Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
Art is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. In collective situation like classrooms it create wonders and enhance the tender minds skills superbly
Sometimes, arts can clarify science concepts with ease. Thus, the abstract concepts within the subjects can be concretised using different art forms. Learning in this way helps to increase knowledge and understanding of the subject area, and also fosters a greater appreciation of arts
We were given group of students and everyday we would call them and enquire about their work completion given by subject teachers and same is shared in Wattsapp group. Work sheets are given to students with different activities. Online quiz, live discussion, online cultural activities were conducted.
Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
arts should be integrated with all subjects and used as an approach for teaching and learning of different concepts. This will help children freely express their ideas and emotions. They will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration and spontaneous expression.
Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life.
undoubtedly art integrated learning will make study joyful and students will understand the role of each subject in their everyday life.they will know to co-relate each and every subject
It has been observed that many Students suffer from maths phobia.If we link maths with art ,they will forget that they are doing maths , rather they will be engrossed in the art work thereby passively they will learn mathematics also
Arts can clarify science concepts with ease. Thus, the abstract concepts within the subjects can be concretised using different art forms. Learning in this way helps to increase knowledge and understanding of the subject area, and also fosters a greater appreciation of arts.. Children will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration and spontaneous expression as they will be using both visual and performing arts.
Art integrated learning simplifies teaching learning process making it joyful and create more interest and pupil are able to apply knowledge in day to day life
Art integrated teaching makes the learning joyful and helps the learner in understand the concepts clearly as he involves in the artistic expression with curiosity and interest. It leads to the holistic development of the child.
Art integrated learning promotes easy ,joyful and long lasting learning as it involves visual as well as performing arts. Life skills are developed as a part and parcel of the subjects (concepts).
It will make classroom teaching more interesting and joyful. In language it will make them experiment with different form of literature and learn nuances of language.
It can improve students' coding and code readability in programming. Make better programming comments. Understand complex problems through art integration.
The e abstract concepts within the subjects can be concretised using different art forms. Arts can clarify science concepts with ease. Languages can also be easily taught using role play, drama, dialogue etc.
Activities are very important for students .The concept learned by the student, that student should implement in the activity. That is practicals in higher studies
Art wakes up heart to grasp well. Subjects taught integrating AIL will be understood well by the learners. It reduces stress in learning. Students enjoy themselves.
Anne Jyothsna Rani B B S, TGT Maths, TMREIS Asif Nagar Girls 1 school, Hyderabad
Art integrated learning is a boon in teaching Mathematics as both Maths and Art are intertwined. It can explain students the usage of mathematics in real life and visualize the same through art to have permanent print in their memory. Also visualization helps a lot to concentrate, like and grasp the subject well. Maths and Art are interdependent and can be used to the maximum with correlation.
They can learn concepts by making projects. Art integrated learning makes our content interesting and easy Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
The usage of Art Integrated Learning in English Language Learning simplifies in very joyful way. The students can learn the any concept like any scene of a play by simply enacting, creating puppets or demonstration via will be joyful learning..
Arts should be integrated with all subjects and used as an approach for teaching and learning of different concepts. This will help children freely express their ideas and emotions. They will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration.
Art integrated learning simplifies thw learning of all subjects. It increases power of imagination. Art is a power tool to express. If combined with language we can create wonders
Art integration in academic subjects makes learning more insightful and interesting. We can integrate art in the learning of many subjects like mathematics, Social Science, Science and even Hindi. Let us take an example of art integration in our daily life and try to connect it with something very close to our heart ie our house. So if we apply maths here then we can sketch our dream house with the help of 3d shapes and can also find their surface area and volume to find out the cost of paint and all. Then in the case of geography also we see that different shapes of house are found in different climatic areas. Hence art integration is very important for making teaching more simplified.
Art integrated learning simplifies the learning of all subjects. It increases power of imagination. Art is a power tool to express. If combined with language we can create wonders
Since I teach language, drama, role play, dialogue are a part of learning the language. Through songs and other such cultural techniques, it will only help improve the quality of my teaching.
Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process and makes learning joyful and holistic. It creases the power of imagination also. At the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life.
Iam a Mathematics teacher, Using different shapes ican make a child to draw a home, a man , anything according to their wishes and get to know their talents.
Mathematics is often associated with fear, boredom and lack of interest. Adding art to math class makes math more fun, leading to increased interest and causing learners to naturally perform better.
AIL brings joy fullness among the learners and the teaching learning process may go smoothly and happily..maths is considered as the difficult subject through which we can made the learners to understand the concepts easily and hence the learners learn naturally..
SUBJECT : SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE TOPIC/CONCEPT : UNDERSTANDING MARGINALISATION CLASS : VIII LEARNING OUTCOMES: The learner— • empathises with the stereotype images regarding marginalised sections of society • reacts to situations of any discriminatory activity. • expresses divergent views on various issues that arises due to diversity. • takes interest in exploring surroundings. • appreciates team work. ART ACTIVITY/ASSESSMENT TOOLS: Observation schedule, self-assessment, peer group assessment, brainstorming sessions.
WORKSHEET FOR CHECKING THE PROGRESS: Through portfolio activity based on worksheets separately for marginalised sections Gender based Caste based Economic status based Region based LINKING ART EXPERIENCE WITH THE SUBJECT : Through debating sessions on various marginalised groups Based on responses in the worksheets each participant to present his/her own view Exchange of worksheets among participants and then trying them make understand the other person’s point of view.
Art integrated learning is active, interesting and simplifies concepts and more it gives enjoyment.mind spreads ones emotions on the paper or in performance.its very useeful in all subjects.
In a subject like English Art Integrated Approach is very effective in communicating through other means like mime, drawing, singing, etc. Role-play helps the students understand a story, character or an incident in a better way. It also boosts up their confidence and understanding in a meaningful manner. Songs and music make the learning joyful and life-long. It leads to experiential learning.
