Course 3: Activity 2 - Share Your Reflections

What is the role of PSQs in our daily life? Do they help in learning? Do teachers play a role in developing and practicing the PSQs in secondary stage learners? Share your reflections.


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    2. It helps to nurture values like empathy, building relationship, trustworthiness, respect, understanding other's perspective, sensitivity towards others problems , patience , positive attitude towards self and others etc.
      yes, these qualities help in the holistic development of the learner.
      Teachers paly a very pivotal role in imbibing these values and attitude in the children. Teachers foster these skills thus making teaching learning more meaningful.

    3. The students at the secondary stage are all adolescent and hence teacher should be very careful dealing with them. As such PSQs will help teachers to be empathetic towards their students.

    4. PSQs help in developing good qualities a swell as good character. this bring healthy and and happy atmosphere which in turn motivates to learn more.

    5. It helps a teacher to understand various thought patterns and responses in various situations,thereby helps him in tlp

  2. Developing Personal-Social Qualities for Facilitating Holistic Development of Learners

  3. Definitely yes, the role of teachers play a huge role in developing their PSQ's because during teenage they are going through the period of transition....if we teachers are empathetic we can definitely bring about positive changes in them.

  4. PSQ's is important for overall development of the students it will influences their learning and behaviour in all aspects of their lives. Teacher role is very important, teacher should foster positive classroom climate, and also make sure students feel safe and accepted, teachers should be a guide and help the students to explore their interest, strength.

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  6. Definately, the role of teachers takes the pivotal place when they are dealing with adolescents chidren because they are going through very critical stage of their life in which they need the help/intervention of teacher as guide, philosher and friend to resolve concflicting situations and develop a positive attitude towards their own life.

  7. PSQ is important for development of learning as well as the development of students. It will influences their learning and behaviour in all aspects of their lives.
    Teacher plays an important role in developing and practicing PSQ. Differnet chool activities also play a part in developing students personal social quality. Interacting with their classmates, teachers and headmaster play an important part as students spent lot of their time in the school.

  8. PSQ helps us to become more empathetic with people. Definitely it helps in learning. Students can be taught these values so that they can understand others feelings and become more positive towards life.

    1. Yes PSQ helps to create a bond between teachers and students. Students can easily share their thoughts very friendly with teachers. After secondary school these psq qualities reflects in students life which may become helpful to them.

  9. व्यक्तिगत सामग्र सामाजिक गुण बताएं या विशेषताओं के माध्यम से सीखने वाले पर बहुत अधिक प्रभाव पड़ता है सिखाने वाले की वाकपटुता वाक् चातुर्य और काम में ली गई तकनीक से एक बड़े समूह में सीखने के सरल अवसर पैदा होते हैं बच्चों के साथ सामाजिक जुड़ाव हर किसी को आसान नहीं है इसके लिए व्यक्तिगत बताएं और विशेषताएं होती है जो माध्यमिक कक्षाओं के शिक्षण कराने वाले अध्यापक में होना जरूर

  10. It is self defined the importance of an individual to learn/ develop the various area's od understanding through their experiences in their daily life.
    Teacher's neing mostly intact with the students throughout their childhood to adolescent can be a key person i their confusing world, teachers can be more closer & easyly affordable person ro rhe child if he tackle them wirh open hearted,help them , encourage them with different skills as per the needs, keeping in mind the nàture of the child and their family background.
    Working as a Head of an Sr. Sec.School have come through lots of individuals nature,affects of adolescents childs, change of mindsets,enthusiasm in different skills,family affects etc. Which Teacher's have always been the support indirectly or directly to be supportive to students.

  11. Personal-social qualities are items such as care, concern, sensitivity, acceptance, empathy, cooperation etc. by teachers, students and other stakeholders in classroom/school helps in creating a conducive environment, which is the precondition for learning.

  12. PSQs help us in living life harmoniously with everyone. It helps us in every aspect of our life be it personal or socially.
    Yes it helps in learning because students of different backgrounds and different characteristics are to be dealt accordingly with care, acceptance, empathetically and concern.
    Teachers definitely play key role in the secondary stage because at the secondary stage the students are going through a transitional phase and they have a compelling need for social and personal acceptance and recognition. So the role of a teacher is to become a guide, philosopher, communicator,personality shaper,counselor and a friend so that they become a positive person and and empathetic.

  13. The role of PSQs in the lives of students is to influence their learning and behaviour in all aspects of their lives. It also help us to understand and build maintain effective relationships in our personal, professional and social life. Yes it helps in learning. Yes , teachers play an important role in developing and practicing the PSQs.

  14. personal and social qualities play a vital role in our lives. It helps us decide when to take action and when to observe. It helps us to grow and learn in this changing world.
    Yes, PS capabilities supports students learning- it helps them becoming confident individuals who are able to take appropriate decisions in every aspect of their life.
    Teachers play an important role in inculcating PSQ in students.

  15. Personal Social Qualities PSQ's is important for overall development of the students, it will helps in their learning and behaviour in all aspects of their lives.
    yes, the role of teachers play a huge role in developing their PSQ's because during teenage they are going through the period of transition....if we teachers are empathetic we can definitely bring about positive changes in them.

  16. Obviously PSQ has a major role both in our daily life and education system too.
    Teacher's role is very important in developing PSQ in learners and they can motivate students to achieve better future by doing so.

  17. Personal and social qualities like empathy, concern,acceptance, care,love etc.shown by the teachers in the classroom as well as in the school will bring positive impact in the learning process. As Educators, dealing with the secondary stage students who are going through a transitional phase need every personal acceptance and recognition. It becomes our commitment to be a FRIEND, GUIDE, COUNSELOR to bring about positive changes in these adolescent students and maintaining a good relationship with them. EMPATHY should be the first priority.

  18. Personal Social Qualities PSQ's play a very important role in the life of a student both in personal life and as a student. They help to mould him in to a good citizen in the society. Teachers play a very crucial role in developing PSQ's in a student because students trust them and try to learn many things from them. A teacher can inculcate good qualities like love, compassion, empathy, tolerance, self discipline, good behaviour and many others in a student by gentle care and concern towards students.

