Course 1: Activity 5 - Share Your Reflections

What action points emerge from the fable for addressing diversity in your classroom? Share your reflections.


  1. points emerge from the fable for addressing diversity in your classroom

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    2. Their socio economic background should be highly considered will dealing with individual child.

    3. One course or one type of Assessment does not justify all. Should be given activities on the basis of their interest or potentialities and should not be forced to do same activity by all

    4. All children are blessed with different abilities and in school we should be able to harness their energy on what they are capable of doing.

    5. We must have a good connection with all of our students.We must be available to them for 5heir queries. We should have a broader attitude towards students

  2. Some students take interest but few were not।so we contact them personally to their mobile and motivated them

  3. help the pupil who are needy in the scholastic activities and also in outside of the class

  4. Create an environment such a way to learn with joy ..

  5. Many students we can reach but some remain out

  6. As a teacher we should understand the needs of every child.every child is gifted n special.curriculum should be inclusive and should not be forced upon... every child is unique.

  7. School is always compared with temple so as to relate in temple all categories of worshippers are welcomed and their demands and wishes are listened in the same manner I feel children at school should be provided with the space to keep their views and desire based learning pedagogical to meet their wishes.

  8. As we being a teacher we should act like a teacher which is to teach as well as to help our students. Different students come from different background, many highs and lows in their lives. As we are teachers we need to have a good connection with our students, make ourselves available for them, open ourselves so that they can lean on us as we are like an angel everything they learn in school is going to change their future world. If we do care about our students future, i think we need to start from our ownself being a teacher by arranging ourselves to be available and ready to help and support them and try to form a quality inside and out of them.

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  10. Addressing individual difference

  11. all students are not same, every child has their own specialty, we as teacher should nurture equality to every child.

  12. Every class is a mixed bag.We should remember that no two children are of the same calibre.

  13. Fable says that every child is blessed with own skill and curriculum and teacher should help the child to achieve excellence in that skill.

  14. No class has children of the same calibre and aspiration.Diversity needs to be understood by the teacher.

  15. As mentioned in the fable, it is very true that we have heterogeneous group of learners with different diversities, challenges and also it is true that all of them have the right to get quality education. We need to provide different learning situations, provide varied resource materials, provide varied assessment methods with positive attitude and patience and also a little bit of support from their parents will definitely be able to achieve the goal.

  16. From this fable what i understand is we have heterogeneous group of learners in the school system and all of them have the right to learn.We as a educator should create an atmosphere as per the need of the learners.

  17. Indeed our classroom too has learning diversity ,it is a heterogenous classroom so as a teacher it's important to meet the learning needs of each and every student in the class.So for that it's important to know the students and embrace their diversity, communicate with them ,plan effective lessons, create positive classroom atmosphere, and encourage them to participate equally in the teaching learning process.

  18. Every student is unique. Every student has unique skills. Teaching should be based on individual skills of the student. Comparison kills the skills of the students.

  19. Every child is unique with their own weakness and strength. one should nit be judged by their weakness. As a teacher we must be capable enough to address and respect the diversity in the classroom.

  20. Every child is endowed with their own potential , taking this into consideration we teachers should deal accordingly . The children come from different socio- economic backgrounds & they reflect their own environment in the classroom. As educators taking their strength and weaknesses into account we should be able to deal positively, not hurting their sentiments . Class environment plays a vital role for the children to respond openly and participate in teaching learning process.

  21. Every student have different behaviour, so teacher have to know the students psychology and teach according to the students psychology...

  22. A teacher has to learn to identify weaknesses and strength of every child as every child is unique.

    1. Children are unique, some are slow and some fast. They all are equal at their own level. Teachers have to identify thier talent.

  23. As a teacher, we are guides, we should take note of the individual differences- whether it be mental or physical, the strengths and the weaknesses of each student are quite different. We should not put pressure on the children, but nurture them in every way we can. Parents should also know their children in the sense that, the life they project in and outside home might be different and that they should not try to change the administration of the school for their own advantages.

  24. Students came from different backgrounds and each students have their own differences. So special care should be given to each students according to their needs.

  25. Students came from different backgrounds and each students have their own differences. So special care should be given to each students according to their own needs.

  26. Children are not God gifted as perceived by some parents.They make their children study all the time that eventually they become good in studies.We teacher should know that our children come from different Socio-Economic background and are special in their own way and their innate quality should be nurtured.We must not judge them for their failure in some particular quality be it academic but praise them of their innate quality for eg.sports/cooking/knitting /drawing etc.