Arts should be integrated with all subjects and used as an approach for teaching and learning of different concepts. This will help children freely express their ideas and emotions. They will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration and spontaneous expression
Art Integrated Learning is the most conducive method to make topics interesting and enjoyable for the learners.It not only enhances the interest of the learners but also increases the chances of concept clarity, students enjoy in blissful environment
Art integrated learning is very effective medium for holistic development of students.children conceptized easily they will enjoy learning new concepts
Art Integrated Learning is the most conducive method to make topics interesting and enjoyable for the learners.This will help children freely express their ideas and emotions. They will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration and spontaneous expression
Art integrated learning is a form of expression of one's own thoughts about the topic and it simplifies the teaching learning process. It has the flexibility to accommodate as many activities as possible to bring out best in the students and also the student will be interested and learn joyfully
Art integrated learning is beneficial to the students as they frame some sentences on their own . Writing poems , enacting a role play makes them more fluent , confident.
Art Integrated Learning Approach is very effective in teaching of English language. Visual and performing art forms like mime, drawing, singing, dancing, role play etc. can be integrated effectively to teach various topics in an interesting manner to help students understand in a better way. It also boosts their confidence and leads to holistic development. AIL makes the learning joyful and life-long besides it also leads to experiential learning.
Art integrated learning simplify teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic, at the same time the concepts can be understood easily as it is applied and related to day today life
As a teacher of English, AIL(Art integrated Learning ) is very much useful to my class. There is a unit title "Painted house, friendly chicken and me" in A.P.English for 7th students.For this an activity done by students,they built dream house with materials like water bottle,,soil,chart paper,cardboard etc and expressed two lines about that in class room.It improves their speaking skill,creative thinking,joyful learning. So I think it is very useful.
Through art integrated learning we can not only assess our students but also their creativity, imagination, skill, self confidence, presentation skills etc.The learning will be joyful than being a burden.
Art integrated learning is a teaching learning model which helps children understand the concept in a better way students enjoy in a learning life skills are developed
It is one of the best approach to reach the students effectively it's a multidisciplinary approach as a teacher we can implement this approach to teach the students effectively and student can learn easily and completely with their own speed
Ail is really helpful to make science concepts easy to understand.It makes the teaching and learning lively.Students enjoy the learning.Helps to develop three domains cognitive psychomotor and affective
An art integrated teaching simplifies the content. it helps the learner understand the concept and visualise it. It provides ample opportunities to a learner for creativity and thought. It helps to develop cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of a learner.
Art integrated learning is a teaching learning model, which helps children in understanding, makes teaching and learning lively.It benefits students learning ,improves knowledge and understanding subject areas.
Art integrated learning enables student to understand , visualise and promotes joyful learning. In mathematics In a graph India map can be drawn. By plotting points in each state, we can integrate maths and social sciences through art
Learning of any subject can be made adorable and attractive by creating a well planned art integrated module. A structure of heart can be taught in various methods using art like, role play, craft work, drawing and painting, models using biodegradable waste.
Art integrated learning simplifies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day today life. Art is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas.
Art integrated learning enables student to understand , visualise and promotes joyful learning. In mathematics In a graph India map can be drawn. By plotting points in each state, we can integrate maths and social sciences through art is best
Art integrated learning is very important thing to improve our teaching skills. It is also needed to make things easy to comprehend the complicated things.
Art integrated learning enable to produce quality oriented teaching learning process that helps learner to understand concept pin pointedly, accurately and comprehensively
Art Integrated Learning will improve in understanding of the concepts. Integrating with these different form of visual or performing arts, it will engage students to bring out their best in critical thinking and creativity along with other skills. Once hands on experience is a life long learning experience. Learning will not end with exams.
Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood and concretized as it is applied and related to day to day life and students are involved in the activities. Example: teaching permutations and combinations
It increases knowledge, understanding, application skills. It increases appreciation and expression. It creates awareness of one's own skills and that of others. It also increases exploration of your creativity. It simplifies the concept. It helps in holistic development of the student.
Art integrated learning simpliflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
I teach English subject and so I incorporate art in my subject through drama,craft out short stories, poem writing along with sketching. This helps the students to freely express their ideas and emotions.
AIL helps to simplyfy concepts and makes learnin joyful. It helps learning in a collaborative mode with group work and develops team sprit. It helps to develop creativity and skills of creative thinking.
ART Integrated Learning is one sure-fire method a teacher needs to employ for this way he can ensure holistic learning. For the students it is an amazingly joyful way of learning as even the most difficult concepts become pretty easy to imbibe and what's more learning becomes one engrossing exercise. So it is the need of the hour !
Arts should be integrated with all subjects and used as an approach for teaching and learning of different concepts. This will help children freely express their ideas .
Art integrated learning makes teaching learning interesting and easy.It helps children to learn the concept in better way and can express their ideas easily.
Learning of maths subject can be made adorable and attractive by creating a well planned art integrated activities. A of two and three dimensional objects can be taught in various methods using art like, role play, craft work, drawing and painting, models using paintings and pictures.
Art integrated learning incorporates all' the subjects.If we see it in detail we will enjoy in learning.when students involved,they would also learn the subject easily. Students adopted art integrated learning contextual lly
Being a Science Teacher, i have observed that students have to draw various diagrams and figures. These are very much required to learn the practicals and concept cannot be cleared withou these Diagrams and Figures. So, Art Integration learning is very important in the field of Science.
AIL is a very interesting and interactive way to connect different concepts and subjects. It makes learning more lively and everlasting. Keeps the children engaged.
Right from nursery classes we observe children's fascination towards colours and objects. They enjoy drawing these objects and colouring them. As a language teacher I have observed that the students in the lower classes prefer to draw and paint the scenes depicted in the poetry. It helps me to know what they have understood about the poem/lesson. Likewise the students in the higher classes prefer performing arts. Their inclination is towards performing plays, role play, delivering dialogues with proper intonation, puppetry etc. So definitely Art Integrated learning is very useful in teaching languages. It helps the students to develop team spirit and confidence.