  19. PSQs are an important requirement, a recipe for a congenial learning atmosphere in Schools...needed to exhibit values as being 'sensitive and caring', 'show respect and appreciate others thoughts, emotions, actions and circumstances' develops competencies to see situations from others point of view, recognize and understand others' emotions, think of an alternate reality, be empathetic, seek solutions in conflicting situations developing compassion and team spirit thereby leading to a healthy Classroom and School Environment

  20. PSQs are important in daily life for learning. It enables us to tackle the situation differently.

  21. PSQs are important for being smart in the real world. Facing the world after school years is a challenge and if students are equipped with the knowledge of PSQs ,they will surely be stronger and better.

  22. PSQs in our daily life plays a vital role for the holistic development of an individual.
    Yes ,PSQs help in learning.
    Teachers must play a vital role in developing and practising PSQs in secondary stage learners.Adolescent stage being the most crucial stage in student's life,every care,support and guidance is required to understand the adolescent learners.Teachers with their skills and effectiveness, must provide ample opportunities to explore and satisfy thier inquisitiveness.

  23. PSQ plays a vital role in our day to day life. positive psq helps in teaching-learning.Focussing upon psq is essential for secondary level teachers.

  24. Psq play an important role in our daily life, in family, and even in the society. Man is a social being and need some company to share with our feelings. So, everyone needs to learn livimg together. Teacher play an important role in developing psq especially among the adolescent. They need role model and the teacher could help in making right decision.

  25. PSQ helps us to understand and built effective relationships in personal ,professional and social life .It helps us to create a healthy environment in classroom. Yes it definitely influences learning.In secondary stage we have the adolescent learners who are going through numerous emotions so a teacher plays a crucial role in their lives. If we create a positive classroom atmosphere ,communicate effectively, understand their emotions, differences, then students too will inculcate the same .

  26. PSQs plays a significant role in our daily life which influence ones behaviour in all aspects of lives. Definitely these skills helps to support the learning and holistic development of learners. During secondary stage, teachers not only play the role of provider of in-depth knowledge about different disciplines, but also share information about different career options, helping them explore, identify themselves, trying to shape their personality helping them to build their personal and social capabilities.
    Teachers need to be skilled in classroom management to create conducive learning atmosphere so as the learners communicate effectively and meaningfully.

  27. Absolutely correct understanding the psychology of the children's and behaving appropriately irrespective of what their concern are makes them easy to get the answers to their queries specially during the adolescent age. Being a teacher it's very important to have a sound PSQs quality otherwise the childrens will not be able to develop confidence and will be laid back.

  28. Personal Social Qualities are important for overall development of the students. It will certainly influence their learning outcomes and behaviour in all aspects of their lives. Teacher's role is of paramount importance who can foster positive classroom environment to make students feel safe, confident and accepted. Teacher should be a guide and help his/her students to explore their interest, passion, strength besides overcoming their weaknesses if any.

  29. PSQs help understanding social qualities, create healthy environment in schools, classroom, society. PSQs help to build confidence. Undoubtedly, a teacher play an important role in developing and practicing PSQs by understanding the learners and influencing them with some interesting discussions. A teacher can be a guide, influencer who understands the feelings, changes, perspective, qualities etc of a student.

  30. The role of personal social quality is very important in our daily life it helps in better understanding of eachother yes it helps surely in learning process it hepls student in interacting with eachother
    Teacher play an important role in holistic development of student by not only teaching the lesson but also by nurturing in them the personal social qualities.

  31. The role of PSQs is very essential for the all round development of the students.Therefore ,teacher plays a key role in shaping the present and future of the students. I feel that free from bias is one step that we teachers can apply for the development of students as a whole .

  32. Development of overall personality is a must and teachers with adequate knowledge of psychological and social behaviour can help the students

  33. PSQs play an important role in our daily life to achieve success and to live a respectful life. It is very helpful for the learners as they are in such a stage where they want to follow their own decisions in every aspect of life.So as a teacher we need to guide them for the overall development of a child by following such practices.

  34. The role of PSQ in our daily life is to develop an individual in a holistic manner and maintain effective relationship in a personal and professional life.PSQ plays a vital role in learning as it makes one understand the person's social quality.It helps in developing qualities and skills which should be provided proper guidance in the classroom by the teachers. Teachers play the vital role in developing PSQ, opportunities in schools and in nurturing PSQ among the secondary stage learners.Teachers should understand the psychological needs of these learners and help them to cope with them.

  35. The role of PSQs in our daily life is it helps us to be able to interact with our students and the society and maintain a friendly environment where no one is pressurized. Yes, they help in learning and yes, teacher's play a very important role in developing and practicing the PSQs in secondary stage learner's because after parents teacher's are the one's with whom the students spend most of their time and the teachers are like a role model to the students. We must able to give them the friendly environment where they can share their problems with us if they are not able to do so with their parents. We must make ourselves accessible to our students, with whom they feel secured and learn many new things from us.

  36. PSQs are a very important part of our student building platform. Fostering a positive classroom climate is essential for students to feel safe and accepted. When teachers show that they are interested to know and help students, care about them, students not only feel safe and secure emotionally but also try to replicate such qualities in their day-to-day interactions.

  37. PSQs is very important for building our a students platform.Its play a very important role in our daily to success and to live a respectful live.It also helps us the teacher to helps our students emotional and to have a positive mindset.

  38. The role of teachers in developing PSQs at secondary levels is of greatest importance. At this stage the children enter adolescence and they will be under great pressure. The role of secondary teacher in relieving the stress of the child is very important.

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  40. PSQ plays an important role in building up of personal character, it gives us better understanding of society and help us to be respectful towards others and prepare us for interaction with society as a whole . It definitely play an important role in learning. As a teacher, PSQ helps us to understand and built effective relationships with students to create a healthy environment in classroom. It has positive influences in learning.

