सबसे पहले छात्राओं के फोन नंबर येन केन प्रकारेण लेकर, class wise, group banaye. Whatsapp videocall se contact बनाए रखा, सभी से संपर्क किसी न किसी रूप में बनाए रखा. ऑडियो-वीडियो भी share किए.
کووڈ 19 میں ہم نے زوم کلاسز لی ہیں اور ہم نے وٹس ایپ گروپ کے ذریعے طلبہ کو ورک شیٹس بھیجی ہیں اور ہم نے اسباق تیار کیے اور طلباء کو بھیجے اور ہم نے طلباء کے شکوک و شبہات کو فون اور واٹس ایپ کے ذریعے واضح کیا۔
In a society different ability children are there. We find Physically and Psychologically challenged children. As they are in our class rooms and they are in society too. All have right to live and enjoy. Bearing all these in our mind.
Teaching learning through online meeting apps have also been helpful in interactive sessions. The students are required to keep their camera on and encouraged to share their own opinions and ideas and participate in all the lessons and activities. Students are also required to record videos of their presentations in given topics and share it in the groups for their holistic development. In every aspect, students are encouraged to be confident which will help them in building leadership for learning in the secondary level.
For teaching and learning whatsapp groups -class wise were created to impart online teaching lessons .Technically advanced staff was motivated to take classes through Google meet .Teachers as per orders were directed to reach the students for giving and collection of homework ,those offline . Problems were shared time to time to find ways to connect with students on line. .
कोरोना काल मे सबसे ज्यादा यदि कोई prabhavit हुआ है तो वो हैं विधार्थी,छोटे बचे खुश हुए,माध्यमिक शिक्षा के मस्त,यैसी स्थिति मे पठन पाठन ग्रमीण परिवेश में किसी चुनौति से कम नही था ।घर-घर जाकर मोबाईल फोन नम्बर लिए,ग्रुप बनाएं, पठन पाठन शुरु किया,फोन की समस्या,घर में एक ही फोन,कभी नेटवर्किंग की समस्या,किसी के पास फोन ही नहीं ।,झूठआ नम्बर दिया,कारण गरीबी,फिर worksheet से कार्य ।अनगिनित समस्या,प्रतिफल 20%मिला।
कोविड -19 वैश्विक महामारी के कारण कोरोना काल में स्मार्टफोन के द्वारा ऑनलाइन कक्षा का संचालन कर विद्यार्थियों को शिक्षा प्रदान की गई जिन विधार्थियों के पास मोबाइल नहीं था उनके पडोसियों व उनके दोस्तों से दूरभाष के विभिन्न माध्बायमों संपर्क कर विधार्थियों को आनलाइन शिक्षा ग्रहण करने में सहयोग की अपेक्षा की गयी ।
Through google meet we can encourage leadership among children as it is a plateform to connect with all students face to face and provide require atmosphere
कोरोनाकाल मे जिन छात्रों के पास स्मार्टफोन की सुविधा थी।उन्हें व्हाट्सएप और यूट्यूब के माध्यम से शिक्षण कराया।शेष छात्रों के घर जाकर वर्कशीट के माध्यम से शिक्षण कराया गया
मैंने कोविड-19 अपने घर में ही ऑनलाइन क्लास रूम बनाया तथा यूट्यूब वीडियो वीडियो बनाएं और व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से कक्षा ग्रुप में इन वीडियो की लिंक भेज कर छात्रों को निरंतर अध्ययन से जुड़े रखा जिन छात्रों के पास किसी भी प्रकार का कोई डिजिटल डिवाइस नहीं था उनसे वर्कशीटऔर संपर्क के द्वारा जुड़ा रहा
हमारा विद्यालय ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में है बच्चों के साथ हम सभी साथियों ने फोन उनके परिजनों के फोन व पडोसियों के फोन से संपर्क बनाए रखा। विषयवार पाठ्य सामग्री विषय अध्यापक द्वारा निश्चित दिन भेजी जाती तीसरे दिनपुनः जब उस विषय की बारी होती तो तब तक बच्चे स्वयं एवं साथियों की मदद से कापियों मे उक्त पाठ्यवस्तु लिख कर अपने या पडोसियों के फोन से भेजते।शिक्षक आवश्यक संशोधन सुझाते।
We we are in touch with school students by using online classes sharing notes through WhatsApp sending SMS and video lessons through voice SMS during covid-19 pandemic situation we try to help our students at our best level to cope up with their academic. I found a lot of changes in my teaching methods as per this covid-19 situation I had to use online methods of teaching students while students were also new to the situation of online medium first it was hard form students as well as for the Teachers latter we got used to online medium and all the classes ran fine
Smile 3.0 content shared on students WhatsApp groups. Students are asked to watch content and solve given worksheet. Students share their homework for checking.They are given suitable feedback
As we are sharing worksheets in whatsapp group.we are encouraging students to take initiative to help their classmates to complete the work.some students are taking leadership to help students.
कोरोना काल में वट्सऐप ग्रुप के माध्यम से अपने विद्यार्थियों के सम्पर्क में रहा तथा पीडीएफ, वीडियोज, जेपीईजी फाइल्स एवं टेलीफोनिक माध्यम के द्वारा आँनलाइन शिक्षण जारी रखा। जिन छात्रों के पास मोबाइल फोन की सुविधा नहीं थी, उन्हें उनके सहपाठियों के माध्यम से शिक्षण सामग्री उपलब्ध कराई गई।
Leadership is the ability to lead the other form the front. Enabling quality of leadership among the students through PSQ helps to create better people with leadership abilities for the future.
During this covid19 pandemic period,a positive thought is to be developed among the students.I made whatsapp group & sent study materials to them , also cleared their doubts by voice message .but all'the students could not avail Android phone in our rural area.
We had taken the help of students who are good at technical knowledge /skills and parents to participate the learners in different activities such as google forms , interactive wattsaap groups etc..
During covid period,itwas very difficult to touch with the students properly.All online classes was done through What's Appand the teaching-learning process was very slow.Due to poor network coverage many students couldn't meet their online classes.
In this Covid situation, students are facing physical and psychological transformations very fast. They need to be engaged positively, otherwise there is a chance of negative changes overruled. Learning is found to be too slow, as students are losing interest in reading books. Electronic gadgets occupying their school and reading habits. Online classes are necessary and come to rescue, as physical classes far from the start.
Implementing leadership for learning teacher can teach students in activity based through Google meet and leadership qualities help the students to ready to face the challenges in their life
We should implement guided learning method to develop leader ship in students..also we must assign seminars n hands on work specially in science to develop this...
I assign task like cleanliness awareness in your area, social distancing awareness, covid-19 awareness programmes to children through online groups and get the feedback in time
We conducted online classes and we also used whatsapp to send material to help them, we also reached them personally to clear their doubts and upgrade them.