Art is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. In collective situation like classrooms it create wonders and enhance the tender minds skills superbly. Art integrated learning makes teaching learning interesting and easy.It helps children to learn the concept in better way and can express their ideas easily.
AIL provides a holistic learning approach to the learners. It takes away the boredom associated with stereotypical mundane way of imparting knowledge. Thus making the entire process of Teaching- learning activity a joyful one.
Students benefit a lot through AIL in Mathematics. I guided them to make Comics, Magazines, Models , Puppets, learning through paintings, through construction of models like the Arvind Gupta Toys etc which makes learning very interesting.
AIL help students understand the inter relatedness of everything they learn and promote creativity and collaboration .The art play important role in the development of scientific attitude, imagination, creativity and more
Music,painting,drama,dance,puppetry etc add sweet flavour to learning. Learning becomes permanent and enjoyable. Teachers must identify the scope of the integration of Art in their day to day teaching. This will happen if they plan their day to day delivery of lessons meticulously.
AIL engage the learners mind,heart and body.That is why it is considered a holistic or complete learning.AIL combining arts with the teaching learning process of different curricular areas.
As I'm a teacher of English art integration helps the children to come out with their imaginative ideas by creating their own stories, poems and their own articles it helps for the children to imagine, create their own imaginary ideas .
Art Integrated Learning integrates the concepts with actual situations .The learner is able to think creatively and expresses himself in a better way .
Learning become intresting ,joyful and enhances the confidence.It happens to be learnt by doing and remembered for lifetime Art is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. In collective situation like classrooms it create wonders and enhance the tender minds skills superbly
Art is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. As I'm a teacher of English art integration helps the children to come out with their imaginative ideas by creating their own stories, poems and their own articles it helps for the children to imagine, create their own imaginary ideas .
In a subject like English Art Integrated Approach is very effective in communicating through other means like mime, drawing, singing, etc. Role-play helps the students understand a story, character or an incident in a better way. It also boosts up their confidence and understanding in a meaningful manner
It makes the teaching and learning lively and enjoyable . The students will be able to express themselves, with their ideas and creativity every easily
Art integrated learning experience can make the learning process of students in joyful and enjoyable way. The artistic way of leaning and studying any concept will help them to understand the concept easily and effectively.
AIL is immensely useful in learning the subject I teach, which is English. Students can be asked to enact stories and plays in the classroom or perform in a school function/assembly. This will bring about experiential learning and students will also enjoy the activity. Poster making can also aid in learning which will make their learning process more enjoyable and less cumbersome and monotonous.
Planning Science lessons with the help of Art Integrated Learning will be beneficial for the students in terms of concept imbibing and clearance as it AIL Ainvokves three domains I.e psychomotor, Cognitive and Affectives making teaching-learning a joyful and fruitful experience.
Art integrated learning is joyful teaching learning process making it truthful holistic at the same time,the concept s are understood as it is applied to daylife.this is helps to children understand conception a better way.Teaching learning process is very interesting to achieve what we expect.
Art integrated learning is really helpful to make science 'maths concepts easy to understand . It makes the teaching and learning lively students enjoy the learning.
In 2015 already a project of creating video advertisement was done by my students in the subject of business studies. All students of that batch learnt management principles and concept of marketing through that.
Art Integrated learning is an holistic approach towards teaching and learning process. It's an interdisciplinary approach towards different subjects under one platform makes learning easier convinent and lively.
Art integrated maths teaching will be very effective as children can practically understand the problems situations and comprehend and make an effort to find solutions in their own way especially in learning surface areas and volume of solids.
Art Integrated learning increase interest in learning.It connect the subject with art which make the study also develop the interest in visual and performing arts.
Art integrated learning simplifies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life.
Art integrated classrooms can provide learning experiences that engage the learner’s mind, heart and body. Here arts enable children to use multiple skills and abilities
Art Integrated Learning AIL had been quite helpful in teaching learning process of science. Role plays, dramas, story telling, dance forms, drawing etc. may help in arising curiosity. Curiosity helps in attention. Attention may help in acquiring new concepts. New concepts get linked to old concepts also in nice manner.
AIL can make learning holistic joyful and interesting. Inculcating the subject through art makes the process of teaching- learning interesting for a child.
Ail will definitely help our students to comprehend difficult concepts easily and it makes learning very joyful which increases the interest of pupil in all subjects. It also makes students to think of new ways to to understand and analyse their concepts of studies.
Integrated learning makes classroom teaching more interesting and joyful. It ensures that students think in new ways and to understand and analyze concepts of subjects.
Art integrated learning really simplify the teaching learning process. It makes the learning very joyful and easy to understand the concept of mathematical content.
Art is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. In collective situation like classrooms it create wonders and enhance the tender minds skills superbly
Art integration in academic subjects makes learning more insightful and interesting. We can integrate art in the learning of many subjects like mathematics, Social Science, Science and even Hindi. Let us take an example of art integration in our daily life and try to connect it with something very close to our heart ie our house. So if we apply maths here then we can sketch our dream house with the help of 3d shapes and can also find their surface area and volume to find out the cost of paint and all. Then in the case of geography also we see that different shapes of house are found in different climatic areas. Hence art integration is very important for making teaching more simplified. It increases knowledge, understanding, application skills. It increases appreciation and expression. It creates awareness of one's own skills and that of others. It also increases exploration of your creativity. It simplifies the concept. It helps in holistic development of the student.
When art is integrated in learning process it creates interest in the child to actively participate and learn easily because it creates opportunity to explore
- craft work like embroidery helps in giving the concepts of shapes, colours, etc - sketching develops creative thinking - clay modelling helps in developing multi-learning skills
Art integrated learning experience can benefit my students in learning my subject English because I can use it to teach drama, one act plays and even poems. It helps in comprehension and also makes learning joyful and meaningful.