  41. PSQ's is important for overall development of the students it will influences their learning and behaviour in all aspects of their lives.

  42. PSQ'S help us build a congenial and healthy rapport with the family, relatives and community which in turn strengthen our abilities to confront the problems of daily life with added confidence and vigour.
    As the students from various backgrounds attend the school, PSQ's play a pivotal role in catering to their learning, emotional and social needs.
    At secondary level, the students are more inquisitive, exploring and exposed to career options. Teachers, at such a crucial stage, need to guide, encourage and facilitate the students making right choices. Teachers with good communication and management skills can create conducive learning environments for the students and also help them develop PSQ's to deal with the challenges they are confronted with.

  43. PSQ's is essential for both teachers and learners to developed.
    Teachers are the role model of learners, the learners closely monitor the activities and instructions of the teachers. Thus, teachers play a vital role in developing the learners both mentally as well as in the academic level.

  44. It helps to nurture values like empathy, building relationship, trustworthiness, respect, understanding other's perspective, sensitivity towards others problems , patience , positive attitude towards self and others etc.
    yes, these qualities help in the holistic development of the learner.
    Teachers paly a very pivotal role in imbibing these values and attitude in the children. Teachers foster these skills thus making teaching learning more meaningful

  45. In our daily life, personal social qualities help in improving values like respect for each other, understanding, positive attitude towards others and life, etc. Definitely, the PSQs help the learners in learning the life skills. Teachers play an important role in developing and practicing the PSQs in secondary stage learners' life as students spend important developmental period in the school.

  46. PSQs are the need of the hour as these qualities will definitely plays an important role for the holistic development of a student as well as the teacher.

  47. Personal and social qualities(PSQs) play a vital role in our daily life. It helps us to live our lives peacefully with everyone, it is needed in every aspect of our life be it social or personal.
    PSQs is a vital support for learning and holistic development of learners.
    Yes, teachers play a huge role in developing and practicing the PSQs in secondary stage learners. Since the learners in secondary would be in their puberty period where they will be going through transitional phases, so here the role of teacher becomes even more vital.During this stage teachers not only play the role of a provider of in-depth knowledge about different disciplines but also provide information about different careers options. Teacher also play the role of guide by helping them explore and identify their own selves.

  48. Teachers certainly play a vital role in building a students personal social quality… we as a role model can inculcate feeling of love sharing affection empathy etc in students by showing them the same emotions in the class itself. By imbibing such qualities in students teachers help the students to learn more easily and mould their character in a good way to make them a good human and it also helps in classroom management .

  49. Psq's is as important as learning other subjects for students. Teachers must first develop their own personal social qualities and then help students to develop qualities such as empathy, being helpful, etc. Many children often see their teachers as role models so definitely teachers play an important role in developing the personal social qualities.

  50. PSQs helps develop understanding, skills for facilitating holistic development of students. PSQs surely helps in learning as it develops positive attitudes, effective communication skills which are the key factors required for learning. Teachers play a major role in students life for a teacher can inspire hope,ignite positivityand instill a love of learning and becoming a good human being

  51. Teachers play very important role in all around development of students. Therefore it is important for teachers to develop the social qualities of the students

  52. This quality plays an important role in holistic development of the students.

  53. Obviously, teachers play an important role in personal and social role of students because in the secondary level the kids are just entering their adolescent age and will feel at ease to share their problems with a teacher they trust rather than with their own parents. It becomes the teachers duty to guide the students who come to them for advice in their problems. This way it will be possible for them to make proper decision as stay on the right track.

  54. Personal Social Qualities is crucial in helping us to have a good, healthy relationships with people around us.
    Yes, they help in learning as person with this quality will have a positive attitude in life about self and those around them, which will help them in building relationships and give them a happy healthy mind which is directly linked with our ability to learn well.
    Yes, teachers have a crucial role to play in pupils' lives and this area is also for isolated from them. Students always look up to their teachers and hence we need to mentor them, shape them and mould them in being an individual with highly developed Personal and social qualities.

  55. psqs play an important role in our daily life be it personal,socal or professional.psqs does help in teaching learning process as it helps to nuture values like empathy,respect of eachother's differences,building relationships,prespective thinking.Teachers have always been a role model for students.In secondary stage where a learner go through lots of changes mental,physical ,emotional, a teacher can infulence and can help students to cope up with those changes and plays a vital role in shapping n developing psqs in his or her students.

  56. PSQs of life helps in one's development in thinking and accepting others views.
    They help to create a reality and understanding environment.

    Yes teachers help the adolescent students who are too confused by the changes in themselthem.
    They become confident and are more open to their thoughts as they see the world with a new hopes.

  57. We teachers play an important role in the life of students either personal and social role because as children in their secondary stage are just entering their adolescent age and most students feel at home to share their errors in life, with their teachers. They trust their teachers as they know teachers are their future builders. It is the teachers duty to guide the students who come to them for advising the hardships.

  58. Personal and social qualities do play a very important role in the holistic development of any person in the society. It helps to develop many values like respect for the elders, honesty, empathy and moral values. Teachers play a pivotal role in developing these values.

  59. Teacher can play a vital role in the life of students in developing PSQ. In secondary level, they are in their adolescent period. They experience many changes in them, physical, emotional etc. They cant ask their parents or their friends about problems . There teacher can help them.

  60. Teachers play a key role in stundets life by giving academi c and moral suggestions for their future

  61. Personal Social Qualities PSQs has a vital role in teaching learning process.It is these qualities that mould the learners perspective about their world . If these qualities are imbibed by the teachers through their practical approach, the learners also shall imbibe by imitating the teachers. Positivity plays a major role in our daily life.As a teacher dealing with secondary stage learners, I can say with experience that PSQs play more vital role in shaping learners personality than knowledge of the subject. Demonstrating these qualities will be more effective in learners minds than merely lecturing about these qualities.
    PSQs such as perseverance, self control, patience etc help the learners face negative circumstances with positive approach.These qualities enables the learners act judiciously in dire situations and Teachers play a very major role in developing the PSOs in Secondary Stage Learners.