For implementing leadership for learning teacher can teach students in activity based through Google meet,Google class,nearpod,teachment,msteams etc leadership qualities help the students to ready to face the challenges in their life.
we are in touch with school students by using online classes sharing notes through WhatsApp sending SMS and video lessons through voice SMS during covid-19 pandemic situation we try to help our students at our best level to cope up with their academic. I found a lot of changes in my teaching methods as per this covid-19 situation I had to use online methods of teaching students while students were also new to the situation of online medium first it was hard form students as well as for the Teachers latter we got used to online medium and all the classes ran fine
वैश्विक महामारी के समय छात्रों के साथ गुगल मीट से जुड़कर एवं जिन छात्रों के आनलाइन शिक्षण साधन नहीं थे उन तक नोट्स पहुंचाकर मेरे द्वारा शिक्षण कार्य किया गया
we are in touch with school students by using online classes sharing notes through WhatsApp sending SMS and video lessons through voice SMS during covid-19 pandemic situation we try to help our students at our best level to cope up with their academic. I found a lot of changes in my teaching methods as per this covid-19 situation I had to use online methods of teaching through Google Meet and Google Class Room. Students easily adopted and enjoyed.
शिक्षा में प्रौद्योगिकी के प्रयोग द्वारा विभिन्न websites के माध्यम से शिक्षण को प्रभावी बनाया जा सकता है I बच्चों को उनके topics से संबंधित जानकारी अधिक स्पष्ट और रोचक तरीके से सीखने में मदद मिलती है I
During the pandemic we had to start with online classes to reach the students. As schools were closed we used different apps to take classes , tv , whatsapp to send Sms and videos to the students.
Leadership is the ability of an individual who can lead from the front . students at Secondary School are in pre adolescent stage and it will be the right time to track them to inculcate the habits of leadership in them. As a teacher in order to imbibe these ability in students one has to design activities ,seminar debate ,and group oriented activity to showcase the talent and quality of leadership among the students. Lastly selection of school prefect and other vital responsibility in students also reflect the ability of leadership qualities in students at Secondary School.
Model leadership behaviour for children.- children learn from seeing what others do. Help children build self confidence. Give children the opportunity to take leadership roles in the classroom. Encouraging children to have communication and ability to act in given conditions both towards their classmates and their teachers.
covid-19 کی وبا نے تمام افراد کے بیچ فاصلوں کو بڑھا دیا- ظاہری بات ہے اس کا اثر درس و تدریس پر بھی پڑا یعنی اساتذہ اور طالب علم بھی ایک دوسرے سے دور ہونے پر مجبور ہوگئے- لیکن پھر بھی ہم اپنے طالب علموں کے ساتھ رابطے میں رہے ٹیکنالوجی کی بدولت ہم نے موبائل فون یا سمارٹ فون کے ذریعے طالبعلموں کی درس و تدریس کو جاری رکھا - آڈیو ویژول ٹیکنالوجی کا استعمال جتنا اس مدت کے دوران کیا گیا شاید اس سے پہلے کبھی نہ کیا گیا
JAFERSADIQ.M.BARMAKKI کووڈ 19 کی وبا نے تمام افراد کے بیچ فاصلوں کو بڑھا دیا- ظاہری بات ہے اس کا اثر درس و تدریس پر بھی پڑا یعنی اساتذہ اور طالب علم بھی ایک دوسرے سے دور ہونے پر مجبور ہوگئے- لیکن پھر بھی ہم اپنے طالب علموں کے ساتھ رابطے میں رہے ٹیکنالوجی کی بدولت ہم نے موبائل فون یا سمارٹ فون کے ذریعے طالبعلموں کی درس و تدریس کو جاری رکھا - آڈیو ویژول ٹیکنالوجی کا استعمال جتنا اس مدت کے دوران کیا گیا شاید اس سے پہلے کبھی نہ کیا گیا -
I have given collaborative work for the students to create societal atmosphere among them .I have create a group for doing project work and allot a group leader and fix responsibility fro development of leadership quality.
I will form groups and keep changing the leader in evry group and assign them work or projects which the leader along with his team members have to complete every week and the leader who completes the project or work systematically , boldly will be awarded and this is how I will try to build leadership qualities in students
I contact students over phone at the secondary level to form whatsapp group then choose one leader every week and let them do project work with the members of the group.
The staff and students are introduced into various online platforms like , Whatsapp, Zoom, Google Meet, Google Class room. They were also contacted over mobile
Managing students and monitering learning during online classes are to be taken care throughout the teaching learning activities to ensure leadership in learning
Good leadership in schools is vital for improving the learning outcomes of students. Good leadership in schools is vital for improving the learning outcomes of students. Good leadership in schools helps to foster both a positive and motivating culture for staff and a high-quality experience for learners.
For creating leadership in students we will give activities to individual students and will ask then to prepare well and explain to the complete class on what's app or youtube by creating a common group or youtube channel. This will strengthen the leadership skills in them.
Shakuntala barg For creating leadership in students we will give activities to individual students and will ask then to prepare well and explain to the complete class on what's app or youtube by creating a common group or youtube channel. This will strengthen the leadership skills in them.
By encouraging students to participate in the school activities and help bulid their confidence. By creating an environment where they feel comfortable to do any task without hesitation and make the learning process joyful.
विद्यार्थियों को उनकी समाधि तथा योग्यता के अनुसार हैं कार्य देना चाहिए क्योंकि वह इस कार्य को आसानी से कर सकते हैं उनको कार्य करने में किसी प्रकार की परेशानी नहीं होती है
To inculcate Good leadership in school, He must be a good listener, and utmost knowledge able person. Otherwise the school staff members will deny his commands whatever he say. He should obey all and most rules. He should eager to know the new ammendment going on day by day.
शिक्षकों को सीखने के विभिन्न आयामों -ऑनलाइन माध्यमों की ओर अभिप्रेरित करेंगे। दीक्षा पोर्टल, स्वयं प्रभा चैनल के माध्यम से बच्चों को सीखने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना सर्वोत्तम रहेगा
By encouraging the students to be vocal about their opinion and also acknowledging their efforts no matter how small and insignificant it may be. Also, it will help a great deal if we teachers play an important role as their guides in their judgement and decision making.
I am in touch with my students through phone call. I am trying to understand their difficulties and try to solve it. Due to pandemic situation, I compelled to bring some changes in my teaching learning process. I am using online mode like Google meet, Jio meet, zoom etc to continue my teaching learning process.
In order to create leadership qualities like integrity, ability to delegate, communication,empathy, courage etc. I will give different activities to the students.
Yes, i do agree with the statement that students should be given activity and assess as per their aptitude in concern subject or area so that they would get interested in studies and schooling system and finds congenial environment for improving their skill or aptitude to a high level as a process and policy of Inclusive classroom .