  27. Students should be given freedom and flexibility according to their needs. A teacher should be willing to meet diverse learning needs.

  28. Every child is different and some are slow some are fast but they do all have something special in them we as a teacher should provide them an opportunity to show their specialty being a teacher first u should know your student well and their needs then u can address them individually according to their needs

  29. Each child is unique in his or her own way, so teacher need to identify each child uniqueness and adjust his way of teaching so that each child gets equal opportunity

  30. We can see the inclusive education here, the teacher must understand the need and interest of the Student's and act accordingly.

  31. The beautiful message behind the fable is that each and every child is unique and different from each other and are gifted with different skills. Our job as a teacher is to identify those skill and appreciate and help them develop those skills.

  32. Every child are unique in their own way, so as a teacher we need to tackle as per the situation demands.

  33. In a classroom, every child has its own skill so as a teacher we must try to understand each individual's weaknesses and encourage them by showing more interest to achieve their goals.

  34. Every child is unique at one skill... Teachers have to study them and encourage them to excel in that skill. Meanwhile children must be encouraged to improve other skills also. They should not be discouraged for being slow in some faculties. Teachers should give positive reinforcement to children in those areas.

  35. We should encourage students in their weaknesses. And we need to learn their differences. Also, parents need to understand their children too.

  36. The beautiful message from this fable is that each and every child is unique and different from one another and are gifted with different skills. As a teacher we have to identify and dig out those skills and help them to develop those skills.

  37. The students should be given freedom in choose what they wish to take up as subjects with the guidance of the teachers. The parents should overburden the child with what they wish see their to become. Rather advise and trust their child’s area of interest. One cannot become master of all at a time. The school curriculum should not be rigid so that they fail to accommodate diversity in the class damaging the initiative of inclusive education.

  38. Every child has their own strength and weakness therefore it's a duty of a teacher to bring out the best in them without comparing with the other pupil.

  39. The action points that emerge from the fable is that we as teachers must be able to accept each and every child as unique and never compare them. Everyone is blessed with some strengths and have weaknesses as well. As a teacher, we have to polish the strengths they have and learn to ignore their weaknesses.

  40. Students are different corners in the classroom, equal treatment should be given according to their aspect.They have the same rights to learn their lesson.

  41. Each child has individual skills

  42. Each individual has his/her own interests and talents. As teachers we should be able to provide an environment to deal with the diverse interests of students and help them polish their skills.One student cannot be compared with another at the same scale.
    Students need to be given freedom to choose their interest and then work on it.

  43. All students are not same and have diversity of socio-economic background,, every child has their own specialty, We as teacher should nurture equality to every child by addressing their needs properly.

  44. All students are not same like our five fingers. Each student are gifted differently, if one is good in studies we cannot expect the other students to be the same. As teachers we have to provide a suitable environment for the students to help them polish their skills and motivate them to pursue their dreams.

  45. Every Child is blessed with special talents and abilities. Every child is unique in something. Let us appreciate rather than discriminate . Understand a Child and their psychology. They will do wonders... Anand Bose, ST. Joseph's School , Rhenock, East Sikkim

  46. All children are not same they have different inherited value depending on their socio cultural background and when such children are present in single classroom teacher have to find out their skill and interest and give them full support to enhance their gifted skill more strongly , as a teacher we should not force them to do any activity without their interest that will lead to decline in their performance..

  47. As an educator we have to create an enviroment that ensure inclusive and diverse learning for all types of students. It is important to create an equitable curriculum that will allow each students to attain their maximum potential.

  48. As Albert Einstein once said "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
    same goes with all the students every student have their own interest their own talent. Each and every student has potnetial to become great, to be Succesful. We need to conduct different co-curricular activites so as the students can find their passion the things they love to do.We as teachers need to guide them finding their passion and help them achieve it.

  49. Every student should be tested equally without considering their mental and physical standards

  50. Individual differences sometimes create problems, but it is the responsibility of the teacher to figure out the differences and create a good learning environment.

  51. Help them to encourage their talents and skills.Allow them to study or plays in their own ideas and knowledge.Students have their own potential an have the own capability they have to respect and value their talents.

  52. For addressing diversity in class,teachers should be well versed with the learning level of students.Teachers should use various skills and stratergies to handle students with diversed learning needs.Forcing a fish to climb a tree would be disastrous.