  62. Certainly yes.Teacher of their own PSQs plays major role to perception of his around world.As we teachers can change the learning ability and all other positive PSQs in the minds of students.

  63. Udaya Kumar Esikela ZPHS VEPULAPARTHY Brahmasamudram Mandal Ananthapuramu District Andhra Pradesh state

    Really PSQs play a predominant role in shaping not only students but also teachers. A teacher with convicted PSQs can change the face of the area heralding good feeling amongst people. PSQs play such a powerful role in bringing up a positive change in everybody.

  64. Feelings and emotions play a significant role in how students approach learning and what is learnt.
    Yes, PSQs do help in learning.
    Teachers play a very important role. As a teacher one must bring out the best in students and inspire them to strive for greatness.


  65. PSQs play a significant role in how students approach learning and what is learnt.
    Yes, PSQs do help in learning.
    Teachers play a very important role in holistic development of students.. for this they must focus on PSQs of students.

  66. psq enables us to mix with the diverse practices and respect eachothers perspectives. teachers definitely plays a vital role in developing psq by being able to accept the diversities and imparting the same qualities to their students.

  67. PSQ plays a crucial role in today's scenario in education. We as a teacher should have Such skills to handle a diverse forms of students. If we teach students with smile automatically environment of class will become interactive and progressive. Students shares their ideas in teaching and learning if teachers shows positive attitudes. Students can lean and understand lots of things if teachers shows positive responses.

  68. Teacher's definitely play a vital role in developing PSQs in students. For example : During examination if we find a student cheating , we have to be firm but be very careful not to imbibe a negative attitude in the student. We can give the confidence that the child has the calibre to write the exams on their own without cheating.
    Our attitude towards our work also plays a strong impact on cultivating PSQs in students

  69. We humans are social beings , so inorder to have a healthy social relationships, we need to develop suitable social qualities. Developing Personal social qualities as teacher educators, is very important inorder to understand the students. During secondary education, the students are in their adolescent phase , undergoing hormonal stress, we as teachers can act as guides and pathshowers with proper PSQ'S. the students should be able to open up to us with their problems.

  70. Absolutely PSQs plays a very important role in daily life. Peace in family, healthy environment in the neighborhood,and encouragement among colleagues.
    Teacher possessing good skill of PSQs can associate proper teacher-student relationship. This automatically transform every needs for learning teaching and processes successful. But many teachers are yet needed to improve this PSQs in the secondary stage.

  71. PSQ is very important for holistic development of child.Teacher plays a vital role in this.

  72. The term PSQ itself is the answers. It implies in our daily life. Yes obviously they do help by developing students life towards socially and emotionally. And main role is play by a teachers who always available for students when they need help. They help during secondary education. They help to develop skills and positive attitudes of students.

  73. That's what, a teacher has to be a good role model not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom. He has to demonstrate all his good qualities in order to implant in students 's life individually .when he keeps it on continously then there obviously comes transformation as his transformation transforms the whole students.
    Therefore, I do believe that this kind of effort to be put by a teacher to give them a new and fresh life which is fully value ladden .

  74. yes definitely teachers plays a vital role in developing PSQs in the learners as, students will be in an adolescent stage where there will be certain confusions or doubts or it may be a learning age for them in such circumstances teacher will act as guidance for them.

  75. Certainly PSQ plays a vital role in teaching learning process.

  76. It's very essential in respect to involve in class room

  77. The word Happy for me is to be with family n friends, enjoying somewhere... Happy or happiness is different for others as because of individual diff.

  78. Psq in a teacher enables him or her to build a strong and positive relation with the students and is crucial in teaching n learning.when a student feels free n secured , obviously it enhanc s better learning and also is free to share their issues of life which may be creating obstacles in their way

  79. t helps to nurture values like empathy, building relationship, trustworthiness, respect, understanding other's perspective, sensitivity towards others problems , patience , positive attitude towards self and others etc. Teacher role is very important, teacher should foster positive classroom climate, and also make sure students feel safe and accepted, teachers should be a guide and help the students to explore their interest, strength.

  80. yes, the role of teachers play a huge role in developing their PSQ's because during teenage they are going through the period of transition....if we teachers are empathetic we can definitely bring about positive changes in them.

  81. Teachers paly a very pivotal role in imbibing these values and attitude in the children. Teachers foster these skills thus making teaching learning more meaningful.

  82. Teachers definitely play an important role in developing PSQs especially in secondary stage learners who are themselves confused at this stage.Lots of changes are taking place in their body and mind during this stage.

  83. Teachers by creating a positive classroom climate make students feel safe and accepted. By doing this the students in turn imbibe and practice a set behavioral guideline laid down by the teacher.

  84. It helps to nurture values like empathy,building relationship understanding others perspective etc .
    It helps in the holistic development of the learner
    Teachers play an important role in developing and practising PSQ.

  85. PSQs help to understand others mind, belief, and help us to nurture emphaty, effective relationship etc.
    Yes, it help the holistic development of learner.
    Teachers play an important role in promoting PSQs to secondary stage learner.

  86. Yes, it definitely imbibes into our daily lives. Human beings are social creatures and so it depends on its environment. Students develop their curiosity and get motivated when teacher creates a learning environment.

  87. Yes, PSQ definitely plays pivotal role in learning. When both teacher and student have these qualities, learning becomes more joyful and effective. Teacher at secondary level must inculcate these qualities among students.

  88. PSQ helps to reflect our skills in our daily life. It helps to focus on developing and understanding the qualities for safe and healthy social life.Teachers are effective facilitators who deals and addresses the changing developmental concerns of the students for their personal social and academic development.