Using platforms such as zoom meetings or google classrooms would be very effective. The students get an opportunity to interact with the teachers and classmates using both audio and video mode which will give them a feeling of a normal usual classroom.
During covid-19 pandamic period I used to do online classes.Having maintain covid rules I went their home and supervised their progress and asked them to obey covid rules.I used to talk with their parents through online mood and also encouraged my students to exercise recitation ,story telling,singing and writing.
In order to create leadership qualities, I divide the class into groups according to their interests and capabilities and assign group activities making each of them as leaders by turn.
I did all the possible efforts to make study easy for the students make whatsapp group online classes YouTube study material used and inspired students to learn by their own ways
being in contact with teachers and students through social media, not only by regular monitoring and random check,by encouraging and by developing interest,, tried my best to create atmosphere for better learning ....... we all stayed connected with our kids and with each other like a family during this pandemic senario........
We have been trying to engage the students in different simple activities like quiz competition, article writing etc among themselves in peer groups to build leadership quality
सर्वप्रथम छात्रों से संपर्क स्थापित करें, उनकी झीझक समाप्त करें जिससे वे अपनी समस्याए बता सके, विषयाधारित प्रश्नपूछ सके। स्मार्ट कक्षा व अन्य नवाचारों से छोटे छोटे विषयाधारित E-content बनाकर उनतक पहुँचाए।
सरकार शिक्षा विभाग निदेशालय के निर्देशो की पालना करते हुए विद्यार्थियों से डिजिटल माध्यम SMILE 3.0 से शिक्षण सामग्री पहुचाई व घर घर जाकर ऑफ लाइन छात्रों को अध्यापन कोरोना गाइडलाइन की पालना में किया। विद्यार्थियों के व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप बनाकर नोट्स व शिक्षण वीडियो पोस्ट किए। विद्यार्थियों को फ़ोन कर उनकी विषय मे प्रगति की नियमित जानकारी प्राप्त की
First of all children need to be trusted for their innate abilities. Opportunities should be provided based on the caliber of the student. Assigning a task of responsibility, doing follow up and checking whether the task is accomplished or not?
Google meet was the source I used the most to remain in touch with my students.Taking online classes, calling them personally and even the Whatts app group are the sources worthmentioning .
creating whatsapp group and uploaded elaborated notes where mentioned references of text book page number and para etc. Along with this homevisit performed to give the students academic support.
We should focus on online mode of teaching, I share important learning videos, voice msgs, photogh of topic etc, also checked their home work assigned, encourage them to participate in maximum no, and most importantly moral boosting.
Leadership quality is an utmost important characteristic in human life n it should nurture in very early childhood. School is the platform where a child should get proper nurture for future life. As a teacher we should be a guide friend and a philosopher of a child. We should encourage how to think properly for a problem n no of solutions a problem might have, also encourage in character building activities, to make him a perfect Leader in future
For teaching and learning whatsapp groups -class wise were created to impart online teaching lessons .Technically advanced staff was motivated to take classes through Google meet .Teachers as per orders were directed to reach the students for giving and collection of homework ,those offline . Problems were shared time to time to find ways to connect with students on line. .
By creating whatsapp groups of children,communicating with students as well as parents for their support and building confidence in them to overcome this situation
In order to create leadership qualities.Iwould motivate and encourage the students.I would divide different activities into different group and I would apoint a leader in each group .
Teaching learning through online meeting apps have also been helpful in interactive sessions. The students are required to keep their camera on and encouraged to share their own opinions and ideas and participate in all the lessons and activities. Students are also required to record videos of their presentations in given topics and share it in the groups for their holistic development. In every aspect, students are encouraged to be confident which will help them in building leadership for learning in the secondary level.
Teaching learning through online meeting apps have also been helpful in interactive sessions. The students are required to keep their camera on and encouraged to share their own opinions and ideas and participate in all the lessons and activities. Students are also required to record videos of their presentations in given topics and share it in the groups for their holistic development. In every aspect,
Leadership is the ability to lead the other form the front. Would give group assignments and tell the students to present in the class in which every student has a role to research and present infront of the other students such that they get to take the responsibility and develops the necessary qualities of a leader and simultaneously helps in holistic development among students.
Encouraging the students to ask right questions, Giving small responsible tasks to students, Engaging students in group discussions, group projects, group activities where they are given liberty for selecting their own moderator,
Covid 19 lock down period there is psychological problem and my school is in rural area so there is lot of problem because of student at home parents take ek student to farm so study material any type matterial offline classes or offline classes so Frist Arley morning offline study material give us and also Yoga cycling Running and also give information about COVID-19 and care to dear Covid situation, students are facing physical and psychological transformations very fast. They need to be engaged positively, otherwise there is a chance of negative changes overruled. Learning is found to be too slow, as students are losing interest in reading books.
When we develop leadership of students there is firstly health health is important so so mind become flesh and students will be activate all new things achievements and any health program there is firstly playing cricket cricket yoga yoga music therapy history of nation never country country and political moments good citizen good Indian and also also sacrifice about our country our country and this can be success through online offline offline whatever media use development make continuously safa r
कोविड 19 महामारी मुळे, आम्ही विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी ऑनलाईन वर्ग आयोजित केले आणि विद्यार्थ्यांशी मोबाईलद्वारे नियमित संपर्क करत राहिलो. पालकांशी संपर्क साधून ऑनलाईन वर्गांना विद्यार्थी जास्तीत जास्त प्रमाणामध्ये उपस्थित राहतील यासाठी प्रयत्न केला.
Teacher can help students identify their leadership qualities by taking up some responsibilities,like helping other students who need it especially during online classes. This way they will realise that they can make a difference in others lives.
Assigning the work to teachers with distribution of work to each and every teacher, overcome the difficulties with discussions with teachers, provide learning atmosphere among the children, with regular supervision and advises, regular evaluation, identify the slow learners, providing remedial teaching to them and approaching with positive attitude, and get tremendous results with appreciation to teachers
Discussion with students at the end of teaching-learning sessions give them equal opportunities to express their thoughts thus,enhancing their leadership qualities and thereby their personalities also in future..
To create leadership quality among the students for that purpose will do so many activities in the class assign them some roles for example class monitor check monitor class Health Minister class sport minister after we can also assign some rules related to the competitions so in this way we will increase their leadership quality
Teachers are the person who can makes good leadership by the process of various activities like,proper guidence, Cooperation, positive dialogues.Encouraging the students to ask right questions, Giving small responsible tasks to students, Engaging students in group discussions.
Students are also required to record video of their presentations in the topics given for their holistic development and share them in groups. In every aspect, students are encouraged to have confidence which will help them to build leadership for learning at secondary level. At first it was difficult for the students and then for the teachers. We got used to the online medium and all the classes went well.