Art integrated learning simpliflies teaching learning process making it joyful, more insightful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life. Art integrated learning will make teaching learning process experiential. It will create a lively and inclusive class. Being a Science Teacher, I have observed that students have to draw various diagrams and figures. These are very much required to learn the practical and concept cannot be cleared without these Diagrams and Figures. So, Art Integration learning is very important in the subject of Science It increases knowledge, understanding, application skills. It increases appreciation and expression. It creates awareness of one's own skills and that of others. It also increases exploration of your creativity. It simplifies the concept.
Mathematics becomes very interesting if we relate the topic as Art integrated learning .Learning through ART it is a process where art becomes medium of teaching learning ,a key to understanding concept within any subject of the curriculum specially mathematics .
AIL simplifies teaching learning process .It clears the concept of the children. It relates the student from the real word situation. It makes the learning joyful and interesting.
Art Integrated Learning helps to participate& enjoy doing art activities.visual and performing art in language teaching will be effective and simplifies teaching learning process & promotes clear concepts.
Visualisation and learning by doing is a best way to make the concept clear, AIL provides lot of opportunities to do this and helps students in learning
हिंदी में भी Art Integrated learning experience भली भांति किया जा सकता है | कविता पाठ, नाटक, साक्षात्कार , संवाद लेखन एवं वाचन में प्रयोग किया जाता है | समेकित रूप से सम्पूर्ण शिक्षण में इसका अनुप्रयोग किया जा सकता है |
Integration of Art in Biology makes it easy to understand and express difficult terms . Students get opportunities to work in pairs or teams and depict the subjcet artistically. They use creative thinking and improvise materials to present their thoughts .hence unique and diverse expressions are seen in their work which makes it interesting and unpredictable.
Sandhya,CRT,TSWRS,Mancherial Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
Art integrated learning in our subject helps to simplify the subject and helps the pupils to understand the subject in an easiest way and also makes the teaching learning process easier.
Think of the word HAPPY. Share what comes to your mind immediately. How will you feel if someone shares something about being HAPPY, which is very different from what you shared? What could be the reasons for this difference? Share your reflections.
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ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
DeleteArt is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. In collective situation like classrooms it create wonders and enhance the tender minds skills superbly
DeleteAil is really helpful to make science concepts easy to understand.It makes the teaching and learning lively.Students enjoy the learning.
DeleteAIL makes the learning very interesting
DeleteSometimes, arts can clarify science concepts with ease. Thus, the abstract concepts within the subjects can be concretised using different art forms. Learning in this way helps to increase knowledge and understanding of the subject area, and also fosters a greater appreciation of arts
ReplyDeleteart integrated learning experience can benefit students in learning your subjects
ReplyDeleteWill be great help in teaching content at school
ReplyDeleteWe were given group of students and everyday we would call them and enquire about their work completion given by subject teachers and same is shared in Wattsapp group. Work sheets are given to students with different activities. Online quiz, live discussion, online cultural activities were conducted.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
ReplyDeleteWill be of great help in teaching students teaching and learning will be intresting joyful
ReplyDeleteToday's child is more attuned to audio-visuals. Art integrated learning process making it easy to grasp and make it a holistic and joyful learning.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning help , audio video learning technique play important role during lockdown .
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning makes our content interesting and easy
ReplyDeletearts should be integrated with all subjects and used as an approach for teaching and learning of different concepts. This will help children freely express their ideas and emotions. They will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration and spontaneous expression.
ReplyDeleteArt is one of the most important tool used to give better explanation in a meaningful and effective way in almost all the subjects.
ReplyDeleteAIL promote enhanced , clear concepts of our subject
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning when linked two subject it create interest in students. it helps students to learn the concept in a better way.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life.
undoubtedly art integrated learning will make study joyful and students will understand the role of each subject in their everyday life.they will know to co-relate each and every subject
ReplyDeleteNo doubt art integrated learning is an important tool in making study joyful,it can be used in multidisciplinary project and in everyday teaching
ReplyDeleteIt has been observed that many Students suffer from maths phobia.If we link maths with art ,they will forget that they are doing maths , rather they will be engrossed in the art work thereby passively they will learn mathematics also
ReplyDeleteArts can clarify science concepts with ease. Thus, the abstract concepts within the subjects can be concretised using different art forms. Learning in this way helps to increase knowledge and understanding of the subject area, and also fosters a greater appreciation of arts..
ReplyDeleteChildren will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration and spontaneous expression as they will be using both visual and performing arts.
Art integrated learning simplifies teaching learning process making it joyful and create more interest and pupil are able to apply knowledge in day to day life
ReplyDeleteArt integrated teaching makes the learning joyful and helps the learner in understand the concepts clearly as he involves in the artistic expression with curiosity and interest. It leads to the holistic development of the child.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning promotes easy ,joyful and long lasting learning as it involves visual as well as performing arts. Life skills are developed as a part and parcel of the subjects (concepts).
ReplyDeleteAIL will make learning joyful
ReplyDeleteIt will make classroom teaching more interesting and joyful. In language it will make them experiment with different form of literature and learn nuances of language.
ReplyDeleteIt can improve students' coding and code readability in programming. Make better programming comments. Understand complex problems through art integration.
ReplyDeleteThey can learn concepts by making projects
ReplyDeleteAIL is enjoyable and learning makes easy
ReplyDeleteThe e abstract concepts within the subjects can be concretised using different art forms. Arts can clarify science concepts with ease. Languages can also be easily taught using role play, drama, dialogue etc.
