Course 8: Activity 1 - Share Your Experiences

What are the existing challenges that your secondary school faces with respect to student learning? Share Your Experiences.


  1. secondary school faces with respect to student learning

    1. in this pandemic situations ict is very usefull

    2. student's lack of interest towards studies, improper net connectivity,lack of smart phones,student's increasing interest in mobile games,insufficient data are some problems which we faced during covid-19.

    3. First, networks issue, lack of face to face cotact, having issues for explain ing something.

  2. at present the problem is mainly with regard to connectivity of the learners with the teachers due to lack of face to face contact.

    1. Technology is needed to be used in class room

  3. Covid-19 की वर्तमान परिस्थितियों में जबकि परम्परागत शिक्षण पूरी तरह से बाधित हो गया तो शिक्षक व छात्र सभी को ऑनलाइन शिक्षण की नई विधा की चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। इस समय सबसे बड़ी चुनोती कमजोर नेट कनेक्टिविटी की है,क्योकि हमारे देश में अभी 4G नेटवर्क की पूरी तरह से कामयाब नही है, सब तक शिक्षण हेतु गेजेट्स की उपलब्धता भी एक चुनौती है।

  4. Learning gaps from elementary education.many of the students at the secondary level lag behind on the secondary-level competencies..

  5. Lack of interest and devotion towards study is observed in most of the students. A sudden change in family income due to forced removal of parent from the job during lockdown period.Interrupting internet is also a major factor.

  6. During this pandemic, to connect with the students we had to resort to online class. There is a drastic change in teaching learning process. The online classes are not as effective as offline mode. The feasibility to conduct online class is very much dependable on the access to internet facility. Considering the different economic background of the students, many of the students are not able to afford an updated mobile device to access the online class facilities. There is a digital divide in the current system of teaching learning process.

  7. In this pandemic situation ,we are teaching students through online medium,but the class is not very effective as offline classes.Most of the students are not able to buy Android phone and also couldn't recharge their phone on time for their online classes.

  8. आनलाइन शिक्षण हेतु कुछ चुनौतियां थी। जिसमें नेटवर्क तथा एंड्रॉयड फोन की उपलब्धता रहा।

  9. यूट्यूब चैनल के माध्यम से मैंने स्वयं निर्मित वीडियो अपने छात्रों को प्रेषित किए और उन्हें व्हाट्सएप लिंक के द्वारा सदैव अध्ययन हेतु प्रेरित किया व्हाट्सएप पर कक्षा का एक ग्रुप बनाया गया जिसमें छात्र और छात्राओं को जोड़ा गया यूट्यूब पर मेरे चैनल को
    #prabhatkumarbishnoi29 टाइप करके सर्च किया जा सकता है इस चैनल का नाम है ECONOMICS STUDY POINT जिस पर लगभग 75 वीडियो उपलब्ध है

  10. Poor network connections and unavailability of smartphones with students have been major challenges.

  11. During this pandemic situation it's difficult to motivate them to study.As our students are from agricultural background....most of the time they are engaged in field work.They get less time to concentrate on their scholastic work.

  12. They generally face problems related to network issue, data problem, some of them even complained about their parents would use the mobile phones most of the time with them only

  13. In this pandemic situation reaching to rural children through smart technology is becoming a hurdle both for students as well as teachers

  14. By creating whatsapp groups sharing videos but don't think it is effective but atleast something is better than nothing so no other go right now

  15. It is becoming difficult but health is first priority now we have to follow government instructions .

  16. it is very difficult to contact the children due to their poor internet issues

  17. Keeping in touch with children and having rapport with the children. We faces problem in internet connectivity in rural schools.

  18. गूगल द्वारा यू टयुब से प्राप्त विडिओ से शिक्षण संभव हुआ

  19. I faced internet problems and some students was not having smartphones

  20. Most of the students do not have Android phone

  21. Lack of face to face learning in classroom, Phone problem

  22. All the students may mot have digital equipment..

  23. With the surge of covid 19, teaching could not be carried out as it is to be since there are some students lacking the only possible means of teaching i.e internet facility. However, it is required to do so as the academic session goes on with time. Its hard to see those lacking students.