Leadership is the ability to lead the other form the front. Enabling quality of leadership among the students through PSQ helps to create better people with leadership abilities for the future. Goal setti ng, assessment, accountability positively influence student performance Create environment in which student learning is the central focus
We had taken the help of students who are good at technical knowledge /skills and parents to participate the learners in different activities such as google forms , interactive wattsaap groups etc..
मैंने कोविड-19 अपने घर में ही ऑनलाइन क्लास रूम बनाया तथा यूट्यूब वीडियो वीडियो बनाएं और व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से कक्षा ग्रुप में इन वीडियो की लिंक भेज कर छात्रों को निरंतर अध्ययन से जुड़े रखा जिन छात्रों के पास किसी भी प्रकार का कोई डिजिटल डिवाइस नहीं था उनसे वर्कशीटऔर संपर्क के द्वारा जुड़ा रहा
There are generally three major components of education. The teaching process is implemented for the three components of teaching, learning and evaluation. Now let us see how these three elements will take shape in this new online method.
Teaching: What the teacher teaches in the classroom. This includes the teacher's personal skills, rhetoric, the art of presenting and explaining the subject.
Learning: What students learn through their own efforts and perceptions. This includes reading the study material given by the teacher, seeing / experiencing the relevant learning resources, doing the given homework / assignments.
Evaluation: Evaluation is the process of verifying how much a student has learned through teaching and learning. This includes checking homework, taking component tests, and taking exams. When considering online education, one should use a system that can accomplish all these three components through online media.
Think of the word HAPPY. Share what comes to your mind immediately. How will you feel if someone shares something about being HAPPY, which is very different from what you shared? What could be the reasons for this difference? Share your reflections.
सबसे पहले छात्राओं के फोन नंबर येन केन प्रकारेण लेकर, class wise, group banaye. Whatsapp videocall se contact बनाए रखा, सभी से संपर्क किसी न किसी रूप में बनाए रखा. ऑडियो-वीडियो भी share किए.
ReplyDeleteClasswise group banayen, green,red,orange
DeleteTeacher help students through,watsapp, Google meet
Deleteclasse wise what s up groups banake suchnaye derahe hai.animation stories bhejrahi hu
Deleteکووڈ 19 میں ہم نے زوم کلاسز لی ہیں اور ہم نے وٹس ایپ گروپ کے ذریعے طلبہ کو ورک شیٹس بھیجی ہیں اور ہم نے اسباق تیار کیے اور طلباء کو بھیجے اور ہم نے طلباء کے شکوک و شبہات کو فون اور واٹس ایپ کے ذریعے واضح کیا۔
DeleteIn a society different ability children are there. We find Physically and Psychologically challenged children. As they are in our class rooms and they are in society too. All have right to live and enjoy. Bearing all these in our mind.
DeleteTeaching learning through online meeting apps have also been helpful in interactive sessions. The students are required to keep their camera on and encouraged to share their own opinions and ideas and participate in all the lessons and activities. Students are also required to record videos of their presentations in given topics and share it in the groups for their holistic development. In every aspect, students are encouraged to be confident which will help them in building leadership for learning in the secondary level.
DeleteFor teaching and learning whatsapp groups -class wise were created to impart online teaching lessons .Technically advanced staff was motivated to take classes through Google meet .Teachers as per orders were directed to reach the students for giving and collection of homework ,those offline . Problems were shared time to time to find ways to connect with students on line. .
DeleteThx for helping out
DeleteTeacher help the students through identify their quality of leadership and guide them through various activities.
DeleteBy making whatsApp group and teaching students on google meet
Deleteबच्चों की क्षमतानुसार कार्य देना चाहिए|
ReplyDeleteconditions for implementing leadership for learning
ReplyDeleteकोरोनकाल में विद्यार्थियों के कक्षावार व्हाट्सप्प समूह बनायेऔर गूगल मीट के माध्यम से उन्हें पढाया.फ़ोन द्वारा मार्गदर्शन व संपर्क किया
ReplyDeleteRural areas में मोबाइल या टेबलेट की उपलब्धता सुनिश्चित करावें। ICT lab 1172 के लिए projector व initiating board की उपलब्धता सुनिश्चित करावें।
ReplyDeleteबच्चो के फोन नंबर collect किये जिनके पास smart phone थे फिर whatsap group
ReplyDeleteबनाए और google meet se उन्हे पढाया।
कोरोना काल मे सबसे ज्यादा यदि कोई prabhavit हुआ है तो वो हैं विधार्थी,छोटे बचे खुश हुए,माध्यमिक शिक्षा के मस्त,यैसी स्थिति मे पठन पाठन ग्रमीण परिवेश में किसी चुनौति से कम नही था ।घर-घर जाकर मोबाईल फोन नम्बर लिए,ग्रुप बनाएं, पठन पाठन शुरु किया,फोन की समस्या,घर में एक ही फोन,कभी नेटवर्किंग की समस्या,किसी के पास फोन ही नहीं ।,झूठआ नम्बर दिया,कारण गरीबी,फिर worksheet से कार्य ।अनगिनित समस्या,प्रतिफल 20%मिला।
ReplyDeleteकोविड -19 वैश्विक महामारी के कारण कोरोना काल में स्मार्टफोन के द्वारा ऑनलाइन कक्षा का संचालन कर विद्यार्थियों को शिक्षा प्रदान की गई जिन विधार्थियों के पास मोबाइल नहीं था उनके पडोसियों व उनके दोस्तों से दूरभाष के विभिन्न माध्बायमों संपर्क कर विधार्थियों को आनलाइन शिक्षा ग्रहण करने में सहयोग की अपेक्षा की गयी ।
ReplyDeleteFor implementation leadership of learning to devoted their duty as program/function.
ReplyDeleteAll students good communication from teacher
DeleteThrough google meet we can encourage leadership among children as it is a plateform to connect with all students face to face and provide require atmosphere
ReplyDeleteWe shared all required information through What's app and telephone
ReplyDeleteIn this pandemic situation, teacher can teach the students by providing platform like Google meet where we can teach or interact with them .
ReplyDeleteFor implementing leadership for learning teacher can teach students in activity based through Google meet .
ReplyDeleteकोरोनाकाल मे जिन छात्रों के पास स्मार्टफोन की सुविधा थी।उन्हें व्हाट्सएप और यूट्यूब के माध्यम से शिक्षण कराया।शेष छात्रों के घर जाकर वर्कशीट के माध्यम से शिक्षण कराया गया
ReplyDeleteFor implementing leadership during this pandamic we can use activity through whatsapp, videos, audio etc.