ReplyDeleteActivities are very important for students .The concept learned by the student, that student should implement in the activity. That is practicals in higher studies
ReplyDeleteArt wakes up heart to grasp well. Subjects taught integrating AIL will be understood well by the learners. It reduces stress in learning. Students enjoy themselves.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnne Jyothsna Rani B B S, TGT Maths, TMREIS Asif Nagar Girls 1 school, Hyderabad
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is a boon in teaching Mathematics as both Maths and Art are intertwined. It can explain students the usage of mathematics in real life and visualize the same through art to have permanent print in their memory. Also visualization helps a lot to concentrate, like and grasp the subject well. Maths and Art are interdependent and can be used to the maximum with correlation.
They can learn concepts by making projects. Art integrated learning makes our content interesting and easy Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
ReplyDeleteARL helps to make learning joyful, highly informative and interesting
ReplyDeleteThe usage of Art Integrated Learning in English Language Learning simplifies in very joyful way. The students can learn the any concept like any scene of a play by simply enacting, creating puppets or demonstration via will be joyful learning..
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning really help to develop interest and curiosity among the students.
ReplyDeleteARL makes learning joyful, holistic and enriches multidisciplinary learning
ReplyDeleteAIL really it works beautifil.students participates with happy
ReplyDeleteArts should be integrated with all subjects and used as an approach for teaching and learning of different concepts. This will help children freely express their ideas and emotions. They will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is child centred learning children enjoy learning with using their talent of art
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplifies thw learning of all subjects. It increases power of imagination. Art is a power tool to express. If combined with language we can create wonders
ReplyDeleteArt integration in academic subjects makes learning more insightful and interesting. We can integrate art in the learning of many subjects like mathematics, Social Science, Science and even Hindi.
ReplyDeleteLet us take an example of art integration in our daily life and try to connect it with something very close to our heart ie our house. So if we apply maths here then we can sketch our dream house with the help of 3d shapes and can also find their surface area and volume to find out the cost of paint and all. Then in the case of geography also we see that different shapes of house are found in different climatic areas.
Hence art integration is very important for making teaching more simplified.
Art integrated learning simplifies the learning of all subjects. It increases power of imagination. Art is a power tool to express. If combined with language we can create wonders
ReplyDeleteSince I teach language, drama, role play, dialogue are a part of learning the language. Through songs and other such cultural techniques, it will only help improve the quality of my teaching.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process and makes learning joyful and holistic. It creases the power of imagination also. At the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life.
ReplyDeleteIam a Mathematics teacher,
ReplyDeleteUsing different shapes ican
make a child to draw a home,
a man , anything according to their wishes and get to know their talents.
Mathematics is often associated with fear, boredom and lack of interest. Adding art to math class makes math more fun, leading to increased interest and causing learners to naturally perform better.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning helps in clarifying the concepts in science with joyful experience of art and it helps to learn the concepts with ease
ReplyDeleteAIL brings joy fullness among the learners and the teaching learning process may go smoothly and happily..maths is considered as the difficult subject through which we can made the learners to understand the concepts easily and hence the learners learn naturally..
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning is the most conducive method to make topics interesting and enjoyable for the learners.
ReplyDeleteIn languages they can draw and describe the scenes from the text or lesson.
ReplyDeleteThey can draw mind maps for better understanding.
Art Integrated Learning makes our subject easy and interesting.. ...
ReplyDeleteThrough AIL students can conceptualize abstract theories shapes forms concepts by connecting them to daily observed shapes and things around us.
ReplyDeleteAIL helps students to write creative writing and also Express their views.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning when linked with subject it create intrest in students mind. It helps to students to learn the concept in a better manner.
ReplyDeleteKVS_Art Integrated Learning
The learner—
• empathises with the stereotype images regarding marginalised sections of society
• reacts to situations of any discriminatory activity.
• expresses divergent views on various issues that arises due to diversity.
• takes interest in exploring surroundings.
• appreciates team work.
Observation schedule, self-assessment, peer group assessment, brainstorming sessions.
Through portfolio activity based on worksheets separately for marginalised sections
Gender based
Caste based
Economic status based
Region based
Through debating sessions on various marginalised groups
Based on responses in the worksheets each participant to present his/her own view
Exchange of worksheets among participants and then trying them make understand the other person’s point of view.
AIL Create intrest among student and teacher too
ReplyDeleteStudent learn with this in play way method with lots of intrest and concentration
Art integrated learning is very useful. Students can easily understand the concepts. Learning become joyful.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated teaching makes the topic interesting and easy.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process.
Art integrated learning is active, interesting and simplifies concepts and more it gives enjoyment.mind spreads ones emotions on the paper or in performance.its very useeful in all subjects.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning enriches the students nd makes the teaching learning process joyful nd interesting
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is very useful and its mandatory to make students enjoy the concepts and came to know
ReplyDeleteIn a subject like English Art Integrated Approach is very effective in communicating through other means like mime, drawing, singing, etc. Role-play helps the students understand a story, character or an incident in a better way. It also boosts up their confidence and understanding in a meaningful manner. Songs and music make the learning joyful and life-long. It leads to experiential learning.
ReplyDeleteAIL helps children to overcome fear of learning subjects and it makes their learning as comprehensive,experiential and joyful.
ReplyDeleteArts should be integrated with all subjects and used as an approach for teaching and learning of different concepts. This will help children freely express their ideas and emotions. They will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration and spontaneous expression
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning is the most conducive method to make topics interesting and enjoyable for the learners.It not only enhances the interest of the learners but also increases the chances of concept clarity, students enjoy in blissful environment
ReplyDeletefun is always attract students to learn more
ReplyDeleteAIL make learning more effective. itmake understanding better
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning is very helpful and useful in the classroom teaching process and children shows keen interest
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is very effective medium for holistic development of students.children conceptized easily they
ReplyDeletewill enjoy learning new concepts
Art Integrated Learning is the most conducive method to make topics interesting and enjoyable for the learners.This will help children freely express their ideas and emotions. They will also develop all the senses through keen observation, curious exploration and spontaneous expression
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is a form of expression of one's own thoughts about the topic and it simplifies the teaching learning process. It has the flexibility to accommodate as many activities as possible to bring out best in the students and also the student will be interested and learn joyfully
ReplyDeleteIt actually simplifies learning process so the content becomes very easy to understand.
