ReplyDeleteICT has made teaching learning process more accessible
ReplyDeleteICT is very useful for teacher and students. It helps innovative teaching.
ReplyDeleteICT has proved to be the biggest support in teaching learning assessments at secondary level. With the help of ICT only we are in constant touch with our
ReplyDeletestudents.especially during covid-19 situation. Both the students and teachers can go beyond boring textbooks and can explore the world of knowledge with the help of ICT. Now teachers can keep data of all the assessments for future use also. Thank you the God of Technology 👍
ICT कोरोना काल में एक वरदान बना हुआ है।बच्चों के साथ अभिभावकों को भी ICT के महत्व को समझा है।ICT का स्कूली शिक्षा में उपयोग एक क्रांतिकारी पहल है बशर्ते इसका उपयोग सीमित दायरे में किया जाए।
ReplyDeleteWithout ICT, we cannot contin teaching. Its so important and useful. Students also enjoy taking class with ICT.
ReplyDeleteICT help Store and create teaching learning material according to the needs of the students. It really help the students to learn more effectively. Students get immediate feedback of their learning outcomes. We can get data from various sources and alter it according to the needs of the children. In this pandemic situation it really plays a crucial role to immerse the students in learning process.
ReplyDeleteEspecially in this Covid pandemic ICT plays a vital role in our teaching-learning process as face to face teaching process cannot be done.. various digital tools like watsapp,youtube,google meet and so on has been really helpful these days.With the help of ICT we are able to record and provide feedback to our students.
ReplyDeleteICT are currently being used in education to assist students to learn more effectively by providing teachers with access to a wide range of new pedagogy. It enables teachers to do traching and administrative tasks more efficiently.
ReplyDeleteICT is a very essential tool in our present day teaching scenario as maximum learning takes place through its use. We create information, store the information, make suitable changes as per our needs , deliver the information and recieve feedbacks. Teaching through ICT is an interactive process and through it assessment of the student's learning level can be monitored.
ReplyDeleteAt the Secondary Level most of our students have access to smart phones and other gadgets for online classes. Effective use of ICT by the teacher will certainly benefit the students and achieve the learning outcomes.
Teaching through the use of ICT will save time, more appropriate since children today are more familiar with the gadgets.
ReplyDeleteAt the secondary level students are more familiar with the ICT and gadgets.
ReplyDeleteकरीना काल में बच्चों का एक ग्रुप बनाया गया जिसमें उनकी पठन-पाठन प्रक्रिया पूरी की गई और व्हाट्सएप के ही माध्यम से उनका मूल्यांकन भी किया गया
ReplyDeleteICT is now very useful tool between teachers and students. Without ICT, we can not do anything smoothly now-a-days.
ReplyDeleteICT would become good teaching techniques especially during covid pandemic