  53. The action points that emerge from this fable is that school curriculum should not be so should take into consideration both the weakness and strength of a child.As we know that heteroginity exist in each and every school and to deal with it promoting equality is not enough.. Equity should be there too.Inclusiveness is very essential .

  54. Children should be encouraged to give their best and we should guide them to their field of interest rather than encouraging them to participate in every field of interest.

  55. To answer this question i would like to Quote Ola Joseph " Diversity is not about how we differ.Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness. This quote perfectly fits here as a teacher we need to understand that each children are unique and different in many ways and since they are different they possess different skills and talents as a teacher we need to provide platfrom for the children so that they can develop their skills and talents. We need to admire their uniqueness and guide them to sharpen their skills and talents.We should not force them to do something which they are not comfortable at rather should appreciate their efforts.

  56. This fable makes us aware that every school has heterogeneous group of learners, endowed with different capabilities, potentials, strength as well as weakness. Hence each child is special and unique in their own special way. So teachers should not be judgmental about the performance of their children. Teachers should have positive attitudes to give the child the possibilities to be able to learn.

  57. All students should be given opportunities inside the classroom according to their ability and potentiality. There should be no discrimination among them. Every students are not the same, they should be accepted just the way they are. Some may be slow learner and others may be fast learner, we should help them to cope with whatever situations that they face.Their talents and skills should be known by us and give them a platform to develop it. We should guide, encourage and motivate them so that they can sharpen their skills and talents.

  58. The story reflects about diversity in a class. All students have their own talent, interest, potential , thus we need nurture based on individuality

  59. 1.School should be a Happy sapce for every type of learner.
    2. School should provide subjects suitable for every learner, and just good in one subject should not be considered that a student is Excellent.
    3. Every child is unique and that should be respected, just because duck is not good in climbing does not make her a bad student.
    4.Every child need appreciation and they will do wonders

  60. Uday Kumar Esikela, ZPHS VEPULAPARTHY Brahmasamudram Mandal Ananthapuramu District Andhra Pradesh state

    The teacher must be able to identify the talents of the students and should teach accordingly to make his/her students engaged because every student counts and has a right to study.

  61. All the students are not same, each student is blessed with some talent a teacher we should understand his/her needs.

  62. Every child should be given opportunity to do well in every subject, no student should be judged if he/she is average in some area. In the end the ultimate vision of every school is to make every child Responsible citizen.

  63. Here I learnt that every child is different. There are individual differences and no child must be compared with each other. They have their own-own abilities and we must help them to come forth and must learn to appreciate them for their talents. Inclusive education is one of the most important element for overall development of children. We at no cost should make them feel vulnerable and must try our level best to cheer them up and bring out the best in them by making them realise that each child is different and so are their abilities but no matter what they'll always shine out if they give a try. We as a teacher should not be judgement as well.

  64. Every child is their individual differences should be taken into consideration. An enjoyable and healthy atmosphere should be created to make learning fruitful.

  65. As teachers, we should understand the needs of every individual child.every child is gifted and special in one or other way. The curriculum should be inclusive and should not be forced upon the children. Every child must be given an opportunity to groom with his/ her unique charecteristics and talent.

  66. Teacher should give individual attention to the students esp special ones who are comparatively weaker at learning due to one or the other reason.
    Harbans Singh Prin

  67. As student come form different family background,some students are serious in their studies as some don't take seriously in their studies.So we try to gave them a good way to see the importance of studies

  68. Each child is different and unique....we should not be judgemental.....every child has more than one quality and we should provide such platforms for them so that they can excel in it

  69. Students must be given their option of learning

  70. Through the fable on animal school we are once again reminded of the that fact that no individuals are the same or possess the same capabilities.
    The role of the teacher in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each student is crucial and will either encourage a child or discourage him or her to learn.
    So as teachers we should understand the child thoroughly before coming to a decision.

  71. From the story we can conclude that each and every child is unique and different from each other in every aspect as a teacher one must not compare them, rather encourage them in overcoming their weakness and treat them equally.

  72. Teacher should be able to identify their weakness and teach them to overcome it.

  73. Curriculum should be flexible. Should understand the needs,interest and psychology of each children. Encourage them to participate equally in all activities. Creating children friendly environment so as to develop interest in learning.