ReplyDeleteIt makes the learning more real and understanding becomes better. A child lives the experience.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is beneficial to the students as they frame some sentences on their own . Writing poems , enacting a role play makes them more fluent , confident.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning Approach is very effective in teaching of English language. Visual and performing art forms like mime, drawing, singing, dancing, role play etc. can be integrated effectively to teach various topics in an interesting manner to help students understand in a better way. It also boosts their confidence and leads to holistic development. AIL makes the learning joyful and life-long besides it also leads to experiential learning.
ReplyDeleteIt will help students to overcome exam fear and build confidence
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning makes the learning process more enjoyable, more faster and most efficient
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is teaching in a fun way.I will chose role play,short dram to teach English subject
ReplyDeleteUsing Art Integrated Learning, students can learn the concepts in a better and effective manner. The class will be more involving.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplify teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic, at the same time the concepts can be understood easily as it is applied and related to day today life
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher of English, AIL(Art integrated Learning ) is very much useful to my class.
ReplyDeleteThere is a unit title "Painted house, friendly chicken and me" in A.P.English for 7th students.For this an activity done by students,they built dream house with materials like water bottle,,soil,chart paper,cardboard etc and expressed two lines about that in class room.It improves their speaking skill,creative thinking,joyful learning. So I think it is very useful.
AIL is very useful in mathematics to arrange mathematical shapes,arrangements, students feel very happy.
ReplyDeleteThrough art integrated learning we can not only assess our students but also their creativity, imagination, skill, self confidence, presentation skills etc.The learning will be joyful than being a burden.
ReplyDeleteAIL makes the learning experience of my students joyful holistic and experiential......
ReplyDeleteArts have the flexibility to accommodate need of children and this resonates with the experiential learning
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is a teaching learning model which helps children understand the concept in a better way students enjoy in a learning life skills are developed
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplifies the concept &makes language simplify. Experiences joyful language. Develop critical thinking.
ReplyDeleteAIL helps students to understand the concept quickly and also apply them in their daily life effectively.
ReplyDeleteIt is one of the best approach to reach the students effectively it's a multidisciplinary approach as a teacher we can implement this approach to teach the students effectively and student can learn easily and completely with their own speed
ReplyDeleteAil is really helpful to make science concepts easy to understand.It makes the teaching and learning lively.Students enjoy the learning.Helps to develop three domains cognitive psychomotor and affective
ReplyDeleteAIL helps to bring out the creativity in children, helps in inter disciplinary learning and makes it a fun filled activity rather being boring.
ReplyDeleteAn art integrated teaching simplifies the content. it helps the learner understand the concept and visualise it. It provides ample opportunities to a learner for creativity and thought. It helps to develop cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of a learner.
ReplyDeleteAIL helps to make learning joyful
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is a teaching learning model, which helps children in understanding, makes teaching and learning lively.It benefits students learning ,improves knowledge and understanding subject areas.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning enables student to understand , visualise and promotes joyful learning. In mathematics In a graph India map can be drawn. By plotting points in each state, we can integrate maths and social sciences through art
ReplyDeleteLearning of any subject can be made adorable and attractive by creating a well planned art integrated module. A structure of heart can be taught in various methods using art like, role play, craft work, drawing and painting, models using biodegradable waste.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplifies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day today life. Art is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic development.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning enables student to understand , visualise and promotes joyful learning. In mathematics In a graph India map can be drawn. By plotting points in each state, we can integrate maths and social sciences through art is best
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is very important thing to improve our teaching skills. It is also needed to make things easy to comprehend the complicated things.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning enable to produce quality oriented teaching learning process that helps learner to understand concept pin pointedly, accurately and comprehensively
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning will improve in understanding of the concepts. Integrating with these different form of visual or performing arts, it will engage students to bring out their best in critical thinking and creativity along with other skills. Once hands on experience is a life long learning experience. Learning will not end with exams.
ReplyDeleteAIL will improve learning of science because students will be using skills of their interest resulting in indirect understanding of concept
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood and concretized as it is applied and related to day to day life and students are involved in the activities.
ReplyDeleteExample: teaching permutations and combinations
It increases knowledge, understanding, application skills.
ReplyDeleteIt increases appreciation and expression.
It creates awareness of one's own skills and that of others.
It also increases exploration of your creativity. It simplifies the concept.
It helps in holistic development of the student.
Teaching language through AIL is very interesting
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simpliflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
ReplyDeleteI teach English subject and so I incorporate art in my subject through drama,craft out short stories, poem writing along with sketching. This helps the students to freely express their ideas and emotions.
ReplyDeleteAIL helps to simplyfy concepts and makes learnin joyful. It helps learning in a collaborative mode with group work and develops team sprit. It helps to develop creativity and skills of creative thinking.
ReplyDeleteART Integrated Learning is one sure-fire method a teacher needs to employ for this way he can ensure holistic learning. For the students it is an amazingly joyful way of learning as even the most difficult concepts become pretty easy to imbibe and what's more learning becomes one engrossing exercise. So it is the need of the hour !
ReplyDeleteArts should be integrated with all subjects and used as an approach for teaching and learning of different concepts. This will help children freely express their ideas .
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning makes teaching learning interesting and easy.It helps children to learn the concept in better way and can express their ideas easily.
ReplyDeleteLearning of maths subject can be made adorable and attractive by creating a well planned art integrated activities. A of two and three dimensional objects can be taught in various methods using art like, role play, craft work, drawing and painting, models using paintings and pictures.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning incorporates all' the subjects.If we see it in detail we will enjoy in learning.when students involved,they would also learn the subject easily. Students adopted art integrated learning contextual lly
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is an effective teaching n learning process. Students can learn all the concepts with lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteBeing a Science Teacher, i have observed that students have to draw various diagrams and figures. These are very much required to learn the practicals and concept cannot be cleared withou these Diagrams and Figures. So, Art Integration learning is very important in the field of Science.