  89. PSQs add life and blood to our day to day lives. It's very crucial as it helps us to understand, build and maintain effective relationships in our personal, professional and social life. It is crucial for holistic development of learners, helps one in being more empathetic and fosters effective communication providing a strong 'mental set' that fosters 'perspective taking' and at the same time helps an individual to be sensitive and caring, respectful and appreciative of others thoughts, emotions and actions. In Schools PSQs contribute towards making a healthy Classroom and School Environment.
    Teachers play a pivotal role in not only developing PSQs but also in practicing them in the secondary stage i.e. with adolescent learners by understanding the diverse backgrounds, interests, aptitudes, values and skills and moulding their personalities, providing them much needed information about career options, guiding them to explore their ownselves and helping them define their own identity by resolving conflicts faced by learners. Teachers help facilitate learners to understand not only their own beliefs, values, feelings, thought processes and behaviour but also that of others thereby building new healthy relationships, maintaining all relations smoothly and helping learners focus on their academic pursuits and perform their best in every aspect of their personal and social life.

  90. PSQs plays an important role in our daily life, it helps an individual to understand, maintain a good relationship among society, family, friends and many more.
    Yes it helps in holistic development learning.
    We all know that students spend more time in school, 50% what they learn in life is everything that is taught by teachers or by seeing them so its important to create a good relationship towards them. Positive, healthy and effective classroom are important and essential.

  91. PSQ plays a vital role in our life. We teachers can harvest personal and social qualities among students at different stages. Teachers have to carefully see the student's communication skills with peers, emotional behavior, mental state so that correct step can be taken to develop their psq.

  92. PSQ is very important in our life as it reflects our personality. Qualities like care, empathy, cooperation can be developed, which is very important for a student to develop. Different life skills are some of the important examples of PSQ which is a very important for a growing child

  93. PSQ is a very important factor in our life as it helps us to deal in our society.
    It teaches us a variety of good skills essential for our live. As a teacher we have impact upon our students and these PSQ of teachers will be extracted by his or her students with the same effective PSQ passing to them.

  94. PSQs plays an important role in learning. It nurture emphathy, patience, kindness, honest and faithfullness. It is important in our livelihood. Teachers have vital role in developing this PSQs.

  95. It is very important in teaching learning process.

  96. It helps to respect divergence, tolerance,nurtures empathy, develops positive attitude towards everything around.
    Yes ,these qualities help them to learn values, feelings and thus help in their all round development.
    Teachers play major role in developing and practicing the PSQs in sec. stage learners as guide to identify their own potentials, strengths, interests, values and attitude towards life. .

  97. It creates environment for respect of Nation

  98. PSQs act just like oil to an engine in our life.They help us establish,strengthen and sustain cordial relationships.A teacher can develop PSQs among the students by practicing himself.

  99. PSQs helps to nurture values like empathy, building relationship, trustworthiness, respect, understanding other's perspective, sensitivity towards others problems , patience , positive attitude towards self and others etc.
    Yes, these qualities helps in the holistic development of the learner.
    Teachers play a very important role in imbibing these values in the children. Teachers foster these skills thus making teaching learning more meaningful.

  100. The role of PSQ is immense in our daily life. It makes us well adjusted to the society. It brings about positive thinking which helps in learning.

    The secondary stage students are in the adolescence period, their physical and thinking develops immensely at this period. Their ability to learn is greatest at this stage. Therefore, teachers play a vital role in developing and practicing PSQs in Secondary stage learners.

  101. Definitely yes, the role of teachers play a huge role in developing understanding the qualities for safe and healthy social life.

  102. PSQ gives us a positive mindset that helps us to have a better understanding of life. Teachers should develop and practice it for their secondary students as they are in their transitional stages and help and guide them to find their own unique selves,

  103. PSQ in our daily life help student become confident individuals who are able to take appropriate decisions in every aspect of their life.Teachers play an active role in developing and practicing PSQ’s as teachers are the first person from whom a child learns his social skills.

  104. It helps to acquire all round development in our daily life that is mental,physical, moral and spiritual development. Yes teachers helps in developing and practicing PSQs in secondary stage learners by guiding students on their social behavior.

  105. PSQs helps students with their holistic development and encourage them to become a better person. Teachers play an importan role in helping students develop their PSQ's in their secondary stage of learning.

  106. Secondary stage students are all adolescent which is very critical stage of their life hence teacher should be very careful dealing with them.For that PSQs will help teachers to be empathetic towards their students.

  107. PSQ play a major role in one's daily life we need to understand the socio emotional needs of others. PSQ develops such qualties among us where we are able to see the things in larger ways and understand the socio and emitonal needs of others.PSQ does help in learning as well, if students feels comfortable with the teachers and if students feels that they will not be judjed then it creates a positive envionment which makes learning more efficient.Teacher also put their best effort to inbuild PSQ among the students by guiding their social and emotional skills.

  108. PSQs plays a pivotal role in our daily life. It allows us to have a different perspective and enables us to respect the different experience and opinions of people. Yes, PSQs does help in learning as all the learners are not same they come from diverse backgrounds so if a teacher can develop PSQs then it will make learning more enjoyable. In a secondary level it is important to develop the PSQs among the students as in this stage of learning the students experience different things so teachers needs to guide the students and support them in developing and practising PSQs.

  109. It would not be wrong to say that developing PSQs makes education an all round development. For students, school is the best place for developing their psqs as they are from diversed societies with varying personalities and family background. And teachers do play vital role in moulding the students' psqs. If a teacher knows how to deal and guide the students well especially in the secondary level, they would surely have better perceptions in their future lives not only in studies but also in all aspect of loves

  110. PSQ is essential in our everyday lives but more so in the classroom because it is there, that we meet with so many different perspectives, requirements and backgrounds. As teachers we should be open to all the differences that we come across everyday and try to put ourselves in the other person's shoes before thinking of a course for action.

  111. Since schools are the second home for students, PSQ develops in the schooling environment which in turn have a larger impact on their day to day life. Teachers in turn are primary educators of these PSQ.