ReplyDeleteमैंने कोविड-19 अपने घर में ही ऑनलाइन क्लास रूम बनाया तथा यूट्यूब वीडियो वीडियो बनाएं और व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से कक्षा ग्रुप में इन वीडियो की लिंक भेज कर छात्रों को निरंतर अध्ययन से जुड़े रखा जिन छात्रों के पास किसी भी प्रकार का कोई डिजिटल डिवाइस नहीं था उनसे वर्कशीटऔर संपर्क के द्वारा जुड़ा रहा
ReplyDeleteहमारा विद्यालय ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में है बच्चों के साथ हम सभी साथियों ने फोन उनके परिजनों के फोन व पडोसियों के फोन से संपर्क बनाए रखा। विषयवार पाठ्य सामग्री विषय अध्यापक द्वारा निश्चित दिन भेजी जाती तीसरे दिनपुनः जब उस विषय की बारी होती तो तब तक बच्चे स्वयं एवं साथियों की मदद से कापियों मे उक्त पाठ्यवस्तु लिख कर अपने या पडोसियों के फोन से भेजते।शिक्षक आवश्यक संशोधन सुझाते।
ReplyDeleteI have initiated assessment through Google forms in the school.
ReplyDeleteWe we are in touch with school students by using online classes sharing notes through WhatsApp sending SMS and video lessons through voice SMS during covid-19 pandemic situation we try to help our students at our best level to cope up with their academic. I found a lot of changes in my teaching methods as per this covid-19 situation I had to use online methods of teaching students while students were also new to the situation of online medium first it was hard form students as well as for the Teachers latter we got used to online medium and all the classes ran fine
ReplyDeleteI create Whatsapp group for each class
ReplyDeleteand share all study materials, give them call, discuss lessons and problems
and conduct class test as well.
Smile 3.0 content shared on students WhatsApp groups. Students are asked to watch content and solve given worksheet. Students share their homework for checking.They are given suitable feedback
ReplyDeleteAs we are sharing worksheets in whatsapp group.we are encouraging students to take initiative to help their classmates to complete the work.some students are taking leadership to help students.
ReplyDeleteCooperation, positive dialogues , faith and taking responsibility etc makes way to leadership.
ReplyDeleteकोरोना काल में वट्सऐप ग्रुप के माध्यम से अपने विद्यार्थियों के सम्पर्क में रहा तथा पीडीएफ, वीडियोज, जेपीईजी फाइल्स एवं टेलीफोनिक माध्यम के द्वारा आँनलाइन शिक्षण जारी रखा। जिन छात्रों के पास मोबाइल फोन की सुविधा नहीं थी, उन्हें उनके सहपाठियों के माध्यम से शिक्षण सामग्री उपलब्ध कराई गई।
ReplyDeleteI conducted online classes
ReplyDeleteLeadership is the ability to lead the other form the front. Enabling quality of leadership among the students through PSQ helps to create better people with leadership abilities for the future.
ReplyDeleteDuring this covid19 pandemic period,a positive thought is to be developed among the students.I made whatsapp group & sent study
ReplyDeletematerials to them , also cleared their doubts by voice message .but all'the students could not avail Android phone in our rural area.
छात्रों की योग्यता क्षमता विविधता और समझ के अनुसार उनको कार्य देना चाहिए !
ReplyDeleteWe had taken the help of students who are good at technical knowledge /skills and parents to participate the learners in different activities such as google forms , interactive wattsaap groups etc..
ReplyDeleteDuring covid period,itwas very difficult to touch with the students properly.All online classes was done through What's Appand the teaching-learning process was very slow.Due to poor network coverage many students couldn't meet their online classes.
ReplyDeleteIn this Covid situation, students are facing physical and psychological transformations very fast. They need to be engaged positively, otherwise there is a chance of negative changes overruled. Learning is found to be too slow, as students are losing interest in reading books. Electronic gadgets occupying their school and reading habits. Online classes are necessary and come to rescue, as physical classes far from the start.
ReplyDeleteleadership qualities help the students to ready to face the challenges in their life
ReplyDeleteImplementing leadership for learning teacher can teach students in activity based through Google meet and leadership qualities help the students to ready to face the challenges in their life
ReplyDeleteकोरोनकाल में विद्यार्थियों के कक्षावार व्हाट्सप्प समूह बनायेऔर गूगल मीट के माध्यम से उन्हें पढाया.फ़ोन द्वारा मार्गदर्शन व संपर्क किया
ReplyDeleteWe should implement guided learning method to develop leader ship in students..also we must assign seminars n hands on work specially in science to develop this...
ReplyDeleteI assign task like cleanliness awareness in your area, social distancing awareness, covid-19 awareness programmes to children through online groups and get the feedback in time
ReplyDeleteWe conducted online classes and we also used whatsapp to send material to help them, we also reached them personally to clear their doubts and upgrade them.
ReplyDeletesampark rkna
ReplyDeleteI will conduct quize and dramas
ReplyDeleteಐಸಿಟಿ ಸಹಾಯದಿಂದ ಬೋಧನೆ ಹಾಗೂ ಕಲಿಕೆಯು ತುಂಬಾ ಪರಿಣಾಮಕಾರಿ ಹಾಗೂ ಆಸಕ್ತಿದಾಯಕ ಆಗಿದೆ.
ReplyDeleteWe have to prepare our students for online learning
ReplyDeleteTo inculcate leadership qualities in students we should give them simple to complex tasks to complete on their own.
ReplyDeleteBy showing interest in learning and involving inlearni ng activities
ReplyDeleteFor implementing leadership for learning teacher can teach students in activity based through Google meet,Google class,nearpod,teachment,msteams etc leadership qualities help the students to ready to face the challenges in their life.
ReplyDeletewe are in touch with school students by using online classes sharing notes through WhatsApp sending SMS and video lessons through voice SMS during covid-19 pandemic situation we try to help our students at our best level to cope up with their academic. I found a lot of changes in my teaching methods as per this covid-19 situation I had to use online methods of teaching students while students were also new to the situation of online medium first it was hard form students as well as for the Teachers latter we got used to online medium and all the classes ran fine
ReplyDeleteकोरोना काल मे, मैंने मोबाइल के द्वारा विद्यार्थियों से सम्पर्क बनाये रखा।
ReplyDeleteवैश्विक महामारी के समय छात्रों के साथ गुगल मीट से जुड़कर एवं जिन छात्रों के आनलाइन शिक्षण साधन नहीं थे उन तक नोट्स पहुंचाकर मेरे द्वारा शिक्षण कार्य किया गया
ReplyDeleteconnectivity and data problems in remote areas
ReplyDeletewe are in touch with school students by using online classes sharing notes through WhatsApp sending SMS and video lessons through voice SMS during covid-19 pandemic situation we try to help our students at our best level to cope up with their academic. I found a lot of changes in my teaching methods as per this covid-19 situation I had to use online methods of teaching through Google Meet and Google Class Room. Students easily adopted and enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteBy group discussion on a particular topic and make a lecture on topic given instantly
ReplyDeleteशिक्षा में प्रौद्योगिकी के प्रयोग द्वारा विभिन्न websites के माध्यम से शिक्षण को प्रभावी बनाया जा सकता है I बच्चों को उनके topics से संबंधित जानकारी अधिक स्पष्ट और रोचक तरीके से सीखने में मदद मिलती है I
ReplyDeleteDuring the pandemic we had to start with online classes to reach the students. As schools were closed we used different apps to take classes , tv , whatsapp to send Sms and videos to the students.