ReplyDeleteALT is an effective Way of teaching and learning. We can add mimes,role-plays,skits to make learning experience joyful.
ReplyDeleteAIL is a very interesting and interactive way to connect different concepts and subjects. It makes learning more lively and everlasting. Keeps the children engaged.
ReplyDeleteRight from nursery classes we observe children's fascination towards colours and objects. They enjoy drawing these objects and colouring them. As a language teacher I have observed that the students in the lower classes prefer to draw and paint the scenes depicted in the poetry. It helps me to know what they have understood about the poem/lesson. Likewise the students in the higher classes prefer performing arts. Their inclination is towards performing plays, role play, delivering dialogues with proper intonation, puppetry etc. So definitely Art Integrated learning is very useful in teaching languages. It helps the students to develop team spirit and confidence.
ReplyDeleteArt is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. In collective situation like classrooms it create wonders and enhance the tender minds skills superbly. Art integrated learning makes teaching learning interesting and easy.It helps children to learn the concept in better way and can express their ideas easily.
ReplyDeleteAIL provides a holistic learning approach to the learners. It takes away the boredom associated with stereotypical mundane way of imparting knowledge. Thus making the entire process of Teaching- learning activity a joyful one.
ReplyDeleteStudents benefit a lot through AIL in Mathematics. I guided them to make Comics, Magazines, Models , Puppets, learning through paintings, through construction of models like the Arvind Gupta Toys etc which makes learning very interesting.
ReplyDeleteAIL help students understand the inter relatedness of everything they learn and promote creativity and collaboration .The art play important role in the development of scientific attitude, imagination, creativity and more
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning helps us to enrich our teaching and learning becomes more interesting to our learners...
ReplyDeleteMusic,painting,drama,dance,puppetry etc add sweet flavour to learning. Learning becomes permanent and enjoyable. Teachers must identify the scope of the integration of Art in their day to day teaching. This will happen if they plan their day to day delivery of lessons meticulously.
ReplyDeleteArt intergration makes teaching learning interesting, brings out the creativity of students, gives them a platform to present their views in their way
ReplyDeleteBy Art integration, we can teach difficult concepts with ease and students too like and show interest.
ReplyDeleteAIL engage the learners mind,heart and body.That is why it is considered a holistic or complete learning.AIL combining arts with the teaching learning process of different curricular areas.
ReplyDeleteAs I'm a teacher of English art integration helps the children to come out with their imaginative ideas by creating their own stories, poems and their own articles it helps for the children to imagine, create their own imaginary ideas .
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning integrates the concepts with actual situations .The learner is able to think creatively and expresses himself in a better way .
ReplyDeleteLearning become intresting ,joyful and enhances the confidence.It happens to be learnt by doing and remembered for lifetime
ReplyDeleteLearning become intresting ,joyful and enhances the confidence.It happens to be learnt by doing and remembered for lifetime
ReplyDeleteArt is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. In collective situation like classrooms it create wonders and enhance the tender minds skills superbly
G Sampath
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning helps students to learn the subject joyful
Art is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas.
ReplyDeleteAs I'm a teacher of English art integration helps the children to come out with their imaginative ideas by creating their own stories, poems and their own articles it helps for the children to imagine, create their own imaginary ideas .
In a subject like English Art Integrated Approach is very effective in communicating through other means like mime, drawing, singing, etc. Role-play helps the students understand a story, character or an incident in a better way. It also boosts up their confidence and understanding in a meaningful manner
ReplyDeleteAIL makes our content interesting.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt makes the teaching and learning lively and enjoyable . The students will be able to express themselves, with their ideas and creativity every easily
ReplyDeleteit makes the teaching and learning lively and enjoyable. the students will be able to express themselves with their ideas and creativity every easily
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning experience can make the learning process of students in joyful and enjoyable way. The artistic way of leaning and studying any concept will help them to understand the concept easily and effectively.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning will make teaching learning process joyful, holistic and experiential. It will create a lively and inclusive class.
ReplyDeleteAIL is immensely useful in learning the subject I teach, which is English. Students can be asked to enact stories and plays in the classroom or perform in a school function/assembly. This will bring about experiential learning and students will also enjoy the activity. Poster making can also aid in learning which will make their learning process more enjoyable and less cumbersome and monotonous.
ReplyDeleteIn my subject , English ,art integrated learning will help to put the gap of mother tongue and will help the students to learn accurately the content.
ReplyDeletePlanning Science lessons with the help of Art Integrated Learning will be beneficial for the students in terms of concept imbibing and clearance as it AIL Ainvokves three domains I.e psychomotor, Cognitive and Affectives making teaching-learning a joyful and fruitful experience.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is joyful teaching learning process making it truthful holistic at the same time,the concept s are understood as it is applied to daylife.this is helps to children understand conception a better way.Teaching learning process is very interesting to achieve what we expect.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is really helpful to make science 'maths concepts easy to understand . It makes the teaching and learning lively students enjoy the learning.
ReplyDeleteIn 2015 already a project of creating video advertisement was done by my students in the subject of business studies. All students of that batch learnt management principles and concept of marketing through that.
ReplyDeleteNeeds time for planning execution.
ReplyDeleteIt makes the class lively and involves students, feel happy, easy to learn with no pressure
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated learning is an holistic approach towards teaching and learning process. It's an interdisciplinary approach towards different subjects under one platform makes learning easier convinent and lively.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated maths teaching will be very effective as children can practically understand the problems situations and comprehend and make an effort to find solutions in their own way especially in learning surface areas and volume of solids.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated learning increase interest in learning.It connect the subject with art which make the study also develop the interest in visual and performing arts.