  74. Teacher should try not to focus only on their weaknesses but also in their field of excellence such that they may grow effectively

  75. Every child is unique.while in teaching and learning process.I identify the strengths and weaknesses of the child, accordingly teaching strategies planned and make them involved in inclusive classroom learning process.

  76. The fable teaches us that every child is unique with their own capabilities in different fields. We need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the children and try to help them in a holistic manner and also uplift their areas of Interest so that they can acieve succcess in life.

  77. This was an excellent story to understand the differences among students and practically understand what inclusive classroom should be.Not everyone is at school with same ability.We have to recognition n encourage what a child is capable of and that have to help them in uplifting in the other subjects too.

  78. Each one of our students and children are blessed and got their own potential and the way of learning .as a teacher we cannot groom all students with same teaching style

  79. There are children with different capacities and learning speed .The teacher first needs to analyse the level of understanding of each student and then nurture accordingly
    Asha ,GGSSS,JAKHOLI ADDA, Kaithal

  80. A teacher should understand capacity of all the students.

  81. The action points which emerges out from the fable are that we as trachers need to know that all the students at our classes are not equally good in all area.Some are good in a particular field and week in others.We need to find out the strength of individual students and help them to do more better in that area.We have to include all types of learners in teaching learning process.

  82. Every student is unique so is their strength and weakness. Adapting a single teaching method, evaluation technique to access the learning outcome of the student is futile. In such situation it becomes necessary to frame curriculum that is flexible, stress less, burden free, diverse in the sense that it includes wide range of courses, makes learning process fun, gives students opportunity to strengthen their potential at the same time allows them to overcome their weakness at their own pace.

  83. This fable reflects the current situation of education system.
    The education should provide opportunities for all sections of people to learn according to their individual capabilities and diversified conditions.

  84. The story reflects about diversity in a class.All students are not same, every child has their own specialty.Some are good in swiming and some are not,we need to learn their differences and understand their capacity.

  85. No two men are born exactly alike indeed. Every single child is endowed with special talent which might not have either shown up in the secondary level classroom or manifested in the other way. Sometimes the teacher may need to wait for such talents. As animals have different capabilities - fast running, tree or cliff climbing, flying, swimming, each of the students apparently have one or more ways to learn well, even better than the others.

  86. Each an every students have own capabilities or talents. we as a teacher should understand their capabilities and exposed them by giving diverse activities.

  87. As a teacher we must understand the student interests and encourage them accordingly. Single exam doesn't define a student know8and skills.

  88. As a teacher we must understand the student interests and encourage them accordingly. Single exam doesn't define a student know and skills.

  89. we should understand the needs and interests of every child.every child is special in some ways. curriculum should be inclusive and should not be forced upon.every child is unique.

  90. Every child is unique and they have their own capability, as a teacher we must understand their capacity and encourage them to do their best.

  91. Teachers SHOULD ABLE TO TEACH students in diversity ,should encourage inclusive education and should not only go for scholastic area but should equally bring out all round development among the students

  92. teachers should accept students in diversity ,encourage inclusive education and go for all round development of the students

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. No Miracle was happened. Just all students enjoy their time as holiday time. and eagerly waited for the reopening of the school to meet their friends and teachers. Through direct teaching only they satisfied.

  95. Every student is different.They have their own strengths and weaknesses .Teachers need to inculcate the spirit of mutual respect and cooperation among students so that they develop the spirit of interdependence amongst themselves. Also teacher needs to help every student to master the skill/subject that they are naturally good at ,so that they excel at it.

  96. It is clearly stated that children having different qualities from different socio-economic backgrounds to be accommodated in a single space for teaching learning transaction which would be a great advantage for everyone to grab / exchange one another's skills .

  97. As a teacher first of all we need to see our learners equally despite their background,but while transacting the knowledge to learner we should keep in mind that all learners have different level of understanding.

  98. Form the Animal school story, it is clear that all kinds of children were different, and they should be treated differently. The school must be inclusive for deaf and dumb, blind and mute, physically and mentally challenged. And the teacher's role to make the students comfortable and happy is significantly important.

  99. Sharing of views or teaching with attractive voice modulation and inculcate the subject points in the minds of students.

  100. As Albert Einstein had rightly quoted/ said once, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will believe its whole life that it is stupid", the same thing applies to teaching.