ReplyDeletelots of problems we face. because we are (our school ) in a small town . so net work is very slow and some times there is no net and so many problems.
ReplyDeleteछात्रों में नेतृत्व की क्षमता करने के लियेप्रेरिट करेंगे। नेताओं के उद्धारण देंगे और आत्मविश्वास पैदा करेंगे।
ReplyDeleteFrom organizing MA to managing group- learning, to organizing CCA activities, to chalking out plans to celebrate imp days etc
ReplyDeleteLeadership is the ability of an individual who can lead from the front . students at Secondary School are in pre adolescent stage and it will be the right time to track them to inculcate the habits of leadership in them.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher in order to imbibe these ability in students one has to design activities ,seminar debate ,and group oriented activity to showcase the talent and quality of leadership among the students.
Lastly selection of school prefect and other vital responsibility in students also reflect the ability of leadership qualities in students at Secondary School.
Model leadership behaviour for children.- children learn from seeing what others do.
ReplyDeleteHelp children build self confidence.
Give children the opportunity to take leadership roles in the classroom.
Encouraging children to have communication and ability to act in given conditions both towards their classmates and their teachers.
Made whatsapp groups,share learning material,asked to send their work and queries
ReplyDeleteMost we use online education application .
ReplyDeletecovid-19 کی وبا نے تمام افراد کے بیچ فاصلوں کو بڑھا دیا- ظاہری بات ہے اس کا اثر درس و تدریس پر بھی پڑا یعنی اساتذہ اور طالب علم بھی ایک دوسرے سے دور ہونے پر مجبور ہوگئے-
ReplyDeleteلیکن پھر بھی ہم اپنے طالب علموں کے ساتھ رابطے میں رہے ٹیکنالوجی کی بدولت ہم نے موبائل فون یا سمارٹ فون کے ذریعے طالبعلموں کی درس و تدریس کو جاری رکھا -
آڈیو ویژول ٹیکنالوجی کا استعمال جتنا اس مدت کے دوران کیا گیا شاید اس سے پہلے کبھی نہ کیا گیا
ReplyDeleteکووڈ 19 کی وبا نے تمام افراد کے
بیچ فاصلوں کو بڑھا دیا- ظاہری بات ہے اس کا اثر درس و تدریس پر بھی پڑا یعنی اساتذہ اور طالب علم بھی ایک دوسرے سے دور ہونے پر مجبور ہوگئے-
لیکن پھر بھی ہم اپنے طالب علموں کے ساتھ رابطے میں رہے ٹیکنالوجی کی بدولت ہم نے موبائل فون یا سمارٹ فون کے ذریعے طالبعلموں کی درس و تدریس کو جاری رکھا -
آڈیو ویژول ٹیکنالوجی کا استعمال جتنا اس مدت کے دوران کیا گیا شاید اس سے پہلے کبھی نہ کیا گیا -
By making them talk confidently in the class and in stage. Giving them one minute talk exercise
ReplyDeleteabove average students may help a lot for the rest of the students.
ReplyDeleteI have given collaborative work for the students to create societal atmosphere among them .I have create a group for doing project work and allot a group leader and fix responsibility fro development of leadership quality.
ReplyDeleteVolunteer students banaye jo apni aas pass ki locality ke students ke pass jaakar unhe help kre in studies and quiz
ReplyDeleteHave to use social network medias like whatsapp group, Instagram, google meeting to interact with our students
ReplyDeleteI will form groups and keep changing the leader in evry group and assign them work or projects which the leader along with his team members have to complete every week and the leader who completes the project or work systematically , boldly will be awarded and this is how I will try to build leadership qualities in students
ReplyDeleteI contact students over phone at the secondary level to form whatsapp group then choose one leader every week and let them do project work with the members of the group.
ReplyDeleteThe staff and students are introduced into various online platforms like , Whatsapp, Zoom, Google Meet, Google Class room. They were also contacted over mobile
ReplyDeleteManaging students and monitering learning during online classes are to be taken care throughout the teaching learning activities to ensure leadership in learning
ReplyDeleteGood for students to manage class room experience and societal models
ReplyDeleteGood leadership in schools is vital for improving the learning outcomes of students.
ReplyDeleteGood leadership in schools is vital for improving the learning outcomes of students.
Good leadership in schools helps to foster both a positive and motivating culture for staff and a high-quality experience for learners.
For creating leadership in students we will give activities to individual students and will ask then to prepare well and explain to the complete class on what's app or youtube by creating a common group or youtube channel. This will strengthen the leadership skills in them.
ReplyDeleteShakuntala barg
ReplyDeleteFor creating leadership in students we will give activities to individual students and will ask then to prepare well and explain to the complete class on what's app or youtube by creating a common group or youtube channel. This will strengthen the leadership skills in them.
Make different group and give a animated and interesting story with the help of virtual class
ReplyDeleteBy encouraging students to participate in the school activities and help bulid their confidence. By creating an environment where they feel comfortable to do any task without hesitation and make the learning process joyful.
ReplyDeleteThrough watsapp group,google meet.
ReplyDeleteविद्यार्थियों को उनकी समाधि तथा योग्यता के अनुसार हैं कार्य देना चाहिए क्योंकि वह इस कार्य को आसानी से कर सकते हैं उनको कार्य करने में किसी प्रकार की परेशानी नहीं होती है
ReplyDeleteTo inculcate Good leadership in school, He must be a good listener, and utmost knowledge able person. Otherwise the school staff members will deny his commands whatever he say. He should obey all and most rules. He should eager to know the new ammendment going on day by day.
ReplyDeleteशिक्षकों को सीखने के विभिन्न आयामों -ऑनलाइन माध्यमों की ओर अभिप्रेरित करेंगे।
दीक्षा पोर्टल, स्वयं प्रभा चैनल के माध्यम से बच्चों को सीखने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना सर्वोत्तम रहेगा
By encouraging the students to be vocal about their opinion and also acknowledging their efforts no matter how small and insignificant it may be. Also, it will help a great deal if we teachers play an important role as their guides in their judgement and decision making.