ReplyDeleteAIL is very useful learning
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning simplifies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated
ReplyDeleteclassrooms can provide learning experiences that engage the
learner’s mind, heart and body. Here arts enable children to use
multiple skills and abilities
Art Integrated Learning
ReplyDeleteAIL had been quite helpful in teaching learning process of science. Role plays, dramas, story telling, dance forms, drawing etc. may help in arising curiosity. Curiosity helps in attention. Attention may help in acquiring new concepts. New concepts get linked to old concepts also in nice manner.
AIL can make learning holistic joyful and interesting. Inculcating the subject through art makes the process of teaching- learning interesting for a child.
ReplyDeleteAil will definitely help our students to comprehend difficult concepts easily and it makes learning very joyful which increases the interest of pupil in all subjects. It also makes students to think of new ways to to understand and analyse their concepts of studies.
ReplyDeleteIntegrated learning makes classroom teaching more interesting and joyful. It ensures that students think in new ways and to understand and analyze concepts of subjects.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning really simplify the teaching learning process. It makes the learning very joyful and easy to understand the concept of mathematical content.
ReplyDeleteArt is a form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas. In collective situation like classrooms it create wonders and enhance the tender minds skills superbly
DeleteArt integrated learning simplifies teaching and learning process in the form of expression of one's own thoughts and creative ideas.
ReplyDeleteArt integration in academic subjects makes learning more insightful and interesting. We can integrate art in the learning of many subjects like mathematics, Social Science, Science and even Hindi.
ReplyDeleteLet us take an example of art integration in our daily life and try to connect it with something very close to our heart ie our house. So if we apply maths here then we can sketch our dream house with the help of 3d shapes and can also find their surface area and volume to find out the cost of paint and all. Then in the case of geography also we see that different shapes of house are found in different climatic areas.
Hence art integration is very important for making teaching more simplified.
It increases knowledge, understanding, application skills.
It increases appreciation and expression.
It creates awareness of one's own skills and that of others.
It also increases exploration of your creativity. It simplifies the concept.
It helps in holistic development of the student.
Art integrated learning is very useful and make the students very joyful in learning mathematics
ReplyDeleteAll the students must participate and show interest in learning the topics related to subjects
It leads to the students to very active in class
Art Integrated learning helps to create interest and it replaces rote teaching.
ReplyDeleteWhen art is integrated in learning process it creates interest in the child to actively participate and learn easily because it creates opportunity to explore
ReplyDelete- craft work like embroidery helps in giving the concepts of shapes, colours, etc
ReplyDelete- sketching develops creative thinking
- clay modelling helps in developing multi-learning skills
Art integrated learning is helpful in creating joyful environment in classroom and promotes holistic learning.
ReplyDeleteAIL simplifies the teaching learning process and it makes the learning joyful and holistic.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning experience can benefit my students in learning my subject English because I can use it to teach drama, one act plays and even poems. It helps in comprehension and also makes learning joyful and meaningful.
ReplyDeleteIt simplifies teaching learning process joyful and it makes the concept clear .We can corelate it with day to day life situations .
ReplyDeleteIt makes teaching learning process lively and enjoyable and the students will be able to express their views more systematically
ReplyDeleteThis makes learning interesting and attractive. Students will be able to concentrate better
Art integrated learning simpliflies teaching learning process making it joyful, more insightful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning will make teaching learning process experiential.
It will create a lively and inclusive class.
Being a Science Teacher, I have observed that students have to draw various diagrams and figures. These are very much required to learn the practical and concept cannot be cleared without these Diagrams and Figures. So, Art Integration learning is very important in the subject of Science
It increases knowledge, understanding, application skills.
It increases appreciation and expression.
It creates awareness of one's own skills and that of others.
It also increases exploration of your creativity. It simplifies the concept.
Mathematics becomes very interesting if we relate the topic as Art integrated learning .Learning through ART it is a process where art becomes medium of teaching learning ,a key to understanding concept within any subject of the curriculum specially mathematics .
ReplyDeleteAIL simplifies teaching learning process .It clears the concept of the children. It relates the student from the real word situation. It makes the learning joyful and interesting.
ReplyDeleteIt helps students interpret and express themselves freely and thus simplifies learning.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning helps to participate& enjoy doing art activities.visual and performing art in language teaching will be effective and simplifies teaching learning process & promotes clear concepts.
ReplyDeleteVisualisation and learning by doing is a best way to make the concept clear, AIL provides lot of opportunities to do this and helps students in learning
ReplyDeleteI teach Science and it helps to make learning abstract concepts joyfully .
ReplyDeleteहिंदी में भी Art Integrated learning experience भली भांति किया जा सकता है | कविता पाठ, नाटक, साक्षात्कार , संवाद लेखन एवं वाचन में प्रयोग किया जाता है | समेकित रूप से सम्पूर्ण शिक्षण में इसका अनुप्रयोग किया जा सकता है |
ReplyDeleteStudents take interest and learn easily
ReplyDeleteIntegration of Art in Biology makes it easy to understand and express difficult terms . Students get opportunities to work in pairs or teams and depict the subjcet artistically. They use creative thinking and improvise materials to present their thoughts .hence unique and diverse expressions are seen in their work which makes it interesting and unpredictable.
ReplyDeleteSandhya,CRT,TSWRS,Mancherial Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning in our subject helps to simplify the subject and helps the pupils to understand the subject in an easiest way and also makes the teaching learning process easier.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning makes teaching and learning joyful, it makes teaching easy and students understand the concepts well.
ReplyDeleteArt integrated learning is very important
ReplyDeleteIt smoothen the process of teaching learning process
Art can be well integrated with Biology Subject tp explain concepts, diagrams, models, flow charts, graphs, etc.
ReplyDeleteArt Integrated Learning make the teaching more interesting and effective.Being done through activities, it makes the learning easy and concrete.