    If we reflect on the fable, the duck was a good swimmer but it could not run faster like other creatures because duck has been endowed by the nature with its quality of swimming and not running . The squirrel could jump from one tree to the other or from one branch of the tree to the other branch but it couldn't reach the top of the tree by simply climbing up from the bottom without jumping because such is the innate quality a squirrel possesses.

    Similarly, in schools' classrooms too there are students, the diversed students with different sets of abilities in them. They have their own strengths and weaknesses. A student who is good in Mathematics might find difficulties in some other subjects like vernacular. A student good in sports, music and in some other co-curricular activities might find the academic subjects to be difficult for him/her. Further, in a single classroom there would be students with special needs too.

    Hence, we as teachers must play a pivotal role in identifying each student's area of strength and weakness and put our utmost effort at strengthening and nurturing their areas of strength while we accept their weaknesses especially of the disabled ones. We ought to put up the suitable and best teaching strategies for them so that they feel special too and that they are never ignored. Hence, a teacher must always try and do manifold things to bring the best out of every student.

    To the weeker students in academic subjects we must show them and guide them towards the fields or areas in which they can shine out. It could be certain streams, subjects or vocations. The NEP 2020 serves the best to the students at reaching up to their needs for it provides wide variety of subjects/ vocations to opt and go for.

    Students should never be judged on single ground, say merely by their performances in their studies and their academic achievements.


  101. During COVID-19 Pandamic I kept in touch with my students through online lessons. WhatsApp group of students of different classes/standards were formed. Online lessons were imparted, home assignments were provided to them and sufficient time was given to them to complete their assignments and submit. The assignments submitted by the students were then checked thoroughly and the corrections made were shown to them. Several chapters were taught effectively and lessons covered. Class tests and assessments were also conducted online.

    Besides these some online writing competitions were also organised personally by me and executed in the groups. Students also were made to take part in the creative writing competitions like essays, poems, short story writing, story telling competitions, etc organised and conducted by various departments of the state.

    Students were given the platforms of sharing their own views on topics or chapters of English subject and of their experiences of the lockdown too.

    Lastly, in the online groups, students were frequently enlightened with and made aware of the utmost necessity of being adhered to COVID protocols or COVID appropriate behaviours during the time of Pandamic.

    Eventually an overall improvement was observed in their academic performances.

    1. Sorry, mistakenly sent which I had actually intended to send to another URL.

  102. Each and every students have different potential

  103. From the fable story it is understood that there is a diversity in our class rooms, therefore one type of assessment doesn't justify all. Teachers should take care of need of all the individuals while transacting knowledge as the learners have different potentiality.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Some students are quite serious about their studies,while some are not bothered.We need to call them and remind that theyve been missing out on their academics and tests.

  106. All students are not equally good at all subjects/activities and their own effort and support of teachers enable them to be good at weak areas.For that, teaching-learning environment should be appropriate to provide different activities where they can shine or learn to shine.

  107. As a teacher we should understand the necessity of a child, so we should create an environment such a way to learn with joy and interest.

  108. We have to do away with our students only one specific subject as this type of assessments doesn't justify all of them. Some are good in maths and done are good in arts or music. We should give them activities related to their interests and potentialities and we must not force them to do the same task in which some may not be good at all.our curriculum should be such that no students should deprived of learning.

  109. As we being a teacher our duty is to make our students enjoy in every field whether in studies or in any activity so the learning environment should be in such a way where the students can outshine themselves and learn with the joy and interest and therefore from this fable assessment we can conclude that one type of assessment doesn't justify an individual.

  110. As school teachers we have to take care of the students' interest. One module does not fit for all.

  111. We shouldn't force the students to do the same task or activity as different children have different learning abilities .some are gifted and some are not. We cannot leave the slow learner behind, we have to include them with others , let them learn in their own pace.

  112. According to their interest we have to teach them.

  113. In my point of view i would suggest that i would make students read and write and creating a healthy diversity in the classroom by promoting more of healthy environment and teach them to live and work in the society where every individuals are unique and different. Diversity helps in improving the development in the society and to stay connected and also helps in positive thinking ability, skills and encouraging students to tackle with the society and to think differently.

  114. As a teacher, we must understand that when there are 20 students in a classroom, they are of 20 kinds of human. We must respect the individual emotions and understand every students' interest. I being a mathematics teacher, I can understand that it is not necessary that every students should be brilliant in maths subject, but it depends upon us that we should motivate and inspire them to study maths.