  112. yes, ofcource.It helps to respect divergence, tolerance,nurtures empathy, develops positive attitude towards everything around.
    Yes ,these qualities help them to learn values, feelings and thus help in their all round development.
    Teachers play major role in developing and practicing the PSQs in sec. stage learners as guide to identify their own potentials, strengths, interests, values and attitude towards life. .

  113. Teachers have a huge impact on the minds of children.So teachers too must have a good understanding of children's social life. A teacher should work on developing their own emotional intelligence in accordance with needs of students.

  114. Yes, definitely teachers play a very vital role in developing PSQ in children. During the secondary stage of education,there are so many complications revolving within and around them , that sometimes it becomes difficult to find a solution. But if the children develop this skill they may learn to tackle all obstacles and disturbance with their own understanding and see every problem around with a positive approach.

  115. We being a social being PSQ is inherited sice our birth. We as a teacher develop this quality in ourself and help develop in students. School being a place where students and teachers come from different backgrounds PSQ helps maintain unity in diversity.

  116. They are essential because the interest of the learners in the learning process depends on their PSQs a lot. The learners in secondary schools are on the verge of teenage or teenagers already, PSQs also help in developing the future citizens on the globe, sensitizing them is only possible if PSQs are in place.

  117. It would not be wrong to say that developing PSQs makes education an all round development. For students, school is the best place for developing their psqs as they are from diversed societies with varying personalities and family background. And teachers do play vital role in moulding the students' psqs. If a teacher knows how to deal and guide the students well especially in the secondary level, they would surely have better perceptions in their future lives not only in studies but also in all aspect of life

  118. PSQs help us to understand others perspective about a thing or situation. It definitely helps a teacher in the school as they enable them to display on the classroom which in turn helps students to imbibe those qualities. Through PSQs teacher can guide students to respect each other's views and creates a healthy relationship and bond between them.

  119. PSQ influence learning and behavior development.
    Yes,it is role of the teacher to observe, their feelings, emotions and also help them to feel safe and secure emotionally, for their holistic development.

  120. PSQ plays a vital role in the development of an individual and also gives a positive outlook to an individual. It definitely helps in learning.
    Its helps a teacher to imbibe positive attitude in a student which can prove to be one of the most essential attribute to a student in the later stage of his/her life.

  121. Personal Social Qualities surely help to mould students to be a good citizen in the society. Yes, PSQs help them in learning. A teacher plays a vital role. He can inculcate in them good behaviours so as to live together with others.

  122. Developing PSQs help students in their lofe

  123. Zakir Hussain KPS Santhebennur, DAVANGERE,
    PSQ is definitely help us and the learners to be a broadminded, accommodative- makes one understands the importance of support, co-operation, and encouragement. If it happens then am sure My nation India would a center and power house for every good things .. How would be if the whole world looks at us with great respect and admiration

  124. That's definitely a yes because teachers play a bridge between the students and the society. Whatever students learn from the teachers they learn it very carefully and will apply in their daily life to adjust themselves in the society where they live

  125. Teachers play a essential role in everyone's life. They not only teach in classroom but also make students learn many useful things like moral values, social etiquette and also teach them how to behave with other students and friends in Therefore I always say a good teacher has the power of changing and molding the life of student.

  126. PSQ helps us to understand and build effective relationships in our personal,professional and social life.
    When a teacher show that they are interested to know and care about the students,they not only feel safe and secure but gave them a positive approach to learning and what is learned.

  127. Role of PSQs is to help Students develop all round abilities.It help students to tackle emotion ,social & personal aspect of life .

  128. Teachers play a very important role in a students life to developing their PSQ's and we know PSQ's is important for overall development of the students it will influences their learning and behaviour.
    And my personal thinking firstly we have to develop our own children PSQ's than we easily develop our students PSQ's too.

  129. If we teachers are empathetic we can definitely bring about positive changes in students

  130. The teacher can be rightly called a nation builder.
    The teacher is a judge who gives marks and ratings. He differentiates children on the basis of their intellectual and often social skills in preparation for the social and occupational roles which they eventually play.

  131. Teachers play a vital role in shaping students life. PSQs will help students in their holistic development and have positive attitude towards life.

  132. Personal Social Qualities helps in learning because of various individual attitude like positiveness, joy , friendliness, empathetic which makes the classroom environment positive and helps learners to learn more.

  133. Zakir Hussain, KPS Santhebennur, Davangere.
    Secondary stage is a age of stress and storm for teens. Because in this stage learners get lots of changes in various areas, like, social, physical, biological, cognitive, psychomotor and so on.
    In this stage there level of thinking and doing something is common, so in such situations we as teachers/ educators/facilitators/guardians need to create PSQs Which is accommodative, effective, thought provoking, worthy of appreciation, in the interest of the nation in general, and individual in particular ....

  134. PSQ's play a very crucial role in shaping the character and personality of a student. It teaches them to be prepared mentally and psychologically. As we very well know that a psychologically prepared mind can overcome many obstacles.
    Lhamu Choden Bhutia
    Mangan Senior Secondary School.

  135. PSQ's help for our own development and to have a good relationship with students.yes teachers play a major role in developing positivity in learners.Helping learners to understand their own positive personal social qualities and to nurture them

  136. PSQ'S plays an important role in our daily life as it helps in understanding others, as well as our own belief systems. Teacher plays a significant role to create a healthy environment in school and in classrooms where the learners feel that they are accepted, respected cared and concerned.

  137. PSQs plays an important role in our lives, at home, in the society, at school,etc. It is crucial in fostering mutual understanding and peace co-existence.

  138. Very well known teachers are the second parents, all most all the activities of students were copied by their best teachers .... Hence teacher must have all the moral and modern values , emotional values in class room situation.

  139. PSQ plays a very important role . It makes us a good human being by understanding and respecting each other views. It helps us to live harmoniously. It also creates a healthy environment in the school and classroom. Yes teachers do play important role.