  24. Covid 19 creates problems to school and non-school activities. But fortunately in rural are where the pandemic wave does not cover, we can manage normalcy into greater extent. But now in the second wave, positive persons have been in our localities. Offline classes were observed only once in a week following SOPs for a particular section of Class beside which assignments were given to students and monitored with a whatsapp group created for a particular section of class. We make them learn how to use Clear-Scanner pdf app and how to give the file name of their assignment in a proper format. Time frames for different activities were properly given, and those who failed to do are requested and compel to do properly. My experience in online contact with students makes sure that those who are active in offline classes are mainly active in online classes where there is little change to a particular students. One experience shows that a person who is not much interest in an offline class is very active in online class. One problem arises in online class envisages that several students do not have mobile phone in their own, they use to do with their parent's , or elder brother and sister's mobile phone. This creates problems to some students. So, data collection about accessible mobile phones and internet signal of their localities are important for the conduct of online class for us who live in rulral area.

  25. lack of teachers and proper furniture and all physical facilities

  26. During this pandemic situation.. it's difficult for every students to attend online classes,due to lack of network.

  27. Starting , students are interested to attend online. but now the interest has reduced drastically , since they have eye irritation and headache, since many are using head phone

  28. We are very tense about students strength in online classes and their repleis
    Very limited students are responding n continue use of mobile n less attendance we are feeling sad

  29. The challenges are many- beating online fatigue, having access to internet, better connectivity, developing self- learning ability, getting familiarized with online activity while being at home, being responsible for learning, clearing students' doubts etc

  30. In class rooms we find gender sensitivity. We should explain them that all are equal. Everybody has right to live and respond.

  31. Because of the advent of the challenging situation of Covid 19 pendamic it has break the system of physical classroom system where direct transaction of curriculum was possible.
    Children upto the elementary school got promoted easily with due advantage of RTE Act 2009 ,their quality doesn't match at Secondary School level where they should be . Numerous. challenge have to face by teacher teachings at Secondary level among them are students lack in reasoning, application, understanding and above literacy and numeracy .

  32. कुछ बातें समझ में नहीं आ रही है

  33. Problems were faced with connectivity issues. Many students had only one phone which was carried by their parents. Many students were not responding properly.

  34. I believe that the most challenging concept of distance learning is that ,even after the opening of schools students and parents are not yet confident enough (due to the pandemic) to return back to offline mode of learning. Which stands as a challenge because some of the students do not have an internet connection yet. It is a challenge for teachers as well as students to have classes online & offline simultaneously.

  35. Lack of interest develop in students during lockdown

  36. Not be able to connect to all students, due to network problem .

  37. Network issue. Students do not respond properly. It is more of one sided teaching.

  38. partially students are not in our guidance,approach.

  39. students faces a lot of challenges during COVID19 in terms of Network issue ,smart phone issue ,power supply issue in their village etc.

  40. Sudden change in family financial condition lead the students to stay away from education to help their parents.

  41. Nishta training of secondary level is very effectively.

  42. Reaching out 100 %students and bringing them to online classes is on of the important challenges the we r facing in rural areas

  43. We organised online classes through Zoom app and Google Meet. First we prepare a powerpoint presentation and then record a lecture of that presentation and send them. After which we organised an online class for interaction with the students based on that lecture video. And give them assignments and organised an online test


  44. poornima nayak3 August 2021 at 02:38
    at present the problem is mainly with regard to connectivity of the learners with the teachers due to lack of face to face contact.


    विजय धस्माना प्रवक्ता भौतिकी

  45. Learning gaps from elementary education. Many of the students at the secondary level lag behind on elementary-level competencies.
    Poor IT infrastructure.
    Absence of life skills training.

  46. During the pandemic we entered our virtual classroom s. We could prepare and show a lot of power points and videos. Classes were fun with music. Whatsapp helped the students to reach out to us for difficulties. Homework could be loaded on Google classroom.

  47. In this pandemic period we use only virtual classroom

  48. Lack of adequate facilities for implementing a healthy teaching learning process. Appropriate skill development on the part of the teachers and educators.

  49. डिजिटल टेक्नोलॉजी के माध्यम से आईसीटी टेक्नोलॉजी के माध्यम से सीखने के ज्यादा बेहतर अवसर और रुचि बंद अवसर प्राप्त होते हैं

  50. ऑनलाइन पढ़ाते हुए नयी - नयी गतिविधियों ने बहुत कुछ सिखा दिया । जिसके कारण पढ़ाने में आनंद आने लगा । हर दिन अच्छे से अच्छा पढ़ाने की खुशी , रुचि में मानो ऐसा प्रतियोगी हों ।

  51. डिजिलेप वीडीओ और व्हट्सप ग्रूप से पढ़ाई जारी रखी गई है। पर पूर्ण सफलता प्राप्त नही हो पाई है

  52. Major difficulty is network issue, lack of internet, students log in but sometimes they don't listen and participate in interactions, sometime they don't unmute we get lot of disturbance Some of them do not have good learning atmosphere at home

  53. Problems faced during this period are, slow internet connectivity, Jack of smartphones or needy devices and technicals, low parents income, etc.