  115. We need to keep in mind that all students are different therefore give them activities according to their potential. We should be careful not to impose the same task, rather give them something to do which will help them learn new lessons better.

  116. Everyone has unique ID and capability. We have to do for the betterment of that and also try to include some other if possible.

  117. All students are not equally good at all subject. So as the school teacher we to have to take care of the student interest and we should understand the necessity of the student. We should create an environment such a way to learn with joy and interest.we should support and help as per the situation of their demands

  118. As we learn that inclusive education must be implemented we hv students from different backgrounds...we should give preference to all irrespective of their academic performance.every student has their own potential n talents we as teachers should encourage them

  119. This fable conveys that each and every child is unique and different from each other and are gifted with different skills. What we have to do as a teacher is to identify, appreciate and develop those skills.

  120. We have to understand difficulties of each student in our classroom . We have to support them at the time of need and resolve their issue smoothly for joyful learning

  121. Every student have a different abilities and the teacher should try to figure it out the necessity of the students.

  122. Learning of students solely depends on the professional attributes of a teacher, a teacher whose attitude is to learn rather than teach will have a different impact on the student learning and automatically the diversity of the children will be attained which is mostly being practiced at private schools.

  123. Action points that emerged from the fable for addressing diversity in the classroom :
    1. Every students have their own talent and interest which may be any of the core subjects, language, drawing, singing, etc. It is necessary to find out their talents
    2. Appreciate their talents and make arrangements so that they can display their talents through activities
    3. A teacher have to understand that each student has their own weakness. It is important to have flexibility in expectation for each individual, and also in each subject/activity for a particular individual
    4. Teachers' attitude is also needed to be changed. A teacher must not evaluate his or her students solely based on their academic performance

  124. Understanding the learners social background and their field of interest before going directly into the syllabus. Accepting every learners in their own unique way and creating a friendly environment in the classroom as well as the school campus, so that every learner can feel the comfort while learning new context.

  125. Each child is unique and has a learning style which is different from another.Children should always have a comfortable access to learning according to their individual interest , ability and need.There should be inclusiveness and equity in all teaching learning process.Education must provide appropriate learning environment and opportunities to help learners to develop and achieve their best.

  126. Every student is different and unique in their own way . And we as teachers should support them in whatever interests they have and encourage them to focus on that .

  127. There are different types of students in the class room,being a teacher we should give the equal chance to them,should be caring loving and should support to them

  128. Every child or student are different individual with different personalities and abilities so we cannot judge them by testing with a set of exam or competition

  129. Even though it was inclusive class... Teaching methods and expected learning outcomes were same

  130. Every child is unique and also have their own capability.As a teacher,we must understand the needs and interests of every single child and encourge them to do their own best.

  131. As a teacher we must understand the needs and interests of the students and give chance to everyone.

  132. every child is unique. different children has different abilities. So, education should be given to them according to their interest.

  133. Every child is unique in his or her own way. As a teacher it forms our duty to encourage every child to develop in areas according to their abilities and support them to have knowledge of other areas too, to develop interest and move further.

  134. Every students is unique in their own way as they belong from different family background..Everyone has potential to do something a teacher we should know them well and their potential of doing different ..
    And help them accordingly.

  135. While addressing diversity a student •May know himself/ herself better.
    •May develop social skills by accepting each other the way they are.
    •May see or have knowledge about the way a society works.

  136. Pionts emerge from the fable for addressing diversity in your classroom

  137. As teacher we should know the ability of a child and should encourage the child to act according to their ability and interest. All the child are gifted with different abilities and it is Teacher's utmost duty to harness their ability as per their need.

  138. Through this module we have come to know that each child is unique in his or her own way.Each child has the potential in their own activity and no two child may have similar kind of potential to do the same activity in same way.So we should not be judgemental in their performance and never compare their capabilities. So we must create such kind of environment in learning process where each of them may be free to do their activities in an enthusiastic manner. As a parent or teacher we should never pressurize any child to do any work.We should encourage and appreciate their strength and weakness too.

  139. Children are blessed with different abilities and we should focus on their energy and on what they are capable.

  140. Every child is unique. One should identify the field of interest of the child and encourage him/her to excel in that field

  141. As a teacher we should understand the needs of every child.every child is gifted n special.curriculum should be inclusive and should not be forced upon. Every child is unique.. Different students come from different background, many highs and lows in their lives. As we are teachers we need to have a good connection with our students, make ourselves available for them, open ourselves so that they can lean on us as we are like an angel everything they learn in school is going to change their future world. We need to provide different learning situations, provide varied resource materials, provide varied assessment methods with positive attitude and patience and also a little bit of support from their parents will definitely be able to achieve the goal.