  140. Yes PSQ play a vital role in every bodys life it is necessary to lead a fruitful life personal proffessional life of psq help teachers to develop healthy environment in school and classrooms

  141. PSQ undoubtedly plays a very crucial role not only in the life of students but also in the life of human beings, and in school it becomes all the more important. Especially in the Covid situation when neither the students nor the teacher can see each other physically the role of teacher to impart values like, emotions and compassion towards others to make not only school or classroom environment healthy but to create a thriving society for all.

  142. Personal Social Qualities helps in accepting others as others, that they are not 'me'. So, it helps us to learn about others point of views, their differences and personalities. A teacher plays a very crucial role in a stufents life, we can make or break them. So we have a lot of influence on them.

  143. PSQs play a crucial role in our daily lives as it helps us become better individuals, teachers, mothers, fathers, students, and so on. Empathy, sensitivity, understanding, trustworthiness, effective communication are all necessary for a conducive learning environment. Teachers must become role models for students in imparting these values and qualities.

  144. Personal Social Qualities help us to become more empathetic with people.

  145. PSQs play an important role in students life in building platform .forecasting a positive classroom is essential for students to feel safe and accepted.when teachers care about them they feel secure emotionally they try to replicate such qualities in their day to day interactions.

  146. PSQ's play a very vital role in students life be it academic or mundanw everyday life. Knowing the rightful ways of how to have correct PSQs, it is easy to follow meaningful life. Teachers also plays very crucial role for letting their students to have PSQs guided life.

  147. PSQ help us to be happy confident and constructive in our work. PSQ makes learning easy and effective. Teachers' are role models for their learners in developing PSQ

  148. PSQs are important in daily life for learning.It enables us to tackle the situation different

  149. PSQ plays a very important role in students life ,considering the fact that they spend their maximum time in school.Here they get to experience a sense of mini society .Teachers can make students receptive to school and develop a zest for learning by maintaining a positive and encouraging atmosphere at school. Students should feel loved and not judged . They will understand and enculcate a sense of empathy and cooperation, only if the teacher does the same .Teachers are the role models and the entire school atmosphere will be positive for a student ,only is the teacher possess and demonstrates the same .

  150. PSQ plays a very important role in students life.It enables us to tackle the situation different.PSQ help us to be happy confident and constructive in our work. PSQ makes learning easy and effective. Teachers' are role models for their learners in developing PSQ

  151. PSQs play a very important role in the life of a student both in personal life and as a student.If teacher can inculcate empathy love,compassion,tolerance self discipline,good habits which makes him good citizen

  152. In secondary level the students are going to adelocents group and the teachers played main role in a student s life they may feel more close to the teacher..psqs helps to nature values like empathy, building relationship,trust worthiness, respect , understanding others perspective.So the teacher is a guide and help the students to explore their interest ,strength.

  153. It is very important to have personal and social qualities imbibed in our daily life. We can teach students only if we practice it ourselves in our daily routine. Teachers play a major role in developing PSQs in students secondary stage as the students are vulnerable. we need to carefully take care of each student and develop PSQs for their better future .

  154. Personal Social Qualities have a vital role in development of students. It helps to nurture values like empathy, respect of each other, building relationships, perspective thinking. The school environment creates a context for the students to develop their PSQ's, which influences their learning and behaviour in all aspects of their lives.
    In the secondary stage, teachers not only play the role of a provider of in-depth knowledge but also provide information about different career options.

  155. Teachers teaching at any stage of education always play a vital part in giving shape to childrens' personality, traits, general perspective. So, we teachers in general have to be both casual and formal as per the need of students in person or in general.

  156. PSQ able to make a man perfect ,who is useful for the society. Teachers are playing a vital role for practicing and developing PSQ in secondary level learner's daily life by accepting their views and answering their curiosity,which provides an identity to learners that ultimately reflect on our society.

  157. Definitely PCQs play a very important role in our daily life as it helps us to socialize with everyone help in maintaining a good and healthy relationship. And keeps te environment peaceful all the time. Yes teachers do py an important role in developing the PCQs as it wilbe further refeclected in every student as secondary stage is a mode where a student can be shaped into a pure behavioral changes . According to me it is very important that PCQS are praticited by every individual .

  158. Yes PSQs are very important in teachers and students daily life.
    It helps us to associate with other.
    Yes PSQs do helps us in learning as it helps us control our feelings and emotions.
    Yes Teachers do play a role in developing and practicing in PSQs as they have to create a positive learning environment for the same.

  159. It helps to develop good personal social relationship in the learners.

  160. Yes, PSQ is genuinely going to help children in learning. Firstly they feel safe and secure at school if we have good personal social relationship. Our teachers can play a lead role in developing PSQ in the school

  161. In secondary schooling psqs play very important role in personality develiopment of students

  162. PSQs has great role in as it i influences the overall behavior in all aspects of our life. Yes teachers can play a vital role in developing students PSQs.

  163. Personal social qualities are very important values to be developed in each and every individuals.This quality should be in each and every teacher before they enter into their profession.If we love and understand the students we can teach them we can bring some positive changes in them which make them to be good future citizens of India.When we make them to feel comfortable safe in class room,they love to learn.It is one of rhe nature of student to follow their beloved teacher and they also set a goal to become like their teachers on their future.So PSQs play an important role in developing future citizens of our country.

  164. The students look upon their techers as their role models and try to imbibe the qualities their teachers possess. So, definitely the teachers play an important role in developing personal social qualities in students.

  165. PSQ’s nurture values like empathy,respect,patience,positive attitude towards others which helps in the overall development of the learner.
    Teachers play a very important role in developing these values and in developing a positive mindset.

  166. Personal Social qualities is very important in our everyday life.It is an important support for learning and holistic development .Teachers aseffective facilitators play a crucial role in ensuring holistic development of students by not only providing knowledge and developing their cognitive skills but also by nurturing in them personal social qualities and necessary skills.

