Course 04: Activity 4: Share Your Thoughts

Sketch your dream house using the three dimensional shapes like sphere, cone, cuboid, cube etc. and count the number of shapes you have used in the sketch. Appreciate the architectural beauty of the created sketch by using any medium of expression of your choice. You may express your thoughts in the form of a limerick (5 line humorous poem with lines 1, 2 and 5 rhyming to each other) or in the form of expressive passages. Share your limerick..


  1. The 12 generic courses benefits teachers to attain student's holistic development

  2. When I grew up to be an adult, I had a dream of my own house. Though I built a house for my family, I couldn't achieve what was in my dream. When I did this activity, I designed my house which fulfilled my dream about my house. In future, I hope I will build another house of my dream design.

  3. So if you're in need to build a HOUSE,
    And love to collect things like your SPOUSE,
    Just remember not to use a SCALE,
    And don't fear that you'll FAIL,
    It will be a crazy designed home, no doubt!

  4. My dream house will be such
    that won't be materialistic very much
    there will be cubes and squares
    that give us joy everywhere
    My dream house will be such

  5. My dream house will be a place to welcome all good souls. Its entrance will be cone shaped with cuboid meeting room.


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