  54. Of course, I have taught my students through online mode.Although some of them were facing Internet problem.ln that cases, I tried to reach them over phone calls. I have shared them audio visuals on the topics and regularly assessed them.

  55. Lack of interest and devotion towards study is observed in most of the students. A sudden change in family income due to forced removal of parent from the job during lockdown period. Interrupting internet is also a major factor.

  56. Lack of connectivity between students and teacher community due to the pandemic situation is the main chalange . There is poor mobile connectivity in the remote areas.

  57. During Pandemic Online classes was new not only for students but for teachers also....when there were issues like non-availability of cell phones and network issues were there at certain rural areas...but accordingly we changed our methods...made WhatsApp group and added 2-3 students to a single number so that every student could be able to learn...made personal calls...helped them by sending online apps of books like e-pathshala..made pictorial lectures, charts,voice messages, formed youtube channel a way did every possible thing to involve them

  58. Students were highly demotivated and shown less interest in the teaching learning process. Many of the students lost the confidence level and disconnected in between from learning environment. They felt isolated and degraded as the online classes were so much boring and monotonous for them.

  59. Not all students can afford smart phone, little knowledge of operating smart phones, bad data network and lack of digital infra

  60. Students of secondary schools don't have problem regarding smart phone, many of them have. The main problems are they used their data in watching videos not related to education. Which pulls them from concentration.

  61. All students can not afford smart phones, little knowledge of operating smart phones, students' increasing interest in mobile games, bad data network are some problems which is faced during covid -19 pandemic.

  62. Students complain about network issues. Along with that some students do not have or cannot afford Android phones because of which they miss classes. There are some students, whose parents have cell phones but they carry it along with them and give the student the cell phone only at might or sometimes after two or three days once they return home from work or from somewhere. And many students do not share their numbers with us, because of which it gets very difficult to establish contact with them. Many change their numbers in between and do not inform the school authorities. These are only some issues, there are many more.

  63. ಐಸಿಟಿ ಮತ್ತು ತರಗತಿಯ ಡಿಜಿಟಲ್ ಬೋಧನೆಯ ನಡುವೆ ವ್ಯತ್ಯಾಸವನ್ನು ಗುರುತಿಸಲು ಈ ಕೋರ್ಸ್ ನಮಗೆ ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡಿದೆ.

  64. network problem speed problem electricity in rural area even no smart classrooms in villages, in my school connectivity is a big issue

  65. Face to face interaction with the children is not possible through smart class rooms ,so proper attention to each child's need is interrupted.

  66. Student's lack of interest in learning, poor internet service, non availability of smart phones are among many other challenges that we are facing during this period

  67. Weak network in our village area is the main problem in remote learning

  68. Due to weak internet's network and lack of interest in some students made them lazy and dull.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. student's lack of interest towards studies, improper net connectivity,lack of smart phones,student's increasing interest in mobile games,insufficient data are some problems which we faced during covid-1

  71. The concern for today is that students are online but not in line regarding the learning...
    Tough time for parents too!

  72. On line learning through groups

  73. During COVID 19 Pandemic conducting online classes were quite challenging for the school as most of the students came from below poverty background, affording an smart phone was not possible for them. A lot of students were almost unreachable. Visiting them was not enough to maintain their progress in the situation.

  74. We all teachers taking classes through digital platform through internet , so some time we hade network issue .

  75. Challenges right now is the financial condition of the parents to offer their children smart phone and internet facility.
    Another most importantly challenge is to safeguard the students from becoming the victims of cyberbullying and cybercrime.

  76. कोविड काल के दौरान मूल रूप से शिक्षको को बच्चो के पास आवश्यक साधनों की अनुपलब्धता (आर्थिक और सामाजिक परिवेश)के कारण अधिगम में कठिनाई का सामना करना पड़ा।

  77. The village area faced some difficulties due to non-supply of electricity all the time.
    Some poor students faced some difficulties due to lack of mobile.