ReplyDeleteदीक्षा पोर्टल ने अनेक ऑनलाइन ट्रेनिंग दी जिससे बहुत कुछ सिखा दिया व ज्ञान का भंडार भर दिया ।
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThrough zoom and teachmint we can develop leadership qualities.Even Diksha app helps in a greater way
ReplyDeleteThroughout the pandemic.We were in touch with our students through phone calls and WhatsApp .We shared videos and lesson basedactivities
ReplyDeleteBy giving ample of opportunities to mingle in the activities & learning by doing & taking responsibilities
ReplyDeleteI am in touch with my students through phone call. I am trying to understand their difficulties and try to solve it.
ReplyDeleteDue to pandemic situation, I compelled to bring some changes in my teaching learning process. I am using online mode like Google meet, Jio meet, zoom etc to continue my teaching learning process.
In order to create leadership qualities like integrity, ability to delegate, communication,empathy, courage etc. I will give different activities to the students.
ReplyDeletehelping students through,watsapp, Google meet
ReplyDeleteCreate School Website and mobile app to provide study material online.
ReplyDeleteYes, i do agree with the statement that students should be given activity and assess as per their aptitude in concern subject or area so that they would get interested in studies and schooling system and finds congenial environment for improving their skill or aptitude to a high level as a process and policy of Inclusive classroom .
ReplyDeleteits a good module for making teaching and learning process easy for teacher and student.
ReplyDeleteकोविड-19 के काल में हम अपने स्कूल के सारे विद्यार्थियों का एक व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप बनाकर पढ़ाते रहें
ReplyDeleteUsing platforms such as zoom meetings or google classrooms would be very effective. The students get an opportunity to interact with the teachers and classmates using both audio and video mode which will give them a feeling of a normal usual classroom.
ReplyDeleteDuring covid-19 pandamic period I used to do online classes.Having maintain covid rules I went their home and supervised their progress and asked them to obey covid rules.I used to talk with their parents through online mood and also encouraged my students to exercise recitation ,story telling,singing and writing.
ReplyDeleteIn order to create leadership qualities, I divide the class into groups according to their interests and capabilities and assign group activities making each of them as leaders by turn.
ReplyDeleteBy motivating and encouraging the students develop their personality and ability in whatever possible ways .
ReplyDeleteI did all the possible efforts to make study easy for the students make whatsapp group online classes YouTube study material used and inspired students to learn by their own ways
ReplyDeletebeing in contact with teachers and students through social media, not only by regular monitoring and random check,by encouraging and by developing interest,, tried my best to create atmosphere for better learning ....... we all stayed connected with our kids and with each other like a family during this pandemic senario........
ReplyDeleteWe tried to develop leadership quality by giving the students simple/complex tasks,. Giving them responsibilities,will develop leadership qualities.
ReplyDeletetried to built leadership qualities by dividing them in to peergroups and motivating each others to study and help one another.
ReplyDeleteWe have been trying to engage the students in different simple activities like quiz competition, article writing etc among themselves in peer groups to build leadership quality
ReplyDeleteI order to create leadership qualities in them, I have encouraged them in writing essays, short stories etc.
ReplyDeleteसर्वप्रथम छात्रों से संपर्क स्थापित करें, उनकी झीझक समाप्त करें जिससे वे अपनी समस्याए बता सके, विषयाधारित प्रश्नपूछ सके। स्मार्ट कक्षा व अन्य नवाचारों से छोटे छोटे विषयाधारित E-content बनाकर उनतक पहुँचाए।
ReplyDeleteTeacher help students through,watsapp, Google meet
ReplyDeleteशिक्षण के विविध आयामो को Website के माध्यम से सहज सरल ढंग से सिखाया जा सकता है ।
ReplyDeleteWe conduct our student by teaching online classes through yhe classroom and goole meet and vedioes sharing
ReplyDeleteसरकार शिक्षा विभाग निदेशालय के निर्देशो की पालना करते हुए विद्यार्थियों से डिजिटल माध्यम SMILE 3.0 से शिक्षण सामग्री पहुचाई व घर घर जाकर ऑफ लाइन छात्रों को अध्यापन कोरोना गाइडलाइन की पालना में किया।
ReplyDeleteविद्यार्थियों के व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप बनाकर नोट्स व शिक्षण वीडियो पोस्ट किए।
विद्यार्थियों को फ़ोन कर उनकी विषय मे प्रगति की नियमित जानकारी प्राप्त की
First of all children need to be trusted for their innate abilities. Opportunities should be provided based on the caliber of the student. Assigning a task of responsibility, doing follow up and checking whether the task is accomplished or not?
ReplyDeleteICT helps in transferring information in digital format, which is easy for both the student and teacher.
ReplyDeleteTeacher should create whatsapp group and Google classroom gorup with the students.
ReplyDeleteI have created whatsapp group to make contact with students.
ReplyDeleteConduct online classes
ReplyDeleteGoogle meet was the source I used the most to remain in touch with my students.Taking online classes, calling them personally and even the Whatts app group are the sources worthmentioning .
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher we always act like a leader for students .
ReplyDeleteWe teaches on line classes and we were continuosly in touch with them personally
ReplyDeleteCreating WhatsApp group and sharing audio and video.
ReplyDeletecreating whatsapp group and uploaded elaborated notes where mentioned references of text book page number and para etc. Along with this homevisit performed to give the students academic support.
ReplyDeleteFor implementing leadership during this pandamic we can use activity through digital platform, digital documents etc
ReplyDeleteWe should focus on online mode of teaching, I share important learning videos, voice msgs, photogh of topic etc, also checked their home work assigned, encourage them to participate in maximum no, and most importantly moral boosting.
ReplyDeleteLeadership quality is an utmost important characteristic in human life n it should nurture in very early childhood. School is the platform where a child should get proper nurture for future life. As a teacher we should be a guide friend and a philosopher of a child. We should encourage how to think properly for a problem n no of solutions a problem might have, also encourage in character building activities, to make him a perfect Leader in future
ReplyDeleteMobile se parents se bhi sampark banaye rakha aur jo jaankari chahiya thi wo provide kari aur unko self learning ke liye motivate kiya
ReplyDeleteGoogle classroom & google meet is very useful platform to interact with students online. We can teach, even conduct activities also.
ReplyDeleteFor teaching and learning whatsapp groups -class wise were created to impart online teaching lessons .Technically advanced staff was motivated to take classes through Google meet .Teachers as per orders were directed to reach the students for giving and collection of homework ,those offline . Problems were shared time to time to find ways to connect with students on line. .
ReplyDeleteTrying is good for all teachers
ReplyDeleteWe should not say you are wrong , we have to tell them through proper example what is right and wrong.
ReplyDeleteBy creating whatsapp groups of children,communicating with students as well as parents for their support and building confidence in them to overcome this situation
ReplyDeleteIn order to create leadership qualities.Iwould motivate and encourage the students.I would divide different activities into different group and I would apoint a leader in each group .
ReplyDeletePhysical, emotional, social changes keep happening. Friends going away is something that makes one feel sad but on knowing why, it relaxes you.