  142. The points that emerged from this animal school fable is that both teachers and parents are responsible for dealing with the individual differences that occurs in their children. Every individual student is endowed with different potentialities, attitudes, capabilities and so on. So we have deal with them accordingly.

  143. In each and every classroom students with different abilities are present. This should be taken into consideration while teaching.

  144. Every students have their own strength and weakness, so it is the role of the teacher to understand each and every students capabilities, we should try to guide and encourage them in their own ways

  145. Being a teacher, we must be capable enough to understand each and every students capabilities. Every students have their own strengths and weakness i. e some students are good in sport activities but poor in studies. we should try to guide and encourage them with every step of learning. So that he or she can boost their confidence accordingly.

  146. Fable says that every child is blessed with own skill and curriculum and teacher should help the child to achieve excellence in that skills especially.

  147. Each student is gifted with different abilities.Everyone shouldn't be assessed through same parameters.As different animals are best in their respective areas,individual students possesses unique character and talents.So no universal parameter is there to examine their potential.They must be assessed in their areas of interest or according to their naturally inherited qualities.

  148. Every child is unique and special. Teacher should not be judgemental on one's weaknesses. Rather analysing their areas of interest a teacher should opt various pedagogy to bridge the Learning gap and make the classroom lively and efficient.

  149. Every students or pupils are gifted with different abilities. We, the Teacher must know their differences. After knowing the differences, it is a bit easier to tackle their problems whether group or individual. So, this animal fable gave us to deliberate the needs of changes in respect of teachers of school management.

  150. As we all know that every person is unique in his own way and every child is blessed with some particular skills..So,Assessment should be done in such a way where each and every skills of individual child will be considered and counted. curriculum of the school should be framed without any biasness.Platform should be provided for children where they can execute their skills. Multiple field of assessment should be made.

  151. As discussed in the animal fable every individual is different from one another and we being a teacher and an adult we need to understand that and respect that differences. As we all know even our own fingers are not similar and not of same size likewise every students are different with their own pro and con, liking & disliking, thier own genre of expertise. We need to let them grow freely and garner them on thier area of expertise. As we know being ma "MASTER" in one is far better then being JACK of all trade master in none.
    Thank you.
    Tashi Zangpo Lassopa
    Tumin Dhanbari JHS.

  152. Regarding the fable, as the students are of different abilities or disabilities. Their interest are also different. So, we the teacher should identity their abilities and shortcomings so that we might be able to solve their problems. Teacher should try to make a sound atmosphere for all students.

  153. Every child is unique. Teachers should use various skills and strategies to each students according to their own needs.

  154. Every student have their own abilities and are gifted with their own uniqueness. Curriculum should not be forced upon students. Parents should not pressurize their children in order to make them the best instead be nurtured according to their capabilities and interests.As teachers, we should understand the interests and encourage accordingly..

  155. Every students have their own strength and weakness. So, it is the role of the twacher to understand each and every students capabilities, we should try to guide and encourage them in their own ways.

  156. Students have their own interest in particular subject so that we understand their views and their interest and we guide them to what they want.

  157. Every students have their own strength and weakness. So, it is the role of the teacher to understand each and evey students capabilities. We should try to guide and encourage them in their own ways.

  158. Every stident have their own strength and weakness so it understand each ang every students capabilities we should try to guide and encourage them in their own ways..

  159. Each student is best in their own field.Everyone shouldn't be assessed through similar parameters.we should examine individual students in the areas of their interest or according to their naturally inherited potential.Every one is not same so while assessing their potential we must refer and consider the uniqueness of our students.👍

  160. Each and every students are blessed with different capabilities and we should be able to recognise those strength and focus on holistic development.

  161. Every human is different with different capabilities and different weaknesses, as a teacher we have to keep this in mind and formulate different methods to teach the students. We have to keep the student's interest and strength in mind and accordingly push them for the better. We have to make schools a fun learning ground where students are free and motivated to push their boundaries and develop as a whole rather than a battle field where only a few emerge as winners.

  162. Every child is unique, so they have different abilities . In an intensive classroom the teacher shuold impart each and everyone students according to their need base.