  78. Mostly we face network issue to conduct online classes during lockdown.

  79. Touch main bane rehne se bachhe kuchh seekh paye

  80. Students are coming from rural background the standards are different they are not touch with technology so they are not following any online classes

  81. Covid 19 Pandemic, we transformed our classroom teachings from school based learning to digital or online learning through various modes like WhatsApp, Google Meet, Zoom class, phone calls as well as home schooling. It was an exciting experience for both the teachers and students as we were learning simultaneously.

  82. Engaging in physical activities keeps you strong, healthy and fit. You feel energetic and fresh throughout.

  83. With respect to student learning at secondary level, I find it difficult to encourage them to ask right questions with right perspective.
    They being from rural and different cultures and background, I find difficulty to motivate English speaking among students . As they don't have much exposure for electronic gadgets , their accessibility for enhancing vocabulary is very limited.

  84. From
    TUNI, Mandalam,
    East Godavari district
    Andhra Pradesh state
    Cell : 7989323338
    Really the NISHTHA , programs are very useful to all the High School Teachers ,,, especially it is very helpful how to inculcate good qualities among the children of ages between eleven years to fifteen years of age groups,, Thank you so much for giving good knowledge in the form of MODULES ,, to all the team members,,,

  85. It's very good and useful training for teachers.basing on this training teachers can educate students in very innovative manner

  86. The biggest challenge looming ahead right now is the learning gap created due to online classes and rationalised syllabus. It is not jut the academic lapses that we have to bridge, but also look at the emotional and social lapses that have occurred due to the one and a half year long lockdown of students in their homes without socialising physically with their peers and adults alike. Most students have withdrawn within themselves and have become addicted to digital devices and the virtual world. Getting them to relate and empathise with the real world is going to be a challenge that we have to face as soon as physical schools start functioning.

  87. Absentism, lack of smart phones digital learning

  88. Lack of interest towards the study

  89. Lack of commitment towards learning during this pandamic

  90. Absentism, lack of interest towards learning and more interest towards playing games in mobile, due to adolescence arogency, attitude pay less interest in learning.

  91. आजच्या काळात शिक्षण फारच महत्वाचे आहे परंतु covid19 च्या प्रभावामुळे ग्रामीण भागातील शिक्षण खूपच प्रभावित झाले internet ची सुविधा नसल्याने गरमी विद्यार्थी शिक्षणाच्या प्रवाहपासून दूर गेले पालकतील भीती कमी झाली नाही त्यामुळे पटसंख्येवर परिणाम झाला विद्यार्थी शिक्षणापासून दूर झाले ही सर्वात मोठी अडचण आहे

  92. Lack of smart phones, network connectivity

  93. The main challenge is the lack of communication between the student and teacher community due to the epidemic situation. We are facing the problem of internet connectivity in rural schools.
    They usually face problems related to network issues, data issues, some of them complained that their parents often only use mobile phones with them.

  94. आजच्या काळात शिक्षण फारच महत्वाचे आहे परंतु covid19 च्या प्रभावामुळे ग्रामीण भागातील शिक्षण खूपच प्रभावित झाले internet ची सुविधा नसल्याने गरीब विद्यार्थी शिक्षणाच्या प्रवाहपासून दूर गेले पालकतील भीती कमी झाली नाही त्यामुळे पटसंख्येवर परिणाम झाला विद्यार्थी शिक्षणापासून दूर झाले ही सर्वात मोठी अडचण आहे.

  95. डिजिलेप वीडीओ और व्हट्सप ग्रूप से पढ़ाई जारी रखी गई है। पर पूर्ण सफलता प्राप्त नही हो पाई है

  96. Now in current situation there is lack of connectivity of internet and basically the student in our school is from rural area struggle basic their needs most of the time they fail to come in schoolon timeMost students have withdrawn within themselves and have become addicted to digital devices and the virtual world.

  97. Our school is girls school
    Our first challenge is increased dropout rate
    Most of students from rular areas , they use buses for transportation but from last 2 months due to srike rate of present student decreased

  98. प्रथम आरोग्य सांभाळून शिक्षण घेतले पाहिजे.

  99. Art integrated learning simplflies teaching learning process making it joyful and holistic at the same time the concepts are understood as it is applied and related to day to day life

  100. 1.Difficult to manage students with different learning abilities
    2. 1 teacher for 35 students
    3. During online classes there are connectivity issues, children are least bothered to listen to the teacher. They don't even un mute when questions are asked.
    4. Student's absence in class
    5. Lots of work apart from teaching.


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