ReplyDeleteWe could be a peacemaker and allow each one to express their feeling so that we can take a fair decision to find a solution.
ReplyDeleteTeaching learning through online meeting apps have also been helpful in interactive sessions. The students are required to keep their camera on and encouraged to share their own opinions and ideas and participate in all the lessons and activities. Students are also required to record videos of their presentations in given topics and share it in the groups for their holistic development. In every aspect, students are encouraged to be confident which will help them in building leadership for learning in the secondary level.
ReplyDeleteTeaching learning through online meeting apps have also been helpful in interactive sessions. The students are required to keep their camera on and encouraged to share their own opinions and ideas and participate in all the lessons and activities. Students are also required to record videos of their presentations in given topics and share it in the groups for their holistic development. In every aspect,
ReplyDeleteLeadership is the ability to lead the other form the front. Would give group assignments and tell the students to present in the class in which every student has a role to research and present infront of the other students such that they get to take the responsibility and develops the necessary qualities of a leader and simultaneously helps in holistic development among students.
ReplyDeleteवर्गातील विद्यार्थ्यांचे जवळीक ते प्रमाणे गट तयार करू, गटातील विद्यार्थ्यांच्या सहमतीने गटाची जबाबदारी क्रमाक्रमाने सर्वांकडे देवू.
ReplyDeleteEncouraging the students to ask right questions,
ReplyDeleteGiving small responsible tasks to students,
Engaging students in group discussions, group projects, group activities where they are given liberty for selecting their own moderator,
We should motivate students to learn using different types of technology
ReplyDeleteविद्यार्थ्यांचे जवळीक ते प्रमाणे गट तयार करणे , गटातील विद्यार्थ्यांच्या सहमतीने गटाची जबाबदारी क्रमाक्रमाने सर्वांकडे देणे .
ReplyDeleteCovid 19 lock down period there is psychological problem and my school is in rural area so there is lot of problem because of student at home parents take ek student to farm so study material any type matterial offline classes or offline classes so Frist Arley morning offline study material give us and also Yoga cycling Running and also give information about COVID-19 and care to dear
ReplyDeleteCovid situation, students are facing physical and psychological transformations very fast. They need to be engaged positively, otherwise there is a chance of negative changes overruled. Learning is found to be too slow, as students are losing interest in reading books.
When we develop leadership of students there is firstly health health is important so so mind become flesh and students will be activate all new things achievements and any health program there is firstly playing cricket cricket yoga yoga music therapy history of nation never country country and political moments good citizen good Indian and also also sacrifice about our country our country and this can be success through online offline offline whatever media use development make continuously safa r
ReplyDeleteLeadership for learning is a good concept, to be tried in the practical field
ReplyDeleteYes of course
Deleteकोविड 19 महामारी मुळे,
ReplyDeleteआम्ही विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी ऑनलाईन वर्ग आयोजित केले आणि विद्यार्थ्यांशी मोबाईलद्वारे नियमित संपर्क करत राहिलो. पालकांशी संपर्क साधून ऑनलाईन वर्गांना विद्यार्थी जास्तीत जास्त प्रमाणामध्ये उपस्थित राहतील यासाठी प्रयत्न केला.
Teacher should act as a leader as well as facilitator .
ReplyDeleteTeacher can help students identify their leadership qualities by taking up some responsibilities,like helping other students who need it especially during online classes.
ReplyDeleteThis way they will realise that they can make a difference in others lives.
Assigning the work to teachers with distribution of work to each and every teacher, overcome the difficulties with discussions with teachers, provide learning atmosphere among the children, with regular supervision and advises, regular evaluation, identify the slow learners, providing remedial teaching to them and approaching with positive attitude, and get tremendous results with appreciation to teachers
ReplyDeleteDiscussion with students at the end of teaching-learning sessions give them equal opportunities to express their thoughts thus,enhancing their leadership qualities and thereby their personalities also in future..
ReplyDeleteDuring online classes we interact with students and tried to develop leadership skills
ReplyDeleteक्लास के सभी छात्रो का what app group बनाकर पाठ को समजायला जाता यू टूब के जरिए छात्रो समजायला जाता
ReplyDeleteThere should not be gender issue
ReplyDeleteSex ratio may differ due to various reasons
ReplyDeleteGave responsibility of checking homework.
ReplyDeleteTo create leadership quality among the students for that purpose will do so many activities in the class assign them some roles for example class monitor check monitor class Health Minister class sport minister after we can also assign some rules related to the competitions so in this way we will increase their leadership quality
ReplyDeleteI will give opportunities to do more activities
ReplyDeleteTeachers are the person who can makes good leadership by the process of various activities like,proper guidence,
ReplyDeleteCooperation, positive dialogues.Encouraging the students to ask right questions,
Giving small responsible tasks to students,
Engaging students in group discussions.
Students are also required to record video of their presentations in the topics given for their holistic development and share them in groups. In every aspect, students are encouraged to have confidence which will help them to build leadership for learning at secondary level. At first it was difficult for the students and then for the teachers. We got used to the online medium and all the classes went well.
ReplyDeleteLeadership is the ability to lead the other form the front. Enabling quality of leadership among the students through PSQ helps to create better people with leadership abilities for the future.
ReplyDeleteGoal setti ng, assessment, accountability positively influence student performance
Create environment in which student learning is the central focus
Teaching problem for students in village dew to net.
ReplyDeleteWe had taken the help of students who are good at technical knowledge /skills and parents to participate the learners in different activities such as google forms , interactive wattsaap groups etc..
ReplyDeleteमैंने कोविड-19 अपने घर में ही ऑनलाइन क्लास रूम बनाया तथा यूट्यूब वीडियो वीडियो बनाएं और व्हाट्सएप के माध्यम से कक्षा ग्रुप में इन वीडियो की लिंक भेज कर छात्रों को निरंतर अध्ययन से जुड़े रखा जिन छात्रों के पास किसी भी प्रकार का कोई डिजिटल डिवाइस नहीं था उनसे वर्कशीटऔर संपर्क के द्वारा जुड़ा रहा
ReplyDeleteTeacher helps students by Google meet, zoom meet, WhatsApp..
ReplyDeleteThere are generally three major components of education. The teaching process is implemented for the three components of teaching, learning and evaluation. Now let us see how these three elements will take shape in this new online method.
ReplyDeleteTeaching: What the teacher teaches in the classroom. This includes the teacher's personal skills, rhetoric, the art of presenting and explaining the subject.
Learning: What students learn through their own efforts and perceptions. This includes reading the study material given by the teacher, seeing / experiencing the relevant learning resources, doing the given homework / assignments.
Evaluation: Evaluation is the process of verifying how much a student has learned through teaching and learning. This includes checking homework, taking component tests, and taking exams. When considering online education, one should use a system that can accomplish all these three components through online media.
Teacher helps students by conducting online classes.