  167. PSQ plays a greater role in our daylife.They help us to adapt to different situation and circumstances. In other words,we possess these acquired qualities to communicate and socialise with others effectively and empathize with others' feelings and concerns to address them.
    They are helpful in learning as teachers are required to create positive learning environment in the classroom environment with their use and inculcation in students for their holistic development.
    Undoubtedly,the teachers play a greater role in developing and practicing PQS at the secondary level as secondary stage students are emotional and sensitive due to their adolescence stage of development. For teachers it is important to inculcate in students core values of life like compassion,empathy,
    sympathy,motivation,trust,respect,understanding and so on to shape their personality and mould them to responsible and useful citizens of the future.The teachers have to ensure children take proper guidance and utilize their energy for right activities.

  168. Immense role as education is preparation of individual for practical world but more than that without human face, education is meaningless.
    The bond that teacher -student share help in development of personal social qualities.
    also teacher must use innovative pedagogical skill to foster the skill.

  169. PSQ plays a pivotal role in society and to imbibe those quality into the students in schools plays a very important role, because they are the next generation of our country. Empathy is one of the most beautiful thing and you can understand it once you are made familiar to it.

  170. Teacher play a very crucial role in teaching learning process. So also psqs do have immense role to play in our daily life. If we have adequate knowledge about dealing with the learners, it becomes easy to convey the concepts and ideas to the learners. Teachers are the role models for the students. They look up to the their own Teacher.
    Yes, obviously Teachers play great role in teaching the secondary students. Every day teacher learns, reads, moulds and adapt to the situations much ahead of time. Teacher portrays good behaviours leading his followers to the ultimate success.

  171. Yes PSQs help the learner to develop positive attitude, respect everyone's feelings and relations, develops empathy, discipline etc which is needed in day today life and expected in the society. Teacher plays a major role in developing PSQs in learners. They are doing this even in the early era of education till now and also in future. They are the one who helps them to develop confidence among themselves, leadership qualities, empathetic, disciplined, happy, receiving the failures, enjoying the good etc.

  172. PSQs are very important in teachers and students daily life.
    It helps us to associate with other. PSQs do helps us in learning as it helps us control our feelings and emotions. Teachers do play a role in developing and practicing in PSQs as they have to create a positive learning environment for the same.

  173. PSQs play a very important role in daily personal and professional life. As teachers should aware of the PSQs among the students and all should live in a peaceful atmosphere. It creates hopes for bright future of our students.

  174. Personal Social Qualities are play very important role in developing the characters of students. These help learners to learn the concepts easily. The personal emotions like happiness, joy make his learning easy, concepts ,difficulties become easy. This develops confidence and his positive behaviors towards society. The learning in school may lead an individual to do good to society. The inter personal relations in society depend on an individual emotions and qualities. So PSQ are important to make an individual into person in a society.

  175. PSQ has the most important role in the formation of the character of a student. It helps to nurture values like empathy, building relationship, trustworthiness, respect, understanding other's perspective, sensitivity towards others problems , patience , positive attitude towards self and others etc.
    yes, these qualities help in the holistic development of the learner.

  176. PSQs is most important for overall development of the students it will influences their learning and behaviour in all aspects of their lives. Teacher role is very important, teacher should foster positive classroom climate, and also make sure students feel safe and accepted, teachers should be a guide and help the students to explore their interest, strength.

  177. It is a valuable things and impotant.

    Yes, it is veryhelpful in learning

  178. It enable the enhancement of Life skills and overall development

  179. At secondary level, teachers has play a vital role for developing PSQs in student

  180. PSQ syes, teachers plays a critical role by guiding the teenage students in a proper way to develop in the various areas by understanding the present society

  181. PSQs plays vital role to build up positive mindset, maintain good relationship and live our life respectfully. It enable teacher to bring a holistic development among our students through enhancing positive physical,mentally and emotional development.

  182. Personal social qualities do help alot in devoloping a cordial relationship between the teacher and the learner. lt has always been very helpful while dealing with adolescent children. A teacher whom the student can trust is always succesful in moulding the children the way they need to be.

  183. The PSQs are very important to erase the difference among the students and build a platform for positive thinking ,empathy,and build the holistic development of all the students in a secondary classroom. The teacher can guide in thinking, in adolescent problems, in career guidance, in being positive thinking person.

  184. Personal and social qualities are important in secondary education. These are needful for the holistic progress of each student. It depicts on Personal life and social life. If the teacher understands the these Psqs then able to guide the students.

  185. PSQs helps the students in developing a sociable personality which helps them to socialize with their peers and other members of the society.
    PSQs helps a lot in learning as it enables the students to absorb the knowledge,given by their teacher's easily. It also teaches them to have a positive attitude in school and outside of school .
    Teacher's do play a huge role in developing and practicing PSQs in secondary stage learners as they are who the secondary stage learners spend the most hours is their time with, six days a week, which turns the teachers into role models for the students. So whatever the teacher teaches, the students reflect the actions and words of their teachers. When teacher's create a safe space for learning and socializing, it encourages the students to think freely and opens a safe line of communication between the student and the teacher.

  186. Teachers play very important role for Holistic Development of learners...
    PSQs plays a central role in society and to assimilate those quality into the students in schools plays, as they are the future of our country...

  187. PSQs plays a major role in personality development of a student helping them in learning personal and social aspects of their lives along with teacher playing vital role in developing and praticing PSQs in secondary stage learn where they imbibe positive emotions from their teachers which help them become a better individual.

  188. Yes, for overall development of a child, a teacher must first be sensitive and have due respect to every child's feelings, emotions and logical thinking. The knowledge and imbibing PSQs among students, helps to create a healthy and conducive atmosphere in the classroom and for effective learnings.

  189. Teachers paly a very pivotal role in imbibing these values and attitude in the children. It enable the enhancement of Life skills and overall developmentTeachers foster these skills thus making teaching learning more meaningful.

  190. PSQs help in developing good qualities a swell as good character. this bring healthy and and happy atmosphere which in turn motivates to learn more.

  191. Personal Social Quality (PSQ) play a vital role in our life.Teachers play an important role and practicing in PSQs as they have to create a positive learning environment for the same.


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