  163. Every child have own talent. All must be given opportunity in their interested events. Hobbies of all are not equal, so some may excel in game and some others may excel in studies. Where as an average child knows everything, but not excellent in any one. So we as a teacher shouldn't discourage any one.

  164. Every child is different so must be treated differently. We should encourage each child to harness their gifts and talents, never ever discourage a child's dream just because it seems impossible or not profitable enough. Dream and hope is what makes things possible.

  165. From the fable we learnt that each child has his own strength and weaknesses, we as a teacher should work on them by identifying their individual differences and formulating different assessment methods. The social-economic factors also affect their performance that they should be motivated to keep themselves optimistic and highly active with a healthy and friendly environment at school. Excellence in his own comfortable field would boost his confidence, positivity to achieve in other fields as well. Always think-Each Child is Incredible. Thank you

  166. All children have different abilities. We should find out their interest and mould them better.

  167. We must consider the fact that every child is different and his/her needs as well. His/her interests are also different so its important to recognize that and act accordingly. Curriculum should be framed in a flexible manner to help all the students achieve their best. It must benefit each and every learner.

  168. Very much easy to reach to the students

  169. Every child is unique and has different needs, interests, capabilities and aptitude. Keeping in mind the uniqueness of each and every learner the curriculum must be framed in a versatile manner so that it fits everyone well.

  170. Help the pupils who are need in the scholastic activities.

  171. All children have different abilities.

  172. Will try to encourage the abilities of every child. Will create an atmosphere of positive thinking

  173. All children have different personalities

  174. Every child is unique in their own way and as a teacher we need to identify it and encourage them in to persuade in rhe field in which they are good in.

  175. One mode of Assessment does not justify all. Children Should be given activities on the basis of their interest or potentialities and should not be forced to do same activity by all

    Unknown1 August 2021 at 21:22

  176. Every class is a mixed children. We should remember that no two children are of the same caliber and may be different thinking approach.

  177. Creating a learning environment which allows pupil to express/ nurture their unicity.

  178. Teacher has to find out abilities of each students and create the learning environment.

  179. We can learn from animal activity that inclusive education is very important to children . We should not discriminate . All subjects should be included in curriculum . Students should be given opportunity to study the subject what they are good at . Should not burden them with the subjects which they cannot or find it difficult

  180. Here I learnt that every child is different. There are individual differences and no child must be compared with each other. They have their own abilities and we must help them come forth and appreciate them. Inclusive education helps to bring out the best in them by making them realise that every child is different and so are the abilities but ni matter what they'll always shine out if they give a try. We as a teacher should not be judgemental as well.

  181. We must understand that every single students are unique. They have their own learning interest and strategy. We as a teacher must understand this and should not force them to imply their caliber equally in learning everything. We must understand Horses are good for running and not for carrying luggage's. One should try to know the learning interest of the learner.

  182. Keeping in mind individual differences, the teacher should help them to develop their skills.

  183. Every learners have their own learning interest and strategy. We as a teacher must understand their level of learning and subject in which they are interested.

  184. Every child is unique. We have to understand the child. Every one has different level of understanding and speed of learning. Everyone is interested in different subjects. We have to keep on mind left brain and right brain theory.

  185. Get to Know Your Students.
    Maintain Consistent Communication.
    Acknowledge and Respect Every Student.
    Practice Cultural Sensitivity.
    Incorporate Diversity in the Lesson Plan.
    Give Students Freedom and Flexibility..

  186. We should treat all the students in the same manner irrespective of their differences. We should create happy environment in the classroom for all the students.

  187. All children do not grasp the subject matter when it is taught the same way. Some learn with hands on approach while others are more inclined towards visually learning the subject matter.

  188. There should be equality as well as equity when it comes to educating the nation.

  189. Not all fingers on our hands are of same length yet each finger has their own function thus we cannot undermine the importance of any of our fingers likewise each child is endowed with unique capabilities and talents therefore we as teachers should identify their unique traits and nurture them and should at all cost refrain from making comparisons as it would only demean them. Example we cannot judge a doctor by its ability to sing if we do then we would have to see singers for diagnosis well in such case not even god would be able to help us.

  190. Every children is special with their potentiality. One should not to be forced to go beyond their capability. And should provide lots or opportunity to them though it will take time but waiting will give fruitfully in life.

  191. We should keep in mind the requirements, aptitude and potentiality of a student for having a need based,for unfolding the full potential